Tyler Hynes Gets “Notes” from Family on Hallmark Set Visit

Tyler Hynes Gets "Notes" from Family on Hallmark Set Visit

Tyler Hynes’ surprising family encounters on the set of Hallmark’s “Shifting Gears,” from his nieces’ candid critiques to his mother’s humorous suggestions.

Surprising Family Feedback

Tyler Hynes’ nieces and mother offer unexpected critiques on his performance and the set of Hallmark’s “Shifting Gears.”

Nieces’ “Notes” and Auditions

Nieces' "Notes" and Auditions

Hynes’ nieces share humorous yet insightful feedback, including their interest in trying out acting themselves.

Family Presence on Set

Family Presence on Set

Hynes reflects on having his family visit the set, including his mother’s input and his nieces’ cameo roles.

Embracing Female Presence

The actor discusses the positive impact of having more women involved in the production, highlighting the influence of the Make Her Mark program.

Dynamic On-Set Experience

Hynes praises the collaboration with his co-star Katherine Barrell, the ensemble cast, and the overall atmosphere during filming.

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