Don’t Miss Out on the Embodiment of Real Power

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    Landry lost weight through strict calorie counting and obsessive workouts. She noted, "For me, it leads to disordered eating, fatphobic thoughts, and food fear. Something I've worked on reversing for years."

    The turning point came during her divorce when she lost weight due to stress. Landry reflected, "I realized that weight loss didn't make me happy. I needed to find a balance for my natural beauty, a lifestyle I could love, and a body I could celebrate as it changed."

  2. 8 And women all over the Internet are applauding her honesty

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  4. 10 She also shares her thoughts on parenting

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    Online communities played a crucial role in Landry's journey. She realized that true beauty is about who you are, not just appearances.

    She stopped judging her body and began to embrace it fully, even the parts with cellulite and stretch marks. This change has boosted her confidence and allowed her to focus on making memories with her children, rather than worrying about her weight.

  6. 12 As well as pics from her everyday life

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