45 Entitled People Who Were Rightfully Shamed Online


We are all familiar with the feeling of entitlement, as it is only natural for humans. However, usually these entitlements are small in nature, such as controlling the music at a party, redirecting conversations to our interests, or taking the last piece of cake. These minor entitlements can be forgiven if they occur infrequently.
In contrast, the individuals discussed in this article display an extreme level of entitlement. Instead of overlooking their behavior, those who observed it resorted to social media to publicly expose and criticize them.

To Give And Receive

The generational divide can often lead to various challenges, particularly when it involves selecting a suitable gift for someone. Many of us have experienced receiving socks from our aunt or uncle for every Christmas or birthday. It can be a result of older individuals being unaware of current interests and preferences among the younger generation.

You may believe that AirPods do not fit into this group. Many people would be excited to receive a pair as a present. However, this individual was not satisfied with regular AirPods and felt they deserved AirPods Pro. They openly shared this view online, but it seems that others may not have been very sympathetic towards their entitlement.

A Passing Grade

Most individuals desire to excel academically. While it may not apply to every single person, the majority usually have a strong inclination to give their best and achieve success. In instances where we receive a low grade, we put in extra effort, intensify our studying, and strive to improve our performance in the future.

Possibly not everyone would choose this path, but one student took a unique approach by filing a lawsuit against his university after receiving a grade that he believed was unfair. This certainly demonstrates an alternative way of handling the situation.

Living The Good Life

Most people enjoy going on vacations and having fun while on them. However, it is important to recognize that being on a flight is not the appropriate time or location for leisurely activities. Flying can already be overwhelming, especially when you are surrounded by numerous passengers in a confined space. In such situations, all you want is some tranquility and calmness.

The couple was ejected from a flight due to their disruptive behavior, as fellow passengers protested about their intoxication and disturbances. In an attempt to resolve the situation, the couple received £300 as compensation, but they believed they deserved a larger amount. However, when they voiced their dissatisfaction, the airline rescinded the £300, leaving them with no compensation whatsoever.

And A Happy New Year

Online reviews provide valuable insights into the true nature of local stores or restaurants. By sharing their experiences, people can help us make informed decisions about our preferences. However, it’s important to be aware that there are also reviews that demonstrate a sense of entitlement.

It might be commonly understood that the majority of establishments are closed on New Year’s Day, but apparently, not everyone is aware of this. This dissatisfied individual chose to express their feelings of entitlement online. Of course, an alternative would be to simply make a phone call in advance to confirm the availability of services.

Over Easy And Entitled

It can be disheartening when someone makes a mistake with your order – you requested a steak but received seafood, or you desired a pepperoni pizza but were given a salad instead. However, errors are a part of life, and most individuals comprehend this. Thankfully, these mishaps can be rectified, so it’s not necessary to cause a commotion.

If you don’t believe that you deserve absolute perfection, unlike the woman in the café who was captured in the online post, then such a small mistake, like receiving eggs over easy instead of over hard, shouldn’t make you feel entitled to throw your coffee at the grill chef. That kind of reaction is completely unnecessary and inappropriate.

All You Can’t Eat

Servers often experience unfair treatment. They not only serve customers their food and handle rude comments, but also frequently encounter scenarios where they do not receive any tips. On top of that, customers often leave a messy table for someone else to clean up.

It unfolded just as described. Three individuals stacked their plates at the buffet, barely consumed any of the food, and quickly departed. This resulted in a significant amount of wasted food that could have nourished someone else, and it also presented a substantial cleanup task for the server. Most dishearteningly, they neglected to leave a gratuity.

Happy Birthday To Me

During birthdays, it is important for everyone to receive affection, attention, and possibly some presents. This is an undeniable fact. The most enjoyable aspect of a birthday is having the opportunity to focus on oneself, even if only for a short time. However, this should be done within reasonable limits.

The birthday girl made a decision to request donations in order to have a enjoyable time on her birthday. While there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to have fun on your special day, it is common for individuals to be cautious about directly asking for money.

