Dog Was Abandoned In Front Of A Store But He Didn’t Want To Leave Until His Owner Came Back

Dog Was Abandoned In Front Of A Store But He Didn’t Want To Leave Until His Owner Came Back

After reading numerous rescue stories, I can firmly state that many people should not be permitted to keep a dog.

People who neglect, abuse, or leave them frequently find them annoying. They often adopt them just for the purpose of protection.
When they believe the pup is no longer valuable, they abandon them as if they were nothing. This puppy was simply going about his day with his owner when something unexpected occurred.

He abandoned him in front of a store and never returned. The devoted pup waited for a time, but it was in vain. His favorite person was not returning.

A Silver Lining

A Silver Lining

Shortly later, a store employee discovered that this dog had most likely been abandoned and that no one was coming for him.

He asked for assistance, and a savior arrived pretty quickly. The rescuer observed a sad expression on his face. She assumed he understood his master was not going to rescue him.

She instantly gave him food and transported him to a shaded area where he could be more comfortable.

He savored his food, and the woman understood she needed to get him to the clinic quickly. She took the dog inside her car because he was very comfortable in her presence.
It was time to take him to the vet for a comprehensive checkup. They discovered that he was dehydrated, malnourished, anemic, and had a skin condition.

It had a significant impact on him, but he was fortunate to receive assistance at that time. The rescuer wasn’t clear why the owner had abandoned his dog.
Her assumption was that he didn’t have the money to treat the puppy, so he abandoned him in the hopes that someone would take care of him. While there is no way to be certain, the puppy will heal.

The pup was always at ease in the hands of his rescuers, but he didn’t know how to interact with the other dogs there.

Fred Is A Miracle

Fred Is A Miracle

He eventually overcame his shyness and became a loving puppy that enjoyed cuddling and goodies. Every day, he healed more, and his skin altered dramatically.

However, just as things were getting better, his rescuers discovered a serious problem with his eyes. They appeared opaque, and they were unsure what was causing it.

two women and dog

A vet visit found that it would be difficult to treat, but not hopeless. To prevent his illness from worsening, he will need to take eye drops on a daily basis.

This was no problem for his savior, who took him to her home and cared for him on a daily basis.

He was doing much better and even became friends with the new puppy in the house. The dog, now named Fred, taught this new member of the family many things.

woman and dog

They spent a lot of time together and were essentially best friends in many aspects. It was always delightful to see them together.

After being placed on an adoption list, Fred’s rescuers spent a significant amount of time hunting for a new family for him.

Fred was eventually adopted by a really loving man, who gave him an entirely new chance to enjoy life. The two are such good companions, and it’s wonderful to see how well this lovely pup is doing now.

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