These Mind-Blowing Uses For Epsom Salts Are Pure Genius

These Mind-Blowing Uses For Epsom Salts Are Pure Genius

It can be quite a relief to realize that despite the plethora of specific products available today, there exists a ubiquitous and modest traditional product on the shelves of most stores that can serve a variety of purposes, such as enhancing your hair or cleaning your home.

Beauty Benefits

Epsom salt offers both health and beauty benefits. This natural ingredient can be utilized for various beauty purposes such as eliminating blackheads, as an exfoliating cleanser for the face, getting rid of hairspray buildup, and volumizing hair. It can also be used to scrub off dead skin cells. To reap its full potential, Epsom salt should be mixed with additional ingredients, except when used for foot odor, and it should always be combined with water or a water-based substance when applied.


Eliminates Toxins From The Body

Epsom salt not only relieves muscle pain but also aids in ridding the body of toxins and heavy metals through reverse osmosis. Its detoxifying properties benefit the body by using the highly permeable skin as a means of removing noxious substances. For optimal results, it is suggested to add two cups of Epsom salt to bathwater and soak for ten minutes.

Helps Prevent Hardening Of Arteries And Blood Clots

Based on various studies and research, it is thought that Epsom salt has the ability to enhance heart health by thwarting heart diseases and strokes. Epsom salt is believed to have a positive impact on blood flow in the body, leading to the safeguarding of artery flexibility. This enhancement in blood flow, in turn, aids in the prevention of blood clots, eventually lowering the chances of sudden deaths due to heart attacks. Thus, while the potential benefits of Epsom salt may not be immediately perceivable, they are still valuable.

Household Benefits

In addition to its medicinal and health benefits, Epsom salt can also be utilized in various applications within the household. Its uses range from cleaning bathroom tiles to repelling slugs. Additionally, it can be utilized as a hand wash and for clearing detergent build-up in washing machines. While it needs to be combined with other ingredients, it remains a versatile and invaluable household item.


Benefits For The Garden

Epsom salt is an ideal solution for gardening tasks, including nourishing houseplants, maintaining a lush green lawn, and serving as an insecticide spray. It can be simply sprinkled on your garden or lawn to safely and organically exterminate pests. Epsom salt can also work as a remarkable fertilizer for your indoor plants as it can enhance the effectiveness of primary nutrients found in plant foods, especially magnesium and sulfur which are crucial for plant health.


Make Your Own Bath Bombs

DIY can be beneficial on many occasions, especially when you have forgotten to purchase a bath bomb but still want to enjoy one. Epsom salt can be a perfect substitute in such cases. To create a bath bomb that is visually stimulating and provides a satisfying fizzing experience, you need to use some essential ingredients such as Epsom salt, baking soda, citric acid, corn flour, food coloring, and essential oils. By using these ingredients, you can create your bath bomb at home that not only provides relaxation but also helps alleviate any health issues you may be experiencing.


Dishwasher Tablets

Just like bath bombs, Epsom salt can also be utilized for creating dishwasher tablets which is an effective way of saving money. Making homemade dishwasher tablets using Epsom salt is very convenient and uncomplicated. Instead of buying them at the store, you just have to mix the salt with borax, vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils in a bowl. The mixed ingredients should be left to settle and firm up, and eventually can be molded into silicone molds designed to clean your dirty dishes.


Treats Bruises And Insect Stings

Epsom salt is famous for alleviating body pains and discomforts, but it is also effective in healing minor injuries. The magnesium found in Epsom salt enables it to relieve bruises and insect bites by applying a targeted remedy. Immersing a piece of cloth in a mixture of Epsom salt and water and then placing it on the injury can aid in its healing. Hence, Epsom salt serves as a universal treatment to ease different physical conditions, inside and outside the body.


Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Epsom salt has benefits beyond relieving physical pain; it can also aid in enhancing your sleep quality. The magnesium in the salt is effective in aiding the body, and when it is absorbed, it produces several positive outcomes such as a relaxed feeling, an increase in serotonin levels, and, most importantly, a better night’s sleep. You can expect to experience the benefits of Epsom salt in multiple ways.