Taking Up Space

It can be difficult to locate parking in busy streets and full lots, but this does not justify obstructing a disabled parking spot or a helicopter landing area. However, it is unlikely that anyone would go to such extreme measures, right?

Certainly, they would and did. This driver believed they had the right to occupy a parking space and without any delay, they parked directly on the helicopter pad. It’s possible that the car will not withstand the landing, and the driver is solely accountable for the consequences.

A Celebrity Scare

The way society interacts with celebrities is peculiar. On occasion, we tend to overlook the fact that they are genuine individuals. Similar to anyone else, they desire respect and privacy, and they experience similar feelings of fear and discomfort when those expectations are not met.

Despite Terry Crews’ kids attempting to prevent a super fan from taking a picture with him, this determined individual was not swayed. Terry, however, did not shy away from exposing their entitled behavior to everyone, which is commendable.

A Dog’s Life

Being a dog in today’s competitive world is challenging, and being a pet owner becomes even harder with everyone feeling the need to give unsolicited advice. Despite your best efforts, you cannot fully dictate a dog’s behavior as they possess their own individuality, and you must learn to let them be themselves.

However, this neighbor refused to accept the fact and believed they had the right to express their dissatisfaction regarding a playful puppy simply acting like a puppy. The most frustrating aspect, however, was that they owned a dog themselves, which exhibited similar, if not more troublesome behavior.

Boxed In

Parking lots often witness a considerable display of entitlement, where individuals either improperly claim parking spaces or simply demonstrate a lack of consideration towards others in the vicinity.

Consider this illustration: these vehicles are positioned so closely that it is extremely challenging for anyone to enter or exit unless they are willing to slide across the car seat and out through the window. Engaging in a small act of mindfulness can make a significant difference in such situations.

No Treat For You

The excitement of awaiting a delightful surprise brings a unique and gratifying joy. The eager anticipation is nearly as delightful as the initial satisfaction of indulging in the first bite. However, all the anticipation and happiness can quickly fade away, leaving behind a sour taste of bitterness and letdown when you discover that your treat has been stolen or taken away.

In offices around the world, people feel entitled to each other’s food, but it’s never right to take something that doesn’t belong to you. Especially if they were looking forward to it all day!

Barking Up The Wrong Bush

Relationships can be tough, especially when you feel like you’re not getting what you want and what you need from your partner. It’s important to take a step back, take a deep breath, and take a proper look at where these feelings are coming from — and who you direct them towards.

Leaving a one-star review for a product because you’re upset with your boyfriend is probably not the right way to go about it, but that’s what’s happened here. It’s not the tablet’s fault your boyfriend didn’t get you a mini iPad!

Giving Into Demands

On a long flight, you need all the extra comfort you can get — and sometimes, that means paying a little extra for a window seat. Being able to look down on the world from above can make all the difference when you’ve got a long way to go.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get a window seat — but it seems that doesn’t stop some people from feeling entitled to one. This woman demanded someone else’s window seat, but perhaps if she’d gone about it in another way she’d have got a better result.

Taking Up Space

When you’re in a rush, you just want to get in, get out, and go. That’s understandable — but it doesn’t mean it’s alright to take up space that someone else needs. Especially when that space is a disabled parking spot.

Here we have a driver who felt more entitled to this spot than the people who need it most. What’s worse is that they’re only a little bit over the line. They’ve blocked everyone else from getting in when they didn’t even need to, if they’d just been more careful.

Imposing On The World

There’s carelessness, and then there’s just outright disregard for the needs of other people. Sometimes, people make mistakes, and that’s easy enough to understand and forgive. Then there are other people, who go beyond that.

This driver decided not to bother about the lines marked out for parking. They decided they didn’t care about other drivers who might need to park. Nope, they just imposed themselves on the world, taking up way more space than they needed to.

Rewarding Work

Posting a reward is a great way to motivate someone to help you out. When you lose some jewelry or a pet goes missing, it’s common to post signs around the neighborhood and add a little something as a reward to anyone who can help.

