The Heart-Stopping Story of a Dog’s Rescue from a Watery Hole

Dog in ditch well
Dog saw man helplessly

Ten minutes ago, I went to the bazaar to buy some snacks at midnight. I was on my way when I heard some type of braking. I’ve heard braking sounds before but this one was strange. I had never heard anything like it before. A sense of curiosity developed in my mind, pushing me to go and see what had happened and where the sound was coming from. So, I followed the sound of the braking. As I walked into the grass, I started to feel scared because it was so dark and the different noises around the grass made the situation even more dangerous.

Source: youtube

But my curiosity couldn’t settle down, so I kept following the sound of the dog. I reached a well and the sound began to slow.I thought, maybe the dog heard my footsteps. It seemed like the sound was coming from the well and I wondered if a puppy had fallen in. When I got closer, I heard the noise coming from deep inside the well. Quickly, I turned on the flashlight on my phone to see what was happening. When I turned on the light inside, I saw a dog there.

I was so surprised,  there was a dog, So many questions came to mind. Why was the dog there? How did it fall into the well? I immediately called the rescue team for help but they were going to take some time to arrive. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and try to save the dog. I called a friend to help me because doing it alone would take too much time.

Source: youtube

After this, I thought about how I could help the dog. So, I asked my friend to bring a rope, and he did. He arrived a few minutes later since his house wasn’t far from the well. I tied the rope around my waist and tried to go down into the well but it was so deep that it was difficult for me to go down. Still, I do my best to assure him that someone came to help him.

The dog looked completely defeated in the well if it had lost all hope of survival and thought no one would come to help. It seemed ready to lose hope and to die with hunger and thirst. But we were determined to prove the dog wrong. 

After many attempts, I managed to grab the dog’s ear because it was very difficult to pull him out of the well. The hole was so tight that it was challenging but in the end, we succeeded in getting the dog out. When the dog was reduced, he seemed very happy and from his eye it looked like he was trying to say thanks. We called the rescue team again so that they could not come to that place. Because we rescued the dog on our own.

Source: youtube

We gave the dog something to eat but we didn’t know how long it had been since he last ate. Time passed quickly and soon it was time to go home. We left for home at midnight, leaving the dog in the place where we rescued him. However, during the night, I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen to him. I also blamed myself for leaving him alone.

I waited all night to go back in the morning and check on the dog to see how he was doing alone. I arrived early in the morning and found him still at the place where I had left him. It was now time to observe him closely to see if he was alright. He looked thin and his fur was less due to lack of nutrition.

Source: youtube

We followed him, he sat under the bushes to protect himself from the sun’s heat. We gave him something to eat and in response, he smiled at us. We tried to make him feel more comfortable, so we took him home. We decided to take him home, hoping to give him the comfort and warmth he deserved.

My pet was friendly and tried to make him comfortable but he kept his distance from us. He seemed uncomfortable getting close to strangers. When we gave him food, we stayed back, making sure he could eat comfortably.

Source: youtube

He took a long time to get free with us and we also couldn’t force him to stay with us against his will. For two or three weeks, he wouldn’t enter our house. Instead, he ate the food and slept on the grass in different places. During meal time, he would stand at a distance, eat the food and move away.

At last, we gained his trust and now he comes to our home, plays with his three new little friends and enjoys every day with us. Bravery and quick action can save lives, turning a dangerous situation into one where a dog can enjoy a safe and happy life. It’s a powerful reminder of how kindness can make a huge difference.

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leo writes