30 Big Cats That Are Oblivious to Their Sizes

30 Big Cats That Are Oblivious to Their Sizes

Can you earn a spot on Santa’s good list this year? Most likely, yes! However, will wild felines like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and other members of the cat family change their behavior? Definitely not! Regardless of size, cats will always be true to their inherent nature, and these examples clearly demonstrate that. If you’re skeptical, feel free to see for yourself!

They Love Being Pampered

Observe the tiger showering its caretaker with damp kisses on the face as a sign of appreciation, after receiving a carton of milk.

It would be great if small cats showed the same gratitude, but it’s unrealistic to expect that of them. Their focus is solely on drinking milk, with little concern for anything else, even with their eyes closed.

That’s My Throne

It is well-known that cats tend to mark their territory. If they desire to sit in a box which is significantly smaller compared to their actual size, they can achieve this by contorting their body until it fits.

Do you believe that we were joking? Observe the photo of the leopard, contentedly sitting inside a cardboard box that is significantly smaller than its massive body.

A Queen!

Had the Desert Lynx possessed the ability to talk, it might have said something along the lines of “I am royalty, therefore you ought to revere me!” However, the feline is able to communicate her message effectively by means of her precise body language.

She sits so gracefully that we could learn a thing or two, or even three, from her on how to sit with confidence. However, it’s uncertain if she would be willing to teach us how to behave like a true royal.

Two Tigers in a Box

The picture of two tigers competing for limited space inside the delicate cardboard box can educate us on the importance of cohabitating peacefully. What’s particularly impressive is how these tigers acknowledge each other’s existence and don’t resort to attacking one another.

Our expectation is that the box endured the weight of both individuals and did not break, after they jumped into it to have a short sleep.

Glowing Eyes

It appears that the photograph of a black panther was taken in a zoo considering the visible bars in the image. The photo was likely taken during the nighttime, as indicated by the panther’s radiant eyes that resemble small diamonds.

The photographer’s presence appears to be bothering the panther, as it’s giving angry looks towards him. The panther is clearly irritated with the photographer for disturbing its sleep.

Physics Is a Sham

This lion believes that physics is a fraudulent discipline, and that the ideas of weight, mass, and balance are completely untrue. To demonstrate this perspective, the lion intends to balance their entire body weight on a small wheelbarrow.

Do you think it will be successful? Apparently, we already know the outcome of this small test. Hopefully things will turn out better on your next attempt, oh mighty ruler of the wilderness.

Hiding in Plain Sight

The large feline was feeling mischievous and ended up getting stuck in a tricky situation shortly after. The jaguar made an unconventional decision to put its entire head inside a cardboard container. We can only hope that it was able to extract itself from the predicament eventually.

It’s possible that the creature was attempting to avoid someone and believed that emulating an ostrich was a clever tactic. If this were the case, it would be exceptionally charming. Do you concur?

Gimme a Belly Rub

It is unusual to find cats, especially tigers, who appreciate a satisfying stomach scratch. Yet, this particular tiger stands out because it not only relishes such interactions, but also actively requests further attention.

It has been reported that visitors of the Lujan Zoo in Argentina are allowed to stroke the bellies of tigers which have been taught to remain composed and controlled through multiple training sessions, as stated by the zoo officials.

Building the Bond

Do you want to learn the key to forming a strong and enduring connection with a tiger? The trick is to provide satisfactory belly rubs. The only thing required is to remain calm and give them a lengthy and soothing belly rub.

Assuming these tigers were not creatures that hunt other animals, we would spend the entire day cuddling them. Judging by the picture of this large feline, it appears that they are already receptive to the idea.

Foot Massage

Oh my goodness, we are experiencing a major revelation here (amidst the enigmatic nature of felines). It has only just dawned on us that our previous assumptions about lions were mistaken, as they are, in fact, much more intricate than we first thought.

Did you know that lions love getting foot massages in addition to enjoying belly rubs? This picture serves as evidence of their fondness for good foot rubs.


It seems that lions greatly enjoy getting foot massages, to the point where they attempt to give themselves one. As an example, a lion was observed holding onto its back paws with its front paws, appearing calm and content.

How did lions develop such a strong focus on grooming? We haven’t been doing our usual self-care routines for the past month, unlike the lion that seems to prioritize grooming. We think this lion could be a great choice for a self-care advertisement.

They Like to Lounge

A new picture has emerged shedding light on the habits of large felines. Evidently, big cats can be referred to as inactive because they enjoy lounging for long periods of time. They only require a cozy couch on which to spend their day.

We can identify with their quality to some extent since we also like spending the whole day on a cozy sofa. However, unlike a domestic cat, this person doesn’t occupy the entire space on the couch.

Playing With Toilet Paper Rolls

It is a known fact that all cats (including the big ones) love to play with toilet paper. They love to unroll the toilet paper for various reasons. Sometimes, they would do it out of boredom, and sometimes they would act like they are hunting it.

So, if you want to calm down an angry cat or befriend one, just offer them a roll of toilet paper. They would probably (not) thank you for this later.

They Are Possessive

Cats can be possessive about their belongings. Have you ever tried snatching away something they are playing with? You will definitely end up with a few scratches. As per CatWatch Newsletter, a cat’s toy can be one of their most coveted possessions.

This trait applies to big cats as well. That’s why this leopard clings, so aggressively, to its toy cylinder pipe. If you truly value your life, we wouldn’t recommend trying to take it away from them.

They Can Be Goofy

Cats, including the big ones, can instantly crack you up with their crazy antics. The bigger the cat is, the funnier its antics seem to be. There is something oddly humorous about watching a big cat acting like a goofball.

For instance, the lion here is acting all silly as it tries to reach for the toy hanging from the tree. Low-hanging fruits are the most tempting. Who knew a lion could be as gentle as this one though?

Being Playful

Cats, as we iterated before, are quite spirited sometimes – whether alone or in front of an audience. For instance, this striped tiger is not afraid of being so playful, putting its paw in its mouth, like a little human baby.

If it hadn’t been an animal that could have shred you to bits, it might have been a good idea to cuddle with it. Why, you ask? Because he looks oh-so-adorable and cute.

Acting Funny

Here’s another picture of a big cat that will brighten your boring day. This creature, for some reason, thinks it is a Kangaroo. It likes to impersonate a Kangaroo’s movements and mannerisms, as you can gather from the picture.

Though it technically can’t be the same species, it does look like an adorable kangaroo! Its posture may also remind you of the movie Zootopia, in which all the animals walk on two feet.

They Are Foodies

Tigers can be big-time foodies and this photograph is proof of that. In this picture, one can see a Buddhist monk feeding a starving tiger from his own bowl. It was shot at Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua, a Theravada Buddhist Temple in Western Thailand.

The image went viral the moment it was posted on the web. And, it deserved to be so popular, as it showcases the symbiotic relationship between man and the wild on a deeper, philosophical, level.

They Get to Weird Places

Big cats love to get themselves into weird places, and that adds to their charm. Do you remember that we mentioned before that there is something strangely funny about watching a big cat acting all goofy? This particular image is another proof of that claim.

It features a puma, perched on the tallest branch of a barren tree. Its balance, grace, and tranquility are all worth appreciating. Some may even think this image to be a painting.

Lovin’ the Snuggles

Big cats (unlike their little counterparts) love to cuddle with humans. In 2021, the famous Instagram page Big Cat Sanctuary featured two snow leopards, Yarko and Laila, cuddling with each other.

The post has garnered more than 120,665 views, with reactions ranging from ‘aww’ to ‘pure love.’ We guess people just love watching feral cats enjoying something as innocent as a cuddle, instead of funny cat videos.

They Love Long Drives

Leopards love long drives. Wondering how we know? Just take a look at this Cheetah, seated at the front seat of the car. Though it has no idea about where it is off to, it is kind of excited about its day out with its caretaker.

Now the question that remains to be answered is – where is she taking it? Surely, it cannot be the dog park or any park for that matter. What do you think?

They Can Be Wanderlust

It is sad when animals that are meant to roam the jungles freely are caged. Every movie or documentary we have ever seen about these feral creatures showed them running wildly in grasslands or hiding among tall trees.

But, this big guy seems to be locked in a cage. It almost looks like it is saying, “Hey human! Can you please get me out of here?” And, it is almost impossible not to fall for those pleading eyes.

They Have Great Smiles

Tigers can be immensely photogenic and telegenic. They know their best sides, features, and how to pose in general. Plus, they have beautiful smiles that always look good on camera.

This tiger, for instance, looks so happy and peaceful in this image, making it impossibly hard for anyone not to love it.

Sticking Its Tongue Out

If you stick your tongue out in front of a tiger, chances are that it might do the same to you, while also looking oh-so-adorable in the act. Have you ever seen any other animal stick out its tongue in such a cute way? Because we haven’t!

Kudos to the photographer who managed to capture this moment on camera! This one definitely scores pretty high on the aww-meter! Doesn’t it?

They Are Foodies

Big cats, we are talking about tigers here, are hardcore foodies. And contrary to popular belief, they like eating fruit too. Just look at how this tiger is beating the summer heat with a refreshing red watermelon while bathing in the pool.

Aren’t we doing the same thing during the summer? We also like the idea of relaxing in the pool, with a slice of fresh watermelon in hand.

Lazy Lion

From a biological standpoint, male lions are pretty lazy creatures. As per their behavior, they like to lay around (or sleep peacefully) at the same spot for hours, leaving the hunting and other cumbersome activities to the females.

This big guy exhibits the entire set of characteristics one would normally associate with male lions. Look at the way it yawns. Its yawn is as big as its appetite; we think. Don’t you feel the same?

Hide & Seek

Lion cubs are a bundle of cuteness. An example of that is this very image right here. Look at his tiny mane. At first glance, it looks just like a giant version of those plushies you buy at a toy store.

This cute fella is trying to cover its eyes with its tiny paws. Does it want to play a game of hide-and-seek or is it just tired? It wins our hearts in both cases.

Yawn Gone Wrong

As lions are lazy by nature, they like to yawn a lot. One can say that they have in a way perfected the act of yawning. But, this one still needs a lot of practice, since it hasn’t got its yawn right yet.

It just looks weird, as if it is uncertain whether it’s shocked or just tired. There’s always the chance that it’s trying a new way to yawn. We would give it full marks for creativity if the latter is indeed the case here.

Ready for a Spin

The big cats that you see here are no ordinary lions and leopards, as they belong to the royal Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Leading a lavish, lifestyle, Al Maktoum’s net worth is estimated at $400 million.

These big cats are jet-setters. They live on the fast lane, drive Ferraris and Lamborghinis, and frequently take trips to some of the most luxurious spots in the world.

Selfie-Loving Tiger

This tiger achieved global fame when it first appeared in a selfie taken by the famous Khloe Kardashian. Despite the fact that the little cub became an instant internet sensation, it also made Kardashian infamous for taking selfies with wild animals.

Animal rights groups and activists globally criticized this specific image due to Khloe’s negligent actions as a prominent personality. It is unclear how delightful it must have been for her to take a snapshot with the adorable cat.

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