With the Help of A.I., Here’s What These 40+ Celebrities Would Look Today if They Were Alive

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With the Help of A.I., Here’s What These 40+ Celebrities Would Look Today if They Were Alive
With the Help of A.I., Here’s What These 40+ Celebrities Would Look Today if They Were Alive

It’s truly heart-wrenching to think about some of the world’s most skilled artists passing away before they could age gracefully in front of us. Fortunately though, we can now use AI technology to visualize what these beloved departed stars would have looked like had they lived until today. Let’s take a look and reminisce together.

River Phoenix

Despite his young age of 23, River Phoenix (who is also the younger sibling of well-known actor Joaquin Phoenix) was able to make a significant impact in the field of acting before his untimely death in 1993. His breakthrough performance in Stand by Me garnered much attention and recognition.

Following that, he rose to prominence in various roles and even received a nomination for an Academy Award in the Best Supporting Actor category. He was also set to appear in Interview With the Vampire alongside other famous actors. Regrettably, he passed away before filming commenced. Christian Slater replaced him and contributed his entire salary to the charities River was passionate about.

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James Dean

James Dean transformed the concept of teenage rebellion into an artistic expression, becoming a dominant figure in the 1950s through his impressive talent and stylish appearance. His popular films, Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden, remain his most notable cinematic works.

Regrettably, he passed away in a car accident at the young age of 24. However, in recognition of his exceptional talent, he received two Best Actor Academy Award nominations after his death for his performances in East of Eden and Giant.


Referring to Selena as “One of the greatest Latino artists of all time” falls short in truly describing the immense talent possessed by the “Queen of Tejano music.” This Mexican-American musician was a remarkable artist with a promising career, tragically ended by her untimely death.

At just 23 years old, she was already among the most influential Latina artists worldwide, making it hard to imagine how much more success she could have achieved if she were still alive today. Thankfully, we can still appreciate the music she left for us to enjoy.

Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur, also known as 2Pac or Makaveli, had a short-lived career in music, but he remains one of the most impactful rappers of all time. Despite his unfortunate death, he has sold over 75 million records and is still known as one of the top-selling artists in history.

Tupac was born in New York to parents who spoke out often about social issues and inequality, and his music reflected their passion. He was also a skilled actor who appeared in multiple films prior to his tragic death.

Sharon Tate

Regrettably, despite Sharon Tate’s considerable talents and promising prospects, it is her tragic death that has overshadowed her achievements as an actress and model.

Sharon was married to the infamous film director Roman Polanski when she was brutally killed by the Manson Family in 1969 while carrying his child. She had already achieved success for her performance in Valley of the Dolls and it is likely that she would have continued to excel in her career had she lived.

Jimi Hendrix

The image created by AI of Jimi Hendrix as an older person highlights how the world was deprived of a great musician due to his untimely death at the age of 27. However, the music he created before his passing is a treasure that we can cherish.

As cited by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Jimi is considered by many as the most exceptional instrumentalist in rock n’ roll history, making him one of the highly impactful electric guitarists to ever exist. Even today, Jimi serves as a role model for aspiring musicians.

Janis Joplin

Despite having released only three albums during her career, which ended with her death in 1970 (with another one released posthumously a year after), Janis Joplin left a remarkable heritage. Her exceptional voice and enchanting persona made her one of the most sought-after rock stars of her era.

Initially, she was a member of a musical group but eventually stood out due to her individuality, leading her to pursue a thriving solo career, which included performing at the renowned Woodstock festival. Her renditions of both popular and original songs will be forever etched in the memory of her fans.

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