30+ Plastic Surgery Jobs didn’t Go as Planned

Hello, you are free to use your body whatever you like. Your body, your decision. And it's absolutely fine if some people decide to have surgery to change and alter their appearance. Go ahead, boo! However, before you decide to do so, be sure to conduct adequate research to find a certified and experienced doctor to handle the task.


8. Whoville

Well, where exactly is her hometown? My money is with @mikejw127 on Whoville. Those cheeks might be a little overdone…


9. Cheeks


Just when we thought the cheeks couldn’t go any further. Maybe they’re still swollen from the surgery? Well, she’s still smiling, so that’s good.

10. Watermuscles

Yes, doctor, I would like a grapefruit inserted onto each arm. They honestly look like they could burst at any moment! Fortunately, they both really seem to let them.

11. Tilted

For the price of plastic surgery these days, who can blame her for trying. Well, better luck next time. I hope it wasn’t painful.


12. Lines under the eyes

What’s going on under the eyes? That doesn’t look like makeup. Are those scars?

13. Puffs

Those lips look like they could burst at any moment… As long as she’s satisfied. And those eyes…


14. Lip Tissue

Apparently this is only 10% real lip tissue. What’s the other 90%? That’s quite the upper lip. I sense some sorrow behind those eyes.

15. Erased

Some of her face looks erased… or animated. She might have modeled her look after Barbie. I like the lashes.


16. Cheekbones

Those cheekbones are big! They’re actually way, way bigger than big. She looks happy, though. I’m glad.

17. Harley Quinn

With the blue eyeshadow, penciled-on eyebrows, and pouty lips, she is a real-life Bratz doll. Too bad these dolls have been discontinued. I like her eye for color.

18. Let’s see that smile

We can’t see that beautiful smile! And those wonderful teeth. It seems that she can barely open her mouth. Can she close it?

19. Chest shelf

Chest day sure just got a heck of a lot easier. He no longer has to worry if he’s training both pecs equally because, well, he only seems to have one. Is that a chest shelf?

20. Ken & Barbie

Why choose between Ke and Barbie when you can have both? Two for the price of one! Unfortunately, I’m not sure this lives up to either.

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Mute Maven


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