Instant Sunburn Relief

Epsom salt is demonstrating its efficacy once more as the ideal remedy for a severe sunburn. Individuals who have undergone sunburn will realize the discomfort and hassle it can bring. Although you may have resorted to aloe vera or wearing long-sleeved tops during your vacation before, you now have the option of utilizing Epsom salt. You can quickly restore your skin to normal by mixing the salt with water and spraying it on your sunburn.


Volumizing Hair

Many girls purchase numerous chemical hair products to give their hair more volume. Although some may be more effective than others, there is a cheaper and alternative solution. Combining Epsom salt with an equal amount of natural, sulfate-free conditioner can plump up your hair. By adding this mixture to slightly warm water and leaving it in your hair for 15-20 minutes before rinsing, you will be one step closer to having hair similar to that found in advertisements.


Regulate Blood Sugar

Studies have shown that Epsom salt offers numerous benefits to the body due to its content of magnesium and sulfate. Both of these substances are helpful in enhancing the body’s capacity to produce and utilize insulin, leading to better regulation of blood sugar levels. Thus, consuming Epsom salt regularly, whether through oral intake or transdermal application, can help maintain blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes, and also enhancing energy levels in day-to-day life.


Ease Discomfort Of Gout

Persons who have encountered gout can testify about the excruciating agony they go through. Although they are counseled to abstain from consuming meat and red wine, it’s essential to be aware of the usefulness of utilizing Epsom salt. The prompt application of Magnesium sulfate by soaking the swollen skin or hurting joints can provide substantial relief from pain and inflammation. This remedy entails pouring some teaspoons of the salt in hot water and immersing the affected body parts.


During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women opt to bathe in Epsom salts due to their significant impact during pregnancy. Not only do these salts soothe the skin and relieve tired or achy muscles, but they also have natural anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce swelling. Furthermore, Epsom salts are known to reduce stress and aid digestion, making them an ideal choice for pregnant women experiencing discomfort and bloating. Additionally, Epsom salts have a calming effect on the body and mind, making them an excellent choice for expectant mothers.


Helps Cure Acne

Epsom salt has been recognized for its beneficial effects in treating acne. It works by gently removing dead skin cells, grime, and other impurities that contribute to acne breakouts. The sulfur content in the salt provides antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties that combat acne-causing microorganisms. In addition, its anti-inflammatory effects mitigate the discomfort, redness, and swelling associated with acne, while helping to prevent stress-induced acne and promote speedy recovery.


Headache Relief

Epsom salt can be an effective remedy for people who experience intense migraines or headaches. This is because magnesium, which has been known to alleviate these types of headaches, is present in the salt. There is evidence that magnesium deficiency can lead to a higher likelihood of experiencing headaches, therefore using Epsom salt that contains this mineral can help. Whether it is taken through the skin or ingested, magnesium has been proven to assist in reducing pain. Similar to how taking a dip in the ocean can have therapeutic benefits due to salt content.


Beautiful Roses

Have you ever experienced the magic of receiving a kiss from a rose? Well, there’s a way to create your own magic by taking care of the rose plant. Similar to how magnesium is beneficial for humans, roses also thrive with a bit of magnesium. You can promote the growth and blooming of your rose bush by adding a tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in water around it once a month. If done consistently, you will be rewarded with a bush full of sweet, vibrant roses in no time.


Sea Salt Spray for Thicker Hair

If you purchase sea salt spray from a store, it could be expensive, but you can create your own at home. By making your own beach waves spray, you can save money and achieve similar results as professional hairstylists. One of the necessary ingredients for this mixture is Epsom salt, which you can also use for other things in your home while benefiting your hair.


Treat Oily Hair

Epsom salt has multiple uses such as adding volume to hair or creating loose beachy waves. Another benefit of this household remedy is that it effectively tackles oiliness in hair. This inexpensive alternative to pricey hair products is made possible by Epsom salt, which is a key component due to its unique properties. Incorporating the salt into your shampoo, and massaging it onto your scalp is all that is needed to counteract oily hair. The magnesium sulfate found in the salt effectively targets the root of the problem.


