Family Realized Their Missing Dog Came Back Next Day And Also Brought Some Friends

Family Realized Their Missing Dog Came Back Next Day And Also Brought Some Friends

When the Krier family found out that Bo, their loved Black Labrador, was gone, they were scared. They started looking for him all over the place quickly.

photo of a black dog

Bo’s folks knew how much he loved going on trips. He liked getting away from their house in Concordia, Kansas, without them knowing and going on a trip by himself.
He always found his way back home after running away. But this time was different.

dogs running in a field

Bo wasn’t seen that night because his mom took him to the bathroom and then he left the family yard. He didn’t come back.

Family Receives News Of Bo

dog and a goat

Everyone in the family was scared about their cute boy. They looked for him all the time. Laura Krier, his mom, put a picture of him on social media. People were told to call her family right away if they saw their dog.

The next day, Bo’s dad Kyle Krier told his family the wonderful news that a dog looking a lot like Bo had been seen running in the cornfields six miles away.
Krier drove right to the spot. He called his dog’s name as soon as he saw him, and Bo ran over to him.

two dogs and a goat in a car

Kraier was thrilled. His dear dog was safe.

He saw that Bo wasn’t by himself after getting a better look. He was running with some friends. Krier didn’t know who they were at first. They were so far away that they were just dots.

Bo’s Introduces His Friends To His Dad

Bo’s Introduces His Friends To His Dad

Crier was shocked to see that Bo’s new friends were a dog and a goat when the three of them got closer.

Bo was a good friend and let his friends ride in his dad’s red truck. He didn’t want to say goodbye to them. He told the three friends to get in his car. After making sure everyone was safe, he drove them to the city.
Krier soon learned that Bo’s new friends Libby and Ozzy lived next door to him!

That’s when he began putting things together. When Bo sneaked out of the house, he must have gone to his friends’ house.

It wasn’t clear who came up with the idea to go on this trip, but their owners were sure that all three of them worked together on it.

What started the adventure? It’s hard to say whether Bo the black Lab or Libby and Ozzy did it. Still, they managed to get away. She said to The Dodo, “They’re definitely friends.”
Bo was glad to have friends who liked going on trips as much as he did.

Bo’s Perfect Life

The cute dog made more friends with goats. He kept living his dream life in Kansas and running away from home almost every day.

Sarah wrote on Facebook in July 2022 that their perfect and sweet Bo had gone to the golden bridge. They will love him forever and always remember him.

“He was just perfect from the moment we got him as a puppy. It’s hard to explain!” How happy he made us all every day and how funny he was. He loved going to work with his dad, going for walks or jogs (even though I couldn’t keep up with his energy), and hot dogs. “We will always remember his love for us,” she wrote.

Bo had the best life with his family, who loved and cared for him. A lot of people laughed when they saw the cute dog. People will always remember him.

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