Abandoned dog chases after doggy daycare’s “pup bus,” begging for a ride — it leads to a happy ending


A lost Labrador saw a bus full of other dogs going by and knew he had found a home. He ran after the bus. It had a very happy finish in the end.

In Franklin County, Georgia, Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming has a “Pup Bus” that they use to pick up and drop off their customers’ dogs. It’s so cute, it looks like all the happy dogs are on their way to school.

A yellow lab that had been left behind saw the bus last month, though. He was walking around by himself when he saw the bus full of happy dogs and really wanted to join in the fun.

He ran after the bus, but for the safety of the other dogs on board, he couldn’t get on. “I didn’t know if he had all of his shots.” Tyson Cash, who runs Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming, told the Washington Post, “I didn’t know if he was on flea and tick medicine.” “I didn’t want to put all the other dogs in danger.”

“He worked hard to get on the bus.” He did everything possible to get along with the other dogs.

Still, it broke his heart to see the poor dog running after his bus. The company put up a picture of the dog on their Facebook page to try to find out more about him and help him get home.

When a Labrador got lost and saw a bus full of other dogs, he knew he had found a home. He sprinted to catch the bus. In the end, everything turned out well.

Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming has a “Pup Bus” that they use to pick up and drop off their customers’ dogs in Franklin County, Georgia. It’s so cute! It looks like all the happy dogs are going to school.

dog with a bus

Last month, though, a yellow lab that had been left behind saw the bus. He was out walking by himself when he saw the bus full of happy dogs. He wanted to join in the fun right away.

He ran after the bus, but he couldn’t get on because the other dogs would be in danger. “I didn’t know if he had all of his shots.” The owner of Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming, Tyson Cash, told the Washington Post, “I didn’t know if he was on flea and tick medicine.” “I didn’t want to put all the other dogs in danger.”

“He worked hard to get on the bus.” He did everything he could to get along with them.

Still, seeing the poor dog running after his bus broke his heart. The business posted a picture of the dog on Facebook to try to learn more about him and help him get home.

Waylon finally got to ride the pup bus now that he has a new home. Please tell other people about this sweet story!

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