Three-legged dog left in dumpster now living his best life — sends “revenge” message to the person who abandoned him

Three-legged dog left in dumpster now living his best life — sends “revenge” message to the person who abandoned him

A lot of people say that being happy is the best way to get back at someone. That’s particularly true for rescue dogs, who often do well after being rescued after being abused or left behind.

This dog’s moving story shows that; he’s doing great and wants the person who left him to know, “Look at me now.”


Nova, a staffy, was thrown away in a garbage can. He had an injured leg that had to be cut off when he was found.

dog nova

Nova quickly however found a wonderful home who love him just the way he is.
Posts on TikTok say that Nova was so scared that he would always hide under the bed. It makes sense that he was still feeling traumatized.

nova mood

His owner made him his own bed, though, so he can sleep well and enjoy belly rubs.
Nova’s luck turned out well, and the videos of him getting used to his new home are his “revenge” against the person who left him in such a mean way.

nova walking

The TikTok reads, as if it were Nova’s voice, “I am so happy and bring so much joy.” “See what you’re missing out on?”Excuse me, but I was thrown away in a dumpster. Look what happened to me…” says another post.
Omar, the family’s other dog, and Nova have become very close. Nova calls Omar his “best friend, mentor, and pillow.”

nova happy

“He said he would never leave me,” she said. “My dad bought me a quilt that goes with it for my own bed.”

nova mom

“Even though I’ve been through a lot, I sleep well at home with people who love me.”
It breaks our hearts that someone would put a sweet dog like Nova in the trash, but we’re so happy he has a great new home and is living his best life.

nova friend

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