Sweet Pup Who Spent Her Whole Life In Chains Finally Learns What It’s Like to Be Free

Sweet Pup Who Spent Her Whole Life In Chains Finally Learns What It's Like to Be Free

Gary was a dog who had not been treated properly her entire life. She was in poor physical condition, mistreated, and bound to a tree, unable to move.

When the owner’s neighbors observed her condition, they felt they had to take action.

Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission

When the rescuers arrived to save her, they were completely devastated.

Gary had a chain around her neck and a terrible cut on her back leg, which prevented her from walking correctly.

Gary, despite his circumstances, refused to give up.

Her rescuers decided to use food to entice her into their car, and Gary did her best to follow them, hobbling along the way.

At The Vet

At The Vet

When they took her to the veterinarian, they discovered that Gary’s leg was extremely necrotic.

The vet said it was most likely due to a steel wire she got entangled in, leaving the bone exposed for days. Due to this, her physicians were obliged to amputate her leg.

Gary was placed on bed rest for a month to allow her to fully heal.

After a month, Gary was eager to go outside.

Because of all the affection she received during her rehabilitation, it only took her a few minutes to adjust to walking on only three legs.

Forever New Home

Forever New Home

Despite the difficulties she has faced, this dog has not allowed them to define her existence.

Gary was very kind and caring, eager to play with anybody she met. Because of this, one of her rescuers was unable to let her go and decided to adopt her.

When her rescuer returned Gary home, she decided to give her a well-deserved bath.

Gary was initially apprehensive to enter the bathtub, but she quickly realized that it would do her no damage.

Gary now looks like a brand-new dog.
Gary has fully forgotten about her previous life and is loving every moment with her new family.

She spends her days enjoying fun and playing outside with her canine sibling, receiving all the care she deserves.

Good gal, Gary!

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