Of course, you’re only entitled to the reward if you do the work and actually help. This guy seemed to feel entitled to a reward just for seeing a random cat laying underneath a car, though — sorry, but that doesn’t quite cut it.

Free Stuff Isn’t Free

Anyone who owns a truck knows that people will ask for help moving, just like any photographer knows that people will ask for free photos. Working events can be a full-time job, and a photographer’s skills and talents take time and effort to achieve.

Sometimes, though, for some reason, people just feel like they deserve free photography. They offer to pay in “publicity” or “exposure,” but here’s an idea — why not pay people in actual money? It might seem crazy, but it might just work.

A Free Lunch

When the Lakers announced that a taco truck was being sent over for LAFD firefighters and other first responders, most people were happy to hear the good news. Not everyone, though — some people always feel entitled to more.

This comment comes from someone who was clearly unimpressed by this offer of free food. Sure, the food’s free, but it’s only food. The other commenters didn’t seem to take kindly to this attitude.

Wherever You Please

Sometimes it seems like people just don’t understand how parking lots work. There are lines painted on the ground, and all the other cars seems to be parked between them, but to some drivers that just doesn’t seem to make sense.

What other explanation could there be for finding someone parked across a walkway or somewhere else that’s out of bounds? Well, unless they just feel entitled to park wherever they please.

The Land of Nod

Everyone needs a good night’s sleep. Sometimes, even that isn’t enough, and you need to catch a quick nap as well. That’s especially true when you’re on a long flight, or if you’ve been traveling a long time.

That doesn’t give anyone the right to take up space that isn’t theirs, though — but that’s just what seems to be happening here. Lying across extra seats may be more comfortable, but what about everyone else who needs somewhere to sit?

The Writing’s On The Wall

Everyone needs to start somewhere, and you can’t expect to pull in the big bucks when you’re just starting out. Some jobs pay more than others, and that’s easy to understand and accept.

Although, there are limits. 50 cents per chapter, at a thousand words per chapter — the math on that works out to somewhere between “not a chance” and “absolutely not.” At that rate, you might as well ask someone to work for free. Sadly, some people feel entitled to do just that. We hope there weren’t any suckers who took the job.

Space Invaders

Personal space is a funny thing — well, maybe funny is the wrong word. It sure seems like some people can’t quite grasp the concept, though. Everyone needs their space, and no one wants their space invaded.

Unfortunately, it seems to happen all too often. On public transport or on a flight, women find men pushing into their space no matter how many times they ask them to stop. Some men still have a lot to learn about how to behave in public.

Caring For the Planet

The planet needs to be taken care of. Ecosystems live in a delicate balance, and disturbing them can lead to a chain reaction, affecting plants and animals in unpredictable ways. We have a responsibility to the world we live in.

Then, there are people who feel entitled to the perfect pic for social media, no matter where they have to go or what they have to do to take it. Even if it means walking along a protected dune without any thought for the consequences.

I Want To Get Away

Saving for the perfect honeymoon can be hard work, but it’s well worth it. Getting enough to finance your dream getaway can make a beautiful wedding even more special.

Some couples even get contributions from friends and family, instead of — or on top of — the other wedding gifts they receive when they tie the knot. Usually, though, that sort of thing happens when gifts are exchanged, which tends to happen at the reception, not on a gofundme page — but maybe times are changing.

The Perfect Gentleman

Some of us are old fashioned, but being old fashioned is no excuse for demanding a free meal. The world has come a long way, and these days we expect equality — and that’s true when it comes to dating, too.

A date is a great way to find someone you click with, who you can treat as an equal. Whoever wrote this comment clearly disagrees and feels entitled to a free meal — but that’s just not for everyone.

Long Arm Of The Law

Getting along with your neighbors makes the world a better place to be. Building a community can be hard work, but it’s endlessly rewarding, and makes life a lot easier in the long run.

Apparently, though, that’s not for everyone. Instead of picking up the phone or just going over to talk, this person decided to get the police involved over a barking dog — and not only that, but it seems that might’ve got the wrong dog anyway.

