A Dog Groaning in Pain and Crying While Dragging His Legs

A Dog Groaning in Pain And Crying While Dragging His Legs
The dog watching man helplessly.

On winter days, a boy worked with his teammates on a construction site. One day, after finishing his work, he moved towards his apartment for some rest. On the way, he saw a dog with broken hind legs near a garbage dump, where all types of unnecessary items were thrown. The dog was trying to eat something from the trash.

Source: youtube

After eating something from the garbage, the dog returned and tried to go somewhere, but his hind legs were fully broken, and he dragged them. The boy saw the whole scene and his heart was hurt after seeing this. He thought about what had happened to the dog and wondered how he survived and protected himself from those who tried to hurt him, given that he was very helpless and couldn’t run or walk properly.

He saw the dog from a distance and thought about what he could do to help him, so he promised himself to take the dog with him after completion of his work. However, he was currently working on a construction site project and had some time to finish his work before he could leave.

Source: youtube

The next morning, the boy saw the same dog at the construction site again. He went to the dog and called out to him, making soothing sounds to take him closer. The dog approached the boy without hesitation, as every living being needs love and care. The dog likely sensed that the boy meant no harm, as not everyone wants to hurt him.

The dog came near to the boy with full care and started petting him with love. The dog was very happy that someone also loved and gave him a touch without hesitation. The dog moved around him with happiness that he found someone who loved him like he did.

Source: youtube

An other time the boy came with food which he prepared for the dog and kept the food at that place where he saw the dog for the first time near the trash. The dog saw the boy near the food where the boy kept it. The dog ran to the boy by dragging his legs. He smelt the food and took a pleasant eye on the boy. Because the food looked delicious. The dog’s eyes were full of tears as he thanked the boy for that beautiful meal. 

He ate the meal full and after that, he came near and started to move around him. The boy played with him for a while and returned to his work because now that was a time of his work. 

During work, he kept his eyes on the dog from a distance and felt very heartbroken watching his condition while he dragged his legs. That was how much painful or difficult it was for him to drag his legs. The boy felt love for him because he also had some pets and knew about all the things that made it difficult for him to survive in such a season. He gave food to the dog regularly.

Source: youtube

The boy’s happiness was mutual, and when he saw the dog, his whole stress disappeared. Similarly, the dog’s joy was also seen when he saw the boy, who he had grown to trust and love for him. Finally, the boy’s work was finished, and it was time to go home, where he would fulfill his promise to the dog, to give him a new hope in life and a loving family where he would receive all the love and care that he deserved.

He packed all his necessary things and held a jacket or cotton shirt he had set aside for the dog. Then, he went outside and called the dog by making some soothing sounds. The dog immediately recognized the sound, the sound of the kind-hearted boy who had helped him and he ran quickly towards him.

As the boy petted him, he fully gained the dog’s trust because the dog also loved and enjoyed the touch of him. The boy had carefully won the dog’s trust, making it easy to take him along with him when they left the job site, as the dog didn’t show any resistance at this time. 

Source: youtube

Before leaving, the boy carefully packed the dog in a cotton shirt and then wrapped him in a jacket, preparing for their motorbike journey. The dog didn’t show any resistance as the boy packed him completely in the jacket, trusting that the boy meant no harm. 

The boy ensured the dog was fully wrapped to protect him from the cold and wind throughout the journey. With the dog securely seated in front of him on the bike, the boy began their journey. The dog sat peacefully, feeling safe and content, as the boy drove carefully, starting their new adventure together.

The day was shining and brightening on that day, which also means that the dog’s future was also bright.

Source: youtube

The dog got frightened by the sound of the bike and he tried to move down but the boy petted him and tried to claim the dog. On the way, the dog moved two to three times and got frightened but at last he knew that he was saved and enjoyed the journey. When the bike slowed down at some places due to signals, the dog moved his head outward and saw what happened.

Source: youtube

The boy continued his journey and at last, he reached home. The boy’s friend came and also gave the dog a warm welcome and said that we loved the dog very much and took care of him together. They suddenly went to the shop and bought something to eat for him. He took the dog home, visited all the houses, and ate his food fully. One of his friends took the cotton cloth where he could lie down and take a nap after a long journey. From now on that will be his home, that keeps it away from all the misfortunes of life. 

Although he has lost the ability to walk and run properly, he was still full of enthusiasm for life and adaptability to enjoy his new home.

Source: youtube

They visited the doctor, who thoroughly examined the dog. The doctor’s diagnosis revealed that the dog’s hind legs were paralyzed, making it impossible for him to walk like other dogs. However, the dog’s new family went to see him on his feet again. The doctor recommended fitting the dog with artificial legs, which would enable him to run and walk like other dogs. With his new artificial legs, the dog once again enjoyed life to the fullest, and even more so than before, as he now had a loving family and a warm home that loved him.

Source: youtube

After watching him running freely in the yard, the boy’s heart was full of happiness and a sense of accomplishment. That dog, who once struggled to live on a construction site, now the dog has completely adjusted into our family. 

I hope all the stray dogs can find their own home and feel the warmth and love from humans. Everylife was unique and worth protecting.

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