50 DIY Fails That Went So Wrong, People Just Had To Share Pics Online

50 DIY Fails That Went So Wrong, People Just Had To Share Pics Online

In the age of social media, the internet has become a platform where people share their achievements, experiences, and even their failures. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects have gained significant popularity, empowering individuals to unleash their creativity and save money. However, not all DIY endeavors end up as successful as envisioned. In this article, we will explore 50 hilarious DIY fails that went awry, leaving people with no choice but to share their unfortunate experiences online.

1. This Subreddit’s Title Says It All

2. Up For Some Spam?

3. Your Grand Kids With Cherish These… Or Bury Them In The Backyard

4. Ouch

All Mail Is Nuked For 10 Seconds To Destroy Any Tracking Or Listening Devices Put There By A Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency

Socks For Human Beings

I Wouldn’t Tell Anyone I Won The Lottery… But There Would Be Hints

Repurposed Jeans

You Can Do Many Things That Is Not This

Just Because You Can

This Motorcycle Was Made Into An 18-Wheeler… Type, Thing

A Car Around Town

Can’t Say I’ve Seen Something Like This

Because It Gets Hot In The Workshop And There’s No Ac

Because Tap Shoes

My Dad’s Razor

My Friend Went To Look At An Apartment Today And This Was The “Shower”

Redneck Penthouse?

Take A Ride On The Death Swing


The Gaming Chair

Local Artist’s Custom Paint Job

“What Are We Cooling The Outside” -My Mom

Op Said “Phone Will Not Charge Without Pressure”

This Tyre Tube Face Mask

My Dad’s Home Made Dog Door. It Lives On. In Fact, It Now Has A New Custom Door Stopper

My Dad’s Home Made Dog Door. It Lives On. In Fact, It Now Has A New Custom Door Stopper

Nail Polish Heel..

Nail Polish Heel..

My Younger Brother (11) Has Inexplicably Hot-Glued Colourful Buttons To Random Keys On His Keyboard


In conclusion, DIY projects often provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression. However, as demonstrated by these 50 DIY fails, not all attempts yield the desired results. Nonetheless, sharing these mishaps online has fostered a sense of camaraderie and amusement among DIY enthusiasts worldwide. Remember, even if your project doesn’t go as planned, it’s essential to laugh, learn, and try again.


  1. Can DIY fails be fixed?
    Yes, many DIY fails can be rectified with additional effort and sometimes professional assistance. It depends on the nature of the fail and the extent of the damage.
  2. Are there any safety risks associated with DIY projects?
    Yes, certain DIY projects, especially those involving electricity, plumbing, or structural changes, can pose safety risks. It’s crucial to prioritize safety, follow instructions carefully, and seek professional help when necessary.
  3. How can I avoid DIY fails?
    To minimize the chances of DIY fails, conduct thorough research, follow instructions meticulously, seek guidance from experienced individuals, and start with simpler projects before tackling more complex ones.
  4. Why do people share their DIY fails online?
    Sharing DIY fails online provides a sense of humor, community, and a platform to learn from others’ experiences. It also serves as a reminder that not every project has to be perfect, and mistakes are a part of the learning process.
  5. Where can I find inspiration for successful DIY projects?
    There are numerous sources of inspiration for DIY projects, including online platforms like Pinterest, home improvement blogs, and even local community workshops. Explore different avenues and let your creativity guide you.

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Aftab Ahmad

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