A Small Complaint

People love their pets, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some pets get spoiled, though, and there’s nothing wrong with that either — unless you decide your spoiled pet is entitled to be spoiled, and you make it everyone’s problem.

This customer is very upset about the size of their big dog’s “pup chino” — apparently, they’re just too small these days. Maybe that’s true, although maybe there are bigger issues in the world than how much Starbucks your dog gets to drink.

Getting It Backwards

When you do a job for someone, you expect to get paid. Simple, right? Yet some people seem to find it hard to wrap their head around. For some reason, people sometimes have trouble recognizing that photographers are professionals who ought to be paid for their work.

It gets worse, though — not only was this photographer asked to work without pay, they were asked to pay for the privilege! Talk about not making any sense. That’s as backward as it gets.

Put Your Feet Up

Some cities are cleaner than others, but no matter how clean they might be the streets still get dirty — and those dirty streets will get on your feet, whether you like it or not.

That’s one reason why it’s never a great idea to put your feet up on the seats when you’re on public transport. There’s also the space you’re taking up, which someone else might need. But some people still feel entitled to do so, even when they’re right underneath a sign that says they shouldn’t.

Send Me A Sign

Following instructions is hard work. First, you have to read the instructions, then you have to follow them. Actually, that doesn’t sound so difficult after all. In fact, it sounds pretty simple.

This driver seems to be having some trouble, though. If only there was some way to know where it was okay to park and where it wasn’t. Some sign to show them the way, some simple instruction they could follow. Perhaps it really is more difficult than it seems.

Catching Some Z’s

There’s nothing better than getting a rest after a long session at the gym, or after taking a good, long ride on your bike. That well-earned relaxation feels great because you know you deserve it.

That doesn’t mean you can just crash wherever you want, though. This cyclist has decided they’re entitled to take up three whole seats on the subway, along with their bike — that’s really not the right place to take a break. There are other people who want to sit down, too.

Friends Of A Feather

The internet fosters the sharing of ideas and allows us to interact with people who we might otherwise never meet. This can help us grow, to help us learn more about the world we live in and the people who live in it. Unfortunately, it also exposes us to some very odd — and entitled — people.

It appears this anonymous commenter feels entitled to only the best of friends — and by “best,” he really means “not a waiter.” If you do an honest day’s work, you’re not good enough for this guy. Oh, well. You’re probably better off — good riddance to bad rubbish.

Where The Heart Is

Home is where the heart is, and everyone’s home is their castle. Some of us have different expectations when we have guests over, and that’s okay. The polite thing to do is to respect your host’s wishes and to be grateful for their hospitality.

The impolite thing to do is to value your own outfit over your host’s comfort — there are more important things than how you look, after all. A little respect goes a long way, and if you’d rather keep your shoes on than enjoy the company of friends, perhaps your priorities need some adjustment.

That Really Takes The Cake

We’ve all done it — you’re out shopping and you feel a bit peckish, so you take a grape or two from the bunch and have a snack. Nothing major, and of course you’ll end up paying for the rest of the bunch. Maybe it’s not strictly the right thing to do, but we’re only human, right?

Then there’s the other end of the spectrum: eating half a cake without even leaving the store yet. On top of munching half a cake before she’d paid for it, this woman felt entitled to a half-off discount too. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

Welcome To The Neighborhood

It’s more blessed to give than receive, the saying goes, and a generous heart is a happy one. The thing about generosity, though, is that it’s freely given and never demanded. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop some people from making demands and expecting to be owed other people’s time.

This new neighbor put a call out for some assistance, and it seems like he got the help he was looking for — but that just wasn’t good enough. He was upset that he didn’t get even more offers. That might not be the best first impression to be making in the neighborhood.

All Wheel Drive

An all-terrain vehicle packs a lot of horsepower, and it’s plenty of fun taking it off the beaten track and into the wilderness. Rain, hail, or snow, an all-wheel-drive can tackle any environment — except, it seems, the local parking lot.

Here we have another sad example of someone’s inability to park within the lines. You might think it seems so simple — the spaces are clearly marked, after all! — but sometimes there’s just no helping people.

