Love and Connection: Achievable Relationship Goals for 20234

  1. 6 Have a date night routine

    The National Marriage Project says that going on date nights can make your relationship better and reduce the chance of divorce. The researchers found that if you spend just one evening a week together, it can really help. It's like a magic ingredient for a happier and longer-lasting relationship. So, setting aside special time for each other, like going on a date, can make your relationship strong and better.

  2. 7 Feel each other’s pain

    A study from the American Psychological Association discovered that women feel happier when men can tell when they're feeling upset. And you know what? Maybe men feel the same way too.In any relationship, it's important for both partners to be good at recognizing when the other person is feeling down. In my own relationship, I can usually tell when my partner is upset from a mile away, and it helps us both feel better. So, paying attention to each other's feelings is a great way to keep a relationship strong and happy.

  3. 8 Aromantic relationships

    Aromantic relationships are for people who don't feel romantic love. Some of them might still have sexual feelings, but they're not into romantic stuff. These relationships can look like close friendships or strong partnerships without the romantic part. Nowadays, as people are more open and accepting of different sexual orientations and gender identities, aromantic relationships are becoming more known and accepted. It's all about recognizing that not everyone wants or needs romantic love, and that's perfectly okay.

  4. 9 sex magic

    As we enter this season of reflection and look ahead to the coming year, I encourage you to explore the practice of sex magic. Those who believe in it say that the most powerful moments for casting spells, manifesting dreams, setting intentions, or tapping into inner strength occur during or right before orgasm. Whether you're sharing this experience with a partner or embracing it solo, the key to a successful ritual is being clear about your desires and channeling all your physical and emotional energy toward them. Many proponents claim you can experience immediate benefits from this practice. It's all about connecting your body and mind to manifest your desires.

  5. 10 Be positive to each other

    It's normal for people to sometimes disagree or have different ways of living in a relationship, but it shouldn't happen all the time. If it does, it can harm the relationship and make one partner feel unimportant.The main way to talk to each other should be with kindness and positivity. When you're annoyed with your partner, try to remember what you love about them.If you both care about each other, you'll work on getting better together as time goes on. But if things don't improve, don't be afraid to consider getting help from a professional to figure out the problem more deeply.

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