A Tragic Night: Angela Chao’s Accidental Drowning


Angela Chao, a titan in the shipping industry, met an untimely end on her Texas ranch. In February, following a dinner with friends, a seemingly routine maneuver turned into a heartbreaking accident.

Chao, known for her leadership at the Foremost Group, a family-owned shipping empire, had invited her college friends from Harvard Business School for a weekend getaway. After attending a concert by rapper Pitbull in Austin, they returned to her sprawling 900-acre ranch.

The night took a tragic turn after dinner. As Chao attempted to navigate a three-point turn in her Tesla Model X, she accidentally reversed the car into a pond on the property. Panicked, she called her friend, Amber Keinan, who recounted a harrowing eight-minute conversation. Chao, trapped in the sinking car, spoke of rising water and her fear of dying.

Friends and police rushed to the scene, the report describing their frantic cries for help. Officers managed to pull Chao from the submerged vehicle, but tragically, she was pronounced dead shortly after.

The investigation revealed a key detail – Chao’s blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit in Texas. This revelation, along with the witness statements, painted a picture of a terrible accident fueled by a lapse in judgment.

The loss resonated deeply within her family. Angela’s sister, Elaine Chao, former US Transportation Secretary, is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell, citing the family tragedy, recently announced his resignation, hinting at the profound impact on his personal life.

While Angela Chao’s life ended abruptly, her story serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of driving under the influence. A seemingly small mistake, amplified by alcohol, can have devastating consequences.

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