Off The Rack

Taking public transport is good for the planet, but riding a bike is great for your health as well. Cycling doesn’t just help your body, but your mind too — especially on a sunny day, taking a ride to work or just around the block can really lift your spirits. The trouble comes when it’s time to put the bike away.

It’s not only cars that people have trouble parking. It seems the problem extends to bikes as well. This bike rack has plenty of space for five bikes, maybe more — or at least, it would, if this cyclist hadn’t hogged it all.

Sale Of The Century

Grabbing a bargain can really boost your mood, but what happens when you’re just a little too late — or, in some cases, a little too early? Dishing out full price for something, only days before it gets a discount, is a bit of bad luck — but it happens, right? It’s nothing to get worked up about.

Unfortunately, this reviewer didn’t quite see things that way. When he bought a game for full price, only to find out it later went on sale, he gave the game a big thumbs down — surely the game wasn’t any less fun, though, just because it wasn’t on sale?

Scalping Supplies

He claims he’s just a man running a family business, but no amount of family involvement can justify an immoral business model. As much of a family man that he is, he’s still a jerk if he’s taking advantage of people.

In a time of shortage, he drove out of state, stocked up on supplies, and intended to resell things that people need. Little did he know that while he was gone, everyone in his neighborhood had managed to stock up — and without paying exorbitant prices!

Window of Shame

There are some stores that seem to be hit with more unsavory characters than others. Someone shared what one store did to deal with a wave of these cringe-worthy customers: banning them for good. These transgressions range from general unpleasantness to outright criminals.

Brilliantly, everyone who enters the shop now knows what these people did to get blacklisted by management, and it’s all caught on camera. This is a great warning to whoever thinks they might come and take advantage of this kindly neighborhood store.

That’s Not a Seat!

When it comes to grocery aisles, especially those located in superstores like Walmart, they are places where you’re likely to encounter strange people that don’t follow the same rules of basic human decency as you do.

Here we have a case in point: a man insisting on sitting down on a pile of raw chicken while talking to Comcast. Unless this good Samaritan alerted the staff, what probably happened next to the chicken is some poor sod probably bought it without knowing it had been previously warmed by another customer’s bottom.

The Lettuce Lady

Once again, we have completely inappropriate behavior at a grocery market. It’s bad enough that everyone’s feeling the fruits and vegetables with their fingers, ruining them and giving us all the more reason to give them a good wash before we eat them.

This woman is destroying the lettuce that’s disrespectful enough to other customers, but what about the grocery store? They should really kick her out for purposely ruining the produce and making it unsellable. There’s no place for that sort of behavior when food is involved.

Taking Up Three Spots

Instead of parking like a civilized person, this RV owner thought that it was acceptable to park across no less than three spots. It doesn’t look like more than two, but let’s see if anyone can actually fit their car in that spot on the right.

Granted, North American malls often have a lot of space for parking, but that only means he’s making people park even further away when they might find it hard to walk the distance to the store.

Covering Up

When you buy organic fruit, you need to be aware that the pesticides they use might not work as well as conventional brands. Although people pay a premium for this, it makes sense because it’s simply not as easy to work with these stringent guidelines.

What’s not all right, however, is for the fruit company to cover up signs that other lifeforms have already enjoyed this apple with a sticker placed so blatantly over the blemish, particularly when it’s being advertised as a “flavor grenade.”

Pistachio Princess

The level of disrespect people show one another in airports and airplanes is terrible, but this lady is taking things one step further than we are used to with her sense of entitlement.

Besides forcing the flight attendants to have a wild goose chase searching for pistachio shells all over the plane after the flight to clean up, she’s also forcing everyone who passes by to step on them. How hard could it possibly discard them by tossing them in a cup or bag? Shame on her.

Judy the Jerk

Judy knew that what she was doing was wrong, but why wouldn’t she just go the extra half-step and toss it in the can? Maybe she was just so excited that Starbucks had finally gotten her name right that she placed it on the garbage can for all to see.

