Maternity Photos That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!”

  1. leo writes

    This photo is definitely cringey, but it's kind of sweet that the whole family joined in for the maternity shoot. It's not our choice, but everyone has their own style. Honestly, we're not sure what's funnier: mom in a football linebacker pose or the expressions on dad and sis' faces. They must have been wondering what they were getting into down there!

  2. leo writes

    Being a Juggalo requires serious dedication, but we didn't realize it could become such a big part of someone's life. This woman chose to have a picture of her baby with Juggalo-style face paint drawn on her stomach. Just picture the questions that will cross this kid's mind one day when they look back at their maternity photos and see themselves dressed up like they're heading to an Insane Clown Posse concert.

  3. leo writes

    There are quite a few photos on this list with people putting things in belly buttons, but this one is probably one of the strangest. Initially, we thought the father in this photo was holding a gas pump, but it turns out to be an air hose, as if he's inflating his wife's stomach. We can't really fault the photographer here for lack of creativity - because it's definitely creative.

  4. leo writes

    This couple went the extra mile for their maternity shoot by adding a piece of art, or at least a hastily drawn sketch. While doctors can do ultrasounds, here you get an artist's take on what a baby looks like in the womb. And if you didn't ask for that, well, now you have it. Another common theme you'll notice in this list is dads going shirtless.

  5. leo writes

    This might just be one of the most baffling photos on this list. For some reason, the father in this photo is the one whose pregnant while his partner looks like she's consoling him. It makes you wonder what the photographer was going for in this shot. It's certainly imaginative but it'd be fun to know just what the scene was supposed to convey to whoever ended up seeing it. 

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