Top 10 Tex-Mex Restaurants That Will Make People Laugh


El Arroyo in Austin, Texas, has gained legendary status not just for its Tex-Mex cuisine but also for the humorous and witty quotes displayed outside the restaurant. Since the 1980s, the tradition of posting funny signs has continued, drawing people in not just for the food but for the laughter-inducing messages. The signs have become a charming and integral part of the El Arroyo experience, making it a place where customers can enjoy both good food and a good laugh.

The Fastest Land Mammal

El Arroyo’s humorous take on the fastest land mammal being a toddler who’s been asked what’s in their mouth is a clever and amusing way to play with the concept. Toddlers indeed have a knack for swift and energetic movements, especially when faced with a question about what they’re holding or putting in their mouths. It’s a playful and relatable twist on the idea of speed, adding a touch of humor to everyday scenarios.

Wearing a Mask at a Bank

Can you believe that in the past, no one would have thought that regular, non-criminal folks would wear masks to a bank and ask for money? But during Covid-19, that’s exactly what happened! This funny sign perfectly captures the craziness of that time when everything seemed to be turned upside down.

A Message to the Taco Trucks

Who doesn’t get excited when they hear the ice cream truck’s music? It’s such a thrill to run outside and pick your favorite treat right at your doorstep. Imagine that same awesome experience, but with taco trucks! They’re already on wheels, so why not have them drive around, bringing delicious tacos straight to you? That would be taco heaven on wheels!

Social Distancing Forever

The pandemic made us all sad about social distancing from loved ones, but for some, it revealed that certain relationships weren’t the best. Even after the virus is gone, they want those people to stay far away. It’s like a permanent social distancing from certain folks.

Cheers to Strong Women

El Arroyo took a beautiful moment to celebrate strong women. They want to know them, be like them, and raise them. It’s an inspiring reminder for everyone to support the women in their lives and teach their children to do the same. This message is sure to bring a smile to many faces.

The New Method for Online Shopping

Despite the controversy about phones “listening in,” some folks have chosen to embrace it. Rather than spending hours searching for products online, they just speak aloud what they want, letting the inevitable ads come to them. It’s a humorous take on turning a potential invasion of privacy into a convenient shopping strategy.

Scary Thoughts From the Operation Game

Ever played Operation? Most were focused on extracting the butterfly or rubber band, but did you notice the man’s eyes wide open? El Arroyo wondered if anyone else was bothered by the fact that this guy was clearly awake during the entire “operation” by game players. It adds a quirky and amusing perspective to the classic game.

Beauty Is on the Inside

In a departure from their usual humor, El Arroyo shares a lovely reminder: “You’re only as pretty as you treat people.” This inspirational quote encourages people to prioritize kindness and how they treat others over their outward appearance. It’s a beautiful message urging folks to focus on the lasting impact of their actions rather than becoming overly fixated on physical appearance.

The Shock of a Talking Parrot

Imagine being the first person to have a parrot talk back! It must have been quite a shock. You’re used to animals not speaking human languages, and then suddenly, a parrot repeats a few words. You’d be wondering if they’re just mimicking you, teasing you, or actually responding. It’s a fascinating and likely amusing moment in history.

Forgetting Something Important in the Car

Absolutely relatable! Picture this sign from El Arroyo: “The most frustrating thing is getting halfway to your destination and realizing you forgot something. Welcome back to my car 14 times.” Forgetting something crucial like a mask or wallet after leaving your car is a universal source of frustration and annoyance. We’ve all been there, and it’s a humorous nod to the exasperating moments we’ve experienced.

The Stampede for the Toilet Paper

The pandemic’s toilet paper obsession was truly shocking. It was crazy to see people rushing to stock up on TP instead of other essential items. It makes you wonder about survival instincts – if hoarding toilet paper was the go-to response, some might struggle in a real emergency. It’s a humorous but insightful observation on how people reacted during uncertain times.

The Birthday Cake Dilemma

Absolutely, the perspective shift brought about by the coronavirus pandemic is quite remarkable. Something as commonplace as blowing out candles on a birthday cake, which was once a norm, suddenly became taboo and unthinkable. It’s a clear example of how our perception of everyday activities can change rapidly in the face of unexpected events, altering what we consider normal or acceptable.

The Most Used Phrase of 2020

The rise of remote work during the pandemic led to a widespread shift from in-person meetings to virtual ones on platforms like Zoom. What was once a handy tool for occasional use became one of the most utilized platforms in 2020. With everyone adapting to online meetings, technical difficulties, especially with volume, became a common and sometimes frustrating experience. It was a year of navigating the challenges of virtual communication.

Tequila Instead of Coffee

El Arroyo takes a unique stance on the morning routine, suggesting that tequila might be a better way to start the day than coffee. Perhaps it’s a Tex Mex twist or just a playful perspective, but the idea is that starting the day with tequila could help you see the world through “rose-colored glasses.” It adds a humorous and unconventional touch to the usual coffee-centric morning rituals.

Not a Valid Excuse

El Arroyo signs are known for being both accurate and funny, and this one is no exception. It humorously addresses the excuse that a big nose is a reason not to wear a mask during the pandemic, drawing a parallel with the fact that despite having a big nose, one still wears underwear. It adds a lighthearted touch to the serious topic of mask-wearing during COVID-19.

Life at Several WTF’s per Hour

Absolutely, it sounds like a relatable and humorous disclaimer or bumper sticker. The sign captures a common sentiment many people feel in their daily lives, describing it as “experiencing life at several WTFs per hour.” It adds a touch of humor to the chaotic and unpredictable nature of life, whether you’re on your way to work or heading to a Tex Mex restaurant. It’s a sign that many can likely relate to.

Do You Know What Boobytrap Spelling Backwards Is?

It’s always interesting to discover the reverse spellings of words and find unexpected meanings. The classic example of “dog” becoming “god” carries a certain depth, while the revelation that “boobytrap” spelled backward is “partyboob” adds a humorous twist. It’s a playful linguistic coincidence that brings a touch of irony and amusement to the way words can be read in reverse. Language has its share of hidden surprises!

You Have a Choice to Be One of These Things After Covid

The sign outside El Arroyo humorously captures the varied ways people emerged post-COVID. It rhymes and categorizes the post-pandemic transformations, portraying some as monks due to newfound religious interests, others as hunks from increased exercise, some as drunks finding solace in alcohol, and lastly, some as chunks due to indulging in eating. It playfully highlights the diverse ways individuals coped and changed during and after the pandemic, using humor to reflect on these experiences.

Sorry, Not Sorry

The sign outside El Arroyo likely resonates with people who have different reasons for being late. Some are fashionably late by choice