Too bad no one cares, especially after what she did. Do you know what people do care about, Judy? Trash not left in its proper place. Shame on you, Judy!

Impeccable Parking Job

Instead of parking in a spot either demarcated by the white lines or off of the road on the gravel, this jerk decided to stop their car in the one place they can’t park — in the middle of the road.

This just begs the question, what in the world were they thinking? Yep, that’s a lane they’re blocking. By the looks of it, the only way to get around is to make a ridiculously big circle around the parking lot.

Starting Major Beef

While this is completely out of line, people who work at grocery stores will tell you this happens much more often than you’d expect. Instead of bringing it back to the refrigerated display, this cruddy customer left the delicious ribeye steaks where the cookies are.

Can you imagine a worse crime? Letting meat go bad is bad enough — but on top of cookies? Not on our watch! Hopefully one of the store staff members made sure it was removed before it started to stink up the aisle.

All For One

When you’ve got a truck, people are going to ask you to help them move. It’s a law of the universe as fundamental as gravity. You just can’t escape it. Just because people feel entitled to your truck and your time, though, doesn’t entitle you to take up extra space.

Sadly, not everyone seems to agree. Another day, another terrible park. This beast of a truck has pulled up and taken over three entire parking spots all for itself, maybe even four. Smaller cars need to park too, you know, and other people have places to be.

Expectation And Reality

There’s a difference between expectation and entitlement. When you go out for a meal at a restaurant, you expect a waiter to take your order and you expect the food to come out in a reasonable amount of time. No one would call you entitled for that — but some people really take it to the next level.

Sometimes, the world just doesn’t revolve around your meals. Actually, the world never revolves around your meals — especially when there’s a medical emergency. That sort of thing tends to become a priority, even at dinner time. (We hope it turned out okay, in the end!)

Not Worth It

When you’re selling something online, you expect to make a bit of money for it. Sometimes, stuff gets sold at a loss when it’s more important to just get rid of it than to turn a profit. Occasionally, people will even give some things away for free, glad that someone else can get some use out of stuff they no longer need.

What no one expects is to pay someone else for the privilege of picking up your freebies, but that’s just what this tricky customer tried to do. Not only did he want a free microwave, but he wanted gas money as well. What can you really say to that?

The Season Of Giving

Christmas is a time of cheer, and what’s more cheerful than a well-decorated Christmas tree? Christmas is a time to be merry, not to be comparing yourself to others. There’s no need to be a Grinch and wish your tree is the biggest or your lights the brightest. It’s a time to be happy with what you have.

Oh. Alright, maybe sometimes it’s okay to expect something a little more… festive. Perhaps $500 might’ve brought a bigger, better tree, with brighter lights, if it hadn’t all been spent on a spa day. Although, we have to admit that this last one might just be a jolly holiday joke.

Parents Suck!

If you’re extremely lucky and fortunate, your parents will give you a car on your 16th birthday—whether it be a hand-me-down, a used car, or a brand new car. Any kid would be thrilled to receive any car. Well, maybe not any kid…

This EXTREMELY lucky child was gifted this beautiful green Lamborghini from her outrageously generous parents. But rather than being appreciative, this entitled child decided to complain to her friends about how she wanted a yellow one. Cue eye roll.

A Star Is Born

Some online reviews are so dismal, even giving a single star seems like a bit too much. These reviewers might wish they could give zero stars, or even negative stars — taking stars away from other reviewers. Thankfully, that’s just not possible.

Here’s a reviewer that felt entitled to a discount, even though the food was so good, just because they had offered to share it with their social media followers. That’s not really how this works.

Ask And Ye Shan’t Receive

Upgrading your phone happens every so often—once every couple of years, or maybe more frequently if you’ve got a bit more cash to spare. It’s common enough to find ads online for old iPhones, being sold at fairly low prices.

What’s not so common, though, is finding an iPhone being put online for free. No one’s going to just give their old iPhone away. That’s what this online shopper felt entitled to, though, when he asked if the seller could waive the $125 just because — well, just because. He did get something for free, in the end: his messages posted online for the world to see.

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