Dog spotted in water during dinner cruise: yacht crew jumps into action to save her life

Dog spotted in water during dinner cruise: yacht crew jumps into action to save her life

A dinner cruise on a yacht took a very surprising turn when a couple saw a dog struggling in the water. The crew then did an amazing thing to save the dog.

Terry Johns was in charge of the Sanibel Harbor Princess, which was taking people on a dinner tour in Florida from Fort Myers Beach to Lighthouse Beach.

happy dog

WINK News says the cruise took a strange turn when a couple saw a dog fighting to stay afloat in the water.
Captain Johns told WINK, “I looked out and saw something in the water.” “After that I heard ‘dog, dog, dog.'”

Finally Saved

dog watching

The dog was saved right away by the captain and his team. It wasn’t clear whether the animal had drowned or been sucked in by the strong currents.

People says that co-captain Kurt Echols steered the boat toward the dog, which let the crew save it at the swim platform.

saved dog

Then, the staff and passengers fed and watered the dog. She was said to be “very friendly” and thankful for being saved.

The dog was brought to land so that she could be reunited with her family. She had a microchip, but no one could read it. But when the story got to the news, her owners were glad to hear it.

The Baker family lost their dog Ellie while they were on a boat trip. They looked everywhere in the water but couldn’t find her.


They were heartbroken: “I just thought that was it.” Ben told WINK News, “I’m 72 years old and I think I’ve cried more in the last 18 hours.”


But this boat crew helped find Ellie, save her, and get her back to her family.
What a miracle! Everyone on this boat was so kind to watch out for this dog that got lost and help her get home.

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