Dogs like Mulan make us question: how many of these four-legged creatures finish their path without having an opportunity to show their actual selves?
This sweetheart had no other option in life except to be overly protective, and thus far it just brought problems. Mulan was about to die from her horrific past.
She was categorized as a “severely reactive” dog of which nobody wanted. The shelter officials decided to put her to perpetual sleep since she barked at everyone and forbade anybody from near her kennel.
However, Mulan’s life was improved at the very last minute when a huge dog lover with great heart intervened!
The Unexpected Breakthrough
The owners of Mulan turned her over to a shelter as their landlord wanted the dog gone. She was really afraid as she came into the shelter.
She felt constant overprotection since she had never been socialized with other humans or other dogs. She ended up on the euthanasia list since she refused anyone to touch her or even approach her in the kennel.
The much anticipated miracle then materialized.
One of the volunteers at the shelter got in touch with Martha Moore, the vice president of Friends of Guilford County Animal Shelter from North Carolina, to inquire about possible assistance for the puppy.
Particularly knowing the dog hadn’t left the kennel for 13 days straight, Martha was more than eager to do it.
She was not letting anyone near her kennel and was quite emotionally shut down. Her foster mother told The Dodo, she had to leave the shelter or else she would be dropped. By the end of the day.
Two hours of getting to know Mulan in the shelter were dedicated by Martha, a giant-hearted volunteer. Though initially terrified and nervous, the dog allowed Martha put a leash on her and head home.
Mulan was reserved for the first few days, adjusting to her new foster home, but she was still far too destructive. Mulan appeared somewhat scared one day after having totally wrecked the place.
Martha calmly sat down on the floor, totally disregarded all the mess, and gave this little girl a treat instead of chastising her. For the two, that very moment represented a breakthrough!
Mulan went to Martha for the first time ever and began kissing her the most tenderly, as though she were trying to say: “Thank you for not punishing me!”
Transformation Of A Lifetime
Mulan’s behavior has changed noticeably after that day. She let her foster family and her new North Carolina house totally open her heart.
This sweetie pie only needed two weeks to become a brand-new puppy. For the first few minutes, she was still wary of new people, but she mingled with others far more effortlessly than she used to.
Like she does with her other dogs, she even allowed her foster mom cuddle her and give belly rubs.
Mulan enjoys playing with other dogs, distributes her toys and food/water bowls beautifully, and even gets along with cats! Perfect package, Martha said on Facebook.
Two months of love, cuddling, hard work, and socializing had transformed her into a totally different girl prepared to welcome a fresh existence!
She came onto the perfect family prepared to offer her everything she had been searching for all this time: love, empathy, and a great lot of patience! With all this at her new house, I am quite sure she will make her new hoomans quite delighted!