Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden welcome baby boy with adorable name

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden welcome baby boy with adorable name daily jugarr

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden just had their second baby! They announced the news on Instagram, saying their new little guy is super cute. They named him Cardinal Madden. They’re not sharing any pics for safety reasons, but they’re really happy and grateful. Sending lots of love from their fam to yours. Best wishes and have a good afternoon!

The post had a cute drawing that said, “A little bird told me.” Cameron and Benji also have a daughter named Raddix, born on December 30, 2019. This is their second kid together. They got hitched in January 2015 after first meeting at a party Cameron threw at her place where he tagged along with her pals Nicole Richie and Joel Madden in May 2014. They announced they were getting married in December 2014.

Benji’s brother Josh and Joel Madden left a bunch of heart emojis in the comments under the post. Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy also dropped some sparkly emojis.

Fans of both the actress and musician also left comments under the post, congratulating the couple. One person expressed excitement, saying, “Wow, congrats! Really happy for you and your family .” Another added, “This is awesome news! So happy for you guys.” Then, someone else chimed in, saying, “Congratulations! The announcement picture is adorable.” Many others joined in, sharing their thoughts on the name Cardinal, saying they thought it was pretty cool.

In October 2023, Cameron Diaz and Benji revealed on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that Benji is an amazing dad. She mentioned, “At home, he’s just being a great dad, managing everything, and then when he’s on stage, he’s like, ‘Let’s do this! Pyro! Bam!'” Cameron also mentioned that Benji loves singing and creating songs for their daughter. She said, “He sings to her a lot, and she knows every word.”It’s the cutest thing ever. It melts my heart every time.”

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Raza Chaudary


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