This Man Kept Coming To The Shelter To Help A Scared Pup Learn How To Love Again

This Man Kept Coming To The Shelter To Help A Scared Pup Learn How To Love Again
This Man Kept Coming To The Shelter To Help A Scared Pup Learn How To Love Again

When Alva was finally able to find a home, her friends at Austin Pets Alive! were overjoyed because they believed that she had finally found her forever home.

Cerebellar hypoplasia is the name of the neurological disorder that Alva suffers from. Problems with mobility are the result of this condition, which affects the region of the brain that is responsible for movement function.

When Alva finally arrived at her permanent residence, she did not spend enough time outside. Due to the fact that she was not exposed to new people and situations, she started exhibiting different behaviors. As the new individuals came to see her family, the puppy became frightened and defensive, and she attempted to bite them.

It was for this reason that Alva’s family decided to hand her over to the shelter once more. The personnel at the shelter felt a profound sense of loss and dreaded the possibility that the dog would have a difficult time finding a permanent home.

Alva Kept Getting Overlooked 

Eleven-year-old Alva was perplexed as to the reason behind her unexpected arrival at the shelter. She was curious about the whereabouts of her parents and the reason why they were not coming to get her.

The employees at the shelter began working with Alva and providing her with training. They showed her a great deal of affection and wished that someone would give her an opportunity to fulfill her potential.

However, despite the fact that Alva had made significant advancements in both her mobility and her demeanor, she continued to be neglected by potential pet parents. They were unwilling to spend time with her and get to know her by hanging out with her.

Alva’s belief that she would ever find a family that would be with her for life was shattered after she had spent five hundred days at the shelter.

Falling In Love With Alva And Her Fighting Spirit

When Joe Rotunda was scrolling through Instagram, he came across Alva’s tale. This was the moment that everything changed. The moment he laid eyes on her video and photo, he was instantly enamored with her.

“She shone brightly. She possessed a will that was almost palpable. There were a lot of films that I saw that showed Alva running, playing, and falling down. Moreover, she was able to pull herself back up after each and every fall. She did not avoid a difficulty by going around it; rather, she went over it each and every time it was presented to her. According to Rotunda, who spoke to PEOPLE, “I was very inspired.”

Instantaneously, he made his way to the refuge located in Austin, Texas. Friends of Alva’s who were staying at the shelter informed him about her physical condition and her concern. He was not bothered by it, and he couldn’t wait to finally meet her.

Upon their initial encounter, Rotunda displayed a great deal of caution when interacting with Alva. Her anxiety increased as a result of the fact that he was a stranger to her, and she felt angry with him.

Rotunda did not allow that to discourage him since he seen the tremendous amount of love that Alva had for her pals at the shelter. To earn Alva’s affection and trust, Rotunda was resolute in her determination to do whatever it took.

He went to see her on a daily basis. The more time he spent conversing with her, the more completely he fell in love with her.

Rotunda Promises Not To Give Up On Her

“All I did was look at her and say, ‘I really believe that everyone has given up on you.'” According to what Rotunda said to Austin Pets Alive!, “I’m not going to do that to you.”

When he worked with the training staff at the rescue, they assisted him in gaining the trust of the puppy.

Alva became aware of the extent to which Rotunda cared for her. Eventually, the puppy began to look forward to seeing him each and every day. In the moment that Alva began to approach Rotunda, he was overcome with delight. She yearned to be with him for a longer period of time.

As a result of Rotunda’s decision, Alva will be spending the night at his residence in Austin, Texas.

A significant portion of the living room in his house was partitioned off by him. He constructed a large number of kennels so that Alva could unwind whenever she desired to do so. In order to ensure that Alva could move around without risk, he covered the sharp edges of the surfaces.

Alva’s Perfect Forever Home

Source: @adopted_alva

After Rotunda had made his home more accommodating to Alva, he brought the dog back with him. Alva had the impression that she had at long last discovered her home for the rest of her life. She had a joyful and carefree demeanor.

When she laid eyes on Rotunda the following morning, she immediately began wagging her tail, and Rotunda immediately realized that Alva was prepared to move in.

The adorable doggo brought a great deal of happiness into his home. Rotunda was relieved that he put his faith in her from the beginning because all she needed was someone to trust in her and give her a chance.

At once, Alva and Max, her canine sibling, formed a strong attachment. They have become the greatest of friends, and they enjoy taking naps together on a regular basis.

When Rotunda fell in love with Alva, her worry and fears, which had been holding her back, were completely melted away. She adores her father and gives him multiple kisses every day.

Now, she is a brand new dog. Not only does she adore her new life, but she can’t stop smiling.

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