Relaxes Tired, Aching Feet

Our feet are constantly in use, and there are times when they require rest and relaxation. Soaking your feet in warm water and Epsom salt can provide relief to your exhausted and sore feet. Additionally, this remedy is helpful for those who suffer from foot or nail fungus, and athletes foot. Furthermore, Epsom salt can be used to maintain the cleanliness of your shoes. By placing Epsom salt inside an old clean sock and inserting it into your sneakers or boots, you can eliminate unpleasant odors.


Relieves Constipation

Epsom salt is known to be effective in cleansing the colon and eliminating toxins when ingested. It has been scientifically proven that this salt can aid in the treatment of constipation due to its laxative properties. By increasing water levels in the intestines, Epsom salt provides temporary relief from constipation. It’s important to note that use of Epsom salts for constipation relief should be done only under the guidance of a physician.


Remove Splinters

Typically, individuals would choose either tweezers or a needle to eliminate a splinter, but there are instances when this approach can be unproductive and even lead to further harm, mainly when the splinter is stuck deep inside the skin. An alternative to the traditional methods is to use Epsom salt. By attaching a small amount of the salt onto the affected area and securing it with a band-aid, the splinter will gradually rise to the surface and eventually come out of the skin. Hence, investing in Epsom salt would be wise for those who frequently encounter splinters.


Open Up Your Bowels

At times, your digestion may act up causing you to try various ways to alleviate the issue. Fortunately, Epsom salt can be the solution. Despite its unpleasant taste, drinking Epsom salt water can help with bowel movement. To make it more bearable, lemon juice may be added. Though the taste may not be enjoyable, the end result will be positive.


Relieves Pain And Muscle Cramps

Taking an Epsom salt bath can provide relief for muscle soreness, bronchial asthma, and migraine headaches by reducing inflammation and easing pain. Epsom salt also has healing properties that can help reduce soreness after giving birth and heal cuts. To use, simply mix a thick paste of Epsom salt with hot water in a bath and soak your feet for a soothing and comforting experience.


Eases Stress

While we may not realize this at the time, stress does drain the body of magnesium while also increasing the levels of adrenaline. Fortunately, when Epsom salt is dissolved in warm water it is absorbed through the skin and replenishes the levels of magnesium in your body. Magnesium is essential because it produces serotonin, which is a mood-elevating chemical within the brain to create feelings of calmness and relaxation. Experts believe that using Epsom salt at least three times a week will make you look and feel better.

Helps Muscles And Nerves Function Properly

Studies have shown that Epson salt helps regulate electrolytes in your body, which allows the proper functioning of the nerves, enzymes, and muscles. Moreover, magnesium is essential in the proper use of calcium, which can be heightened with the use of Epsom salt, and this serves as one of the main conductors of the electric impulses in your body. This could, therefore, be great for your muscles after an intense workout session or any strain experienced during the working day.

Regenerate A Car Battery

We’ve discussed the benefits Epsom salt has for your health, body, and beauty, but there is a more unorthodox way  in which Epsom salt really helps. In fact, you can use Epsom salt to revive a car battery that will no longer hold a charge. The process involves removing the battery, draining any excess battery fluid, and then replacing this with Epsom salt water. It really is as easy as that. Once complete just connect it back to the charger, and you’re good to go.


Remove Stubborn Pot Stains

We all know that nightmare of trying to scrub our pots and pans after leaving our food burning for a little too long. While this has previously destroyed your wrists and your sanity from trying to scrub away for so long, Epsom salt is your new answer to help fix this. In fact, just a small amount of Epsom salt does wonders to your pan after pouring it on the stubborn stains. Scrubbing the stain will become far easier after doing so.


Make Fabric Softener

For a cheap way of having fabric softener, you simply mix together two ingredients – Epsom salt and scented oils. This will be beneficial since Epsom salt also works wonders in cleaning your washing machine, so it is handy to have the salts ready in your home already. While buying fabric softener is not necessarily breaking the bank, it does add up over the course of a few months or a year, so it is great that you can be frugal with it


Why Epsom Salt?

Though it contains “salt” in the name, Epsom salt has little in common with the salt we add to our food. Epsom salts are a compound called magnesium sulfate, and its different uses are pure genius.


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