Trump Declares Victory in NY Case: Will Merchan Dismiss Charges?

Trump Declares Victory in NY Case: Will Merchan Dismiss Charges?

Former President Trump says his legal team has already won the case against him in New York. He wants the judge, Juan Merchan, to dismiss the case.

Trump said outside the courtroom, “We have a great case. We’ve won by any standard. Any other judge would have thrown this case out. I think Judge Merchan should do what’s right and dismiss the case.”

Trump’s legal team rested their case shortly after, and the judge sent the jury home until after Memorial Day.

The case is about whether Trump falsified business records to hide a payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump denies having an affair with Daniels and says he didn’t falsify any records.

The prosecution says Trump hid the payment to influence the 2016 election. Trump’s legal team says there’s no evidence he did anything wrong.

The judge will decide later whether to dismiss the case. The prosecution’s key witness, Michael Cohen, admitted he stole money from Trump’s company. Cohen says he’s thinking about running for Congress.

The trial has been going on for 20 days, and tensions are high. The judge had to remind one of Trump’s witnesses to behave in court.

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