Top 07 Hair Styles for Girls

Hair style is a reflection of your personality. There are many hair styles on internet we have featured the top 10 hair styles for girls. There we have collected hair styles for long hairs, long hairstyles, simple hairdo and braid ones.


Hair style is a reflection of your personality. There are many hair styles on internet we have featured the top 10 hair styles for girls. There we have collected hair styles for long hairs, long hairstyles, simple hairdo and braid ones.

1. Tight Curls

Tight curls with every separated section is an easy doing process. You can easily curl hairs and can use setting spray afterward. You can also use the mid section of hairs after curling to form a crown of your hair and hold that with the use of pins.

2. Short Hairdo

If you have short hairs or a complex hair cut you can add some texture to your hairs. Make sure to use a blow dryer before giving the texture, use some sea salt spray and twist the two strands of hair from each side and lock them with a crown using a bobby pin.

3. Simple Hairdo

You can simply curl your lengths of hairs it will become a mix of messy and soft brushed waves. This hairstyle is best for the girls who have long hairs. Use a floral pin to a side to add up some neatness.

4. Short Fizzy Hairstyle

There are many options if you have short hairs , you can do different experiments because it takes no time to set them up. You can turn your textured hairs fastened up in a half up and half hairs down style and give them some height with a little adornment to finish the job.

5. Curl the Lower Section

If you have long hairs and you want to have a quick hairdo, not a problem anymore. Simply curl the lower section and leave the rest just try to make your top a bit strengthen so it will give you the exact crisp.

6. Rope Braids

This hairstyle is also the one of the simplest hairdo if you want to keep the hairs away from your face. Rope braids go further back to the down side, make sure to have another person to do it for you. Leave a section instead of adding hairs near your ear, add hairs two inches above the hairline.

7. Rolling a Bun

It is the simplest of all, everyone can do this easily. Add some puffs after keeping some loose bangs on the sides you can add puff to the crown. Separate some sections and spray them and tie the lengths in a bun after rolling.

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