The Scoop on Rose Hanbury’s Decor Scandal Amid Prince William Rumours

The Scoop on Rose Hanbury's Decor Scandal Amid Prince William Rumours

The latest controversy surrounding Rose Hanbury and her connection to Prince William amidst rumours of Kate Middleton’s absence.


Rose Hanbury, a prominent figure in the recent controversies surrounding the British royal family, is in the spotlight again. However, this time, the focus is not on rumours of infidelity.

Questions Arise Amid Kate Middleton’s Absence:

Questions Arise Amid Kate Middleton's Absence:

As speculation about the whereabouts of Princess Kate Middleton continues, attention shifts to Rose Hanbury’s involvement with Prince William. Yet, a new aspect of her life is under scrutiny – her home decor.

The Decor Dilemma:

Numerous online observers have discovered photos featuring Hanbury and her husband, David Cholmondeley, showcasing their Norfolk, England residence, Houghton Hall. These images reveal what appears to be Oriental decor, allegedly looted from China during the Qing dynasty.

Global Attention Amidst #KateGate:

Global Attention Amidst #KateGate:

In the midst of the #KateGate frenzy, people worldwide are intrigued by Rose Hanbury’s connection to Prince William. However, individuals in China have expressed outrage over the presence of looted Chinese artifacts in the couple’s home.

The Legacy of the Sassoon Family:

The origin of these controversial items traces back to the Sassoon family, known for their trading endeavors during the 19th century. While the exact acquisition of these artifacts remains unclear, the connection to the Cholmondeley family through Sybil Sassoon suggests a historical link.

Unraveling Affair Allegations:

Speculation surrounding an alleged affair between Rose Hanbury and Prince William resurfaced in recent years, causing a rift between Hanbury and Kate Middleton. Despite denials from Hanbury’s legal team, these rumours persist, especially during times of Kate’s absence.

Dismissing False Claims:

Hanbury’s representatives have vehemently denied the affair allegations. Additionally, insiders close to her express her distress over the recurrence of these baseless rumours.


As the saga continues, Rose Hanbury remains entangled in both royal gossip and historical controversies, showcasing the complexities of life within royal circles.

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