How to Address the Glen Powell Romance with Sydney Sweeney

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Sydney Sweeney

Sydney Sweeney set the record straight about rumors with Glen Powell during her Saturday Night Live hosting debut. She joked about the gossip, saying the craziest rumor was having an affair with Powell during filming of “Anyone But You.” She clarified that she and her fiancé produced the movie together, and he was with her the whole time. Sweeney emphasized that her fiancé is the man of her dreams and they are still happily together. She then humorously pointed to Powell in the audience, joking that he was her fiancé before correcting herself, saying her real fiancé was in her dressing room.

Despite the jokes, Sydney Sweeney‘s real fiancé is film producer Jonathan Davino, with whom she has been linked since 2018. The rumors about Sweeney and Glen Powell being more than friends started in spring 2023 after leaked photos from the set of “Anyone But You” in Australia. Powell’s breakup with Gigi Paris and affectionate photos with Sweeney at CinemaCon a few months later only fueled the speculation further.

In her monologue, the American actress also tackled various rumors about her. She singled out one of the “craziest ones,” saying that she never dated her co-star, Glen Powell.Setting the record straight about her supposed romance with the Hollywood hunk. Sydney said, “That’s obviously not true.”She was like, “Yeah, me and my fiancé, Jonathan Davino, we made the movie together. He was there the whole time.”

“Just gotta say, he’s like, the guy of my dreams, and we’re still going strong,” she said before moving on.All of this happened after Glen Powell was all, “Sydney is amazing to work with, such a blast. We’re on the hunt for the next project. Send those scripts our way!” at the SAG Awards in 2023.

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