30+ Plastic Surgery Jobs didn’t Go as Planned

Hello, you are free to use your body whatever you like. Your body, your decision. And it's absolutely fine if some people decide to have surgery to change and alter their appearance. Go ahead, boo! However, before you decide to do so, be sure to conduct adequate research to find a certified and experienced doctor to handle the task.


21. Lovely Lips

At least she’ll save money on waxing her real mustache! Thick eyebrows apparently don’t pair well with an even thicker top lip. Seriously, what’s up with those lips?

22. Bad Breasts

I think she needs to reconsider her choice in plastic surgeon… Maybe you’ll get a matching set next time! If she wanted this, then that’s cool, too.

22. Those lips

Eating might be hard these days… As long as she loves herself it’s all good. Those lips!

23. Animated

On the bright side, at least he looks so perfect that he no longer resembles a real human being. Why look human when you can look like a digitally animated character? He used to be a pretty handsome guy.

25. Two sets of lips

Well, at least with two mouths, she’ll never grow tired of talking. From this angle, it almost looks like there’s another person in there. If she’s satisfied with the results, more power to her.

28. Bad boob job strikes back

Perky just got a little bit perkier. It looks like two balls were taped to her chest… Let’s see gravity try to bring those back down to earth. She looks pretty happy so maybe she’s happy with the results.

29. Large lips

Most people walk out of the hair salon feeling brand new. I’m not sure what happened here… Apparently, construction silicone was injected into her lips at a salon. You read that correctly.

30. Lip removal

….No lips! To achieve the perfect cupid’s bow, remove the lips entirely. You’re sure to see hearts even after Valentine’s Day! Where did her lips go?

31. Plastic surgery princess

It’s probably a full workout for her just to open and close that mouth now… As long as she’s satisfied with the results… She looks so different now!

32. Ribless Rex

I thought the whole point of seeing doctors was to keep yourself healthy? Who needs ribs anyways? That’s 24 less bones to worry about!

33. The same person

I don’t know what happened. This is the same person. Never fix something that’s not broken.

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Mute Maven


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