30+ Plastic Surgery Jobs didn’t Go as Planned

Hello, you are free to use your body whatever you like. Your body, your decision. And it's absolutely fine if some people decide to have surgery to change and alter their appearance. Go ahead, boo! However, before you decide to do so, be sure to conduct adequate research to find a certified and experienced doctor to handle the task.


Hello, you are free to use your body whatever you like. Your body, your decision. And it’s absolutely fine if some people decide to have surgery to change and alter their appearance. Go ahead, boo! However, before you decide to do so, be sure to conduct adequate research to find a certified and experienced doctor to handle the task.

Here are 10 instances of Plastic Surgeries that didn’t go as planned.

1. Jawline Journey​

This unfortunate girl seems to be trying to combine Bella Hadid, Angelina Jolie, and Megan Fox into one person. The lips and cheekbones may be overdone.

Source: REDDIT

2. Balloon Lips​

Check out those brows. Actually, if you don’t look past the lips, you’ll miss them.

Source: REDDIT

3. Bad Surgeon

The doctor responsible for another botched surgery in this sub.

Source: REDDIT

4. Tattoos Better Then…

Found this lady on Instagram, I honestly feel bad.

Source: REDDIT

5. Pouty Barbie

Insta Model, Now She Having Extra Pouty…


Source: REDDIT

6. Something Seems Off

Missing nose, duck lips and a uni-boob


Source: REDDIT

7. Instagram vs. Reality

Instagram vs. Reality after her 12th nose job.  I’m going to assume that she can’t breathe through her nose anymore


Source: REDDIT



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