Mother of Michelle Obama Marian Robinson, Dies

Mother of Michelle Obama Marian Robinson, Dies

Marian Robinson, the mother of former first lady Michelle Obama, has passed away at 86, according to a statement from the Obama and Robinson families.

The family shared that she was cherished by many as a sister, aunt, cousin, neighbor, and friend. Her presence positively impacted countless lives.

“She passed away peacefully this morning, and right now, none of us are sure how to move on without her,” the statement said.

Michelle Obama posted on social media, “My mom Marian Robinson was my rock, always there for whatever I needed. She was the same steady support for our entire family, and we are heartbroken to share she passed away today.”

Barack Obama wrote, “There was and will be only one Marian Robinson. In our sadness, we are lifted by the extraordinary gift of her life. We will spend the rest of our lives trying to live up to her example.”

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden also expressed their condolences, saying their family sends its deepest love to the Obamas. They remembered Mrs. Robinson as a devoted mother and grandmother who shared her love with them through every smile and hug.

Robinson lived with the Obamas during their time at the White House and was often seen at events with the first family, including handing out treats on Halloween.

“She was essential to us. The girls needed her,” the family said about her move to Washington. “She ended up being our rock through it all.”

A Chicago native, Robinson returned there after the Obamas left the White House. She was married to Fraser Robinson, and they had two children, Michelle and Craig. Fraser Robinson passed away in 1991 after battling multiple sclerosis.

Marian Robinson was very involved in her children’s education. The family remembered her teaching them to read early, building their confidence to walk to school. They also recalled her support during a historic moment.

“On Election Night in 2008, when the news broke that Barack would soon shoulder the weight of the world, she was there, holding his hand,” the statement said.

David Axelrod, a former Obama senior adviser, described Robinson as “a great lady” and a true South Sider. He noted that during her time at the White House, she did not seek out the celebrity lifestyle and often slipped out to visit friends quietly.

Years after the unveiling of the Obamas’ portraits at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in 2018, Michelle Obama shared how meaningful her mother’s reaction had been when she saw the portraits in Chicago.

“Watching my mom, Marian Robinson, sit at the base of my portrait and look up at it with such awe meant the world to me,” Michelle Obama said.

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