A Girl Helped The Dog Who Hit By A Car

A girl helped the dog who hit by a car by crossing the road-dailyjugarr

It was a sunny day. A girl was returning home from her tiring job when she crossed a bridge. From a distance, she noticed something on the roadside. It was a dog lying in a terrible condition. The girl got out of her car to check if the dog was alive. The dog did not gave her a little movement while she came near the dog.

She contacted the Dog Shelter to inform them about the injured dog and asked for their help. She also took a water bottle with her. She carefully examined the dog to see if it was breathing and gave it some water. The dog was unable to move properly. When she tried to give it water, it barked at her, so she was scared and moved backward. This is a humanity that she stopped for a dog and help the dog on such a hot day.

The Dog Shelter team arrived for her help. They fully examined the  dog and provided first aid. After seeing his condition,the shelter team decided to take it to an animal hospital for proper treatment. Some humans are very kind hearted while others are heartless.

For Example, a car hit the dog and left it on the road. No one came to help him but on the other hand some people were kind hearted like the girl who saw the injured dog and came for him on a hot day. She can also pass through without help but she could not. With the help of the dog she proved that humanity is still alive.

 They took the dog in the car to the hospital for his medication and the doctor checked him properly.

The doctor said that half of his condition was caused by a heatstock because after the accident he spend  most of his time on the road in high temperature. 

Dog’s hind legs were fully injured and looked like a car hit him very badly. The neurological examination showed that they reduced mobility in hind legs and maybe he can’t moved like before. Firstly doctor stabilized his body temperature by dripps and injections.

The Doctor measured his weight. After a medical checkup the doctor shifted him to the Dog’s cage where he took a nap peacefully and  they also inserted him a drip. In a few days, the dog will recover because of the medical treatment.

Next day when the dog woke up and tried to walk, he could not properly stand on his legs. So the doctor took some X-rays of his legs. In the X-ray report the pelvis was fully broken, because the car hit him badly that the pelvis bone was fully broken and injuried. He could not walk or run properly therefore, after one to two three steps he tired and sat down again. 

The doctor decided to take him under an examination so that they gave all the medications that he needed. The dog did not allow anyone to touch him. Maybe something happened in his past that he can’t forget.

The girl who helped the dog stayed with him all the time during his medication and treatment to gain his trust. So, she can touch and took the dog with her to the house where the dog lives.The dog remembered this kind lady who helped him in that critical condition.

During hospitalization, the dog recovered and looked better than the previous days .Even the doctor was surprised by his progress, Because the survival of dog was Miracle. Spending weeks in the hospital the dog was finally discharged after seeing some recovery in the dog.

Now he was ready to go home but he has no home. Therefore, girl decided to take the dog in and care for it and gave the dog her complete medicationat the proper time according to the doctor advice.

He was not cooperative as much with her and the dog takes a long time to be very free  with the girl because of his past. When she opened the cage door the dog tried to go outside because he was not used to living in a house with many other pets and run away from the girl when she tried to go near the dog. The dog could not run properly because of his weakness and pelvis. He hide himself for a while behind the trees and grass.

The girl took a little time to gain his trust but she did it very properly by gave him a proper timing and spending alot of time with him by playing different games like football, running and finally she gained his trust. It’s not easy for him to trust on someone again.

After a month he will recover completely but his legs were not fully recover. The girl was very happy to see her dog healthy again and returned to his Daily routine. He also made new friends and enjoyed a new healthy life.we cannot judge anyone by his past.

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