84-Year-Old Woman Cares For Her Son’s Dog, Only To Be Shocked By What Happens Next

84-Year-Old Woman Cares For Her Son’s Dog, Only To Be Shocked By What Happens Next

When people get dogs as pets, the last thing they expect is to have to take care of them. I know, it sounds really crazy.

Why wouldn’t someone be ready for this kind of duty? Most of the time, it’s because getting a small puppy comes with a lot of issues that need to be dealt with.
Some of these are food, medicine, and toys. Even though it seems easy, people can get too busy to handle everything at once.

The old woman saw that her son’s dog was pregnant while she was taking care of it. She didn’t think this mother dog would have 10 pups. That’s when she knew she needed help.

A Call For Help

pregnant dog standing in a cage

Stray Rescue of St. Louis chose to help the old woman after she told them about her. The person who saved her drove to her house, where she was happily waiting for them.

She took her inside and showed her where the kennel was. She was shocked even though she knew what was going to happen.

A scared mother dog and her ten kids were in a kennel. She looked upset when she saw the rescuer because she wasn’t sure if she was a danger.

many newborn puppies

When the savior asked what was going on, the old woman told her she wasn’t fit to take care of that many puppies.
They needed the right kind of help, which she couldn’t give them. The mom was worried about her puppies, which was normal, so she didn’t calm down right away.

Rescuers had to take her away from the babies so she could put them all in a box and carry them to the car.

Even though she could do that, she quickly checked them all out and saw that most of them were healthy and would be fine.

I was amazed at how well this old woman could care for them until help came. She’s really great.

They Have Found A Foster

mother dog and newborn puppies

After that, they were reunited with their mom, who was still very worried about being away from them for a short time.

The person who came to help her said she was clean and taking good care of the puppies. This is also why all ten of them are so fit.

First, she let them calm down. Then, she took them all back to the shelter in St. Louis, where they began looking for a foster family.
The puppies are still very young, so they would do better in a temporary home until they are old enough to be adopted. There, they can grow up and learn how to enjoy life.

mother dog feeding newborns

Soon enough, a woman offered to take them in. They were so happy about this because it meant they would all grow up in a good place.

Now that they have a foster mom, the puppies are living their best lives. She will take care of them until they find their forever home.

Even though I don’t know what will happen next or if they have been adopted yet, I am happy that they are all safe and having time with their mom.

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