Don’t Miss Out on the Embodiment of Real Power


Do people expect women to be beautiful, nurturing mothers who stay youthful and energetic . But does chasing these ideals truly fulfill life?

Irais Cadena from Chihuahua, Mexico, recently took to Facebook to express her thoughts on this. She believes that women can be strong and beautiful without conforming to society’s ‘perfect’ mold,. Her post quickly went viral, amassing over 170K reactions and 659K shares.”

  1. 1 Recently, a Facebook post went viral for its celebration of strong women who celebrate their bodies

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  3. 3 "Inspired by the perfect example: Sarah Nicole Landry, a mother of three."

    Landry, 35, from Ontario, Canada, has made it her mission to help others accept themselves. Her journey to self-love wasn't easy; she battled body image issues since she was around 11 or 12. She started dieting at 14, and it continued into adulthood.

    She once believed that losing weight would bring body acceptance, but after shedding around 100 pounds, she realized her body image issues persisted. Over the past 5-6 years, she's worked on her self-worth, eating habits, and confidence, sharing her journey online.

  4. 4 Sarah openly shares her self-love journey.

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