“Exposed: Instagram Influencers Caught Red-Handed Manipulating Their Photos”

  1. 6 The Quick, Affordable Way To Avoid Botox

    Nowadays, gettinginjectable fillers to look younger is cheaper than it used to be. People are ready to pay less and keep getting these treatments regularly. But trying to stay young forever can become expensive over time. Is there a different approach?

    Yes, there is another way. In this beauty routine, there were no needles involved. Instead, someone used a computer program to make all the flaws and imperfections disappear from the picture. Some might wonder who would do such a thing to such an extreme. Was it this lady? Yes, it was indeed her!

  2. 7 Giant Head, Tiny Booty, Suspiciously Skinny Thighs

    Beauty standards have changed a lot over the years, haven't they? Sometimes, being thin is considered beautiful, and other times, looking like Kim Kardashian is the trend. But this lady here is trying to be completely different. She's introducing a new look: The Bratz Doll.

    These dolls have been sold all over America and now around the world. Kids enjoy playing with these exaggerated toys. But adults know there's no real person who looks like that. Just think about having those extreme proportions on your own body!

  3. 8 Let's Face It, This Went Way Beyond A Touch Up

    We all understand that not using the flash in a dark room is a serious mistake. Without it, it can be really hard to see people's faces and things the way they were in that moment. Nobody wants a blurry and unclear picture!

    This guy tried to fix his photography mistake using an editing app, but he went too far. In the beginning, he looked Indian, but by the end, he lookedNorwegian. That's way more than just fixing the flash!

  4. 9 When You Only Enhance One Person, It's A Digital Disaster

    Couples enjoy taking pictures to remember their special moments together. They say that a love story should be recorded. But here's what usually happens: The guy meets the girl, and then the girl secretly edits the photo. The result? A strange and funny-looking picture!

    Nobody believed this one. How could they? On the right, there's a girl who's been made to lookglamorous and soft.Her boyfriend looks rugged and natural. People say that opposites attract. Was she trying to show that?

  5. 10 It's Hard To Believe This Was Never Animated

    In kids' movies today, it's common to make 3D characters. When you see this picture, you might think it's done with fancy computer stuff, but no! It's not high-tech. Maybe it's medium-tech: they used a lot of Photoshop to make it look like this.

    They used lots of filters to make something that looks pretty much completely different. The way she used to look is gone, more or less. Nobody wanted to tell her, but that's the reality. We miss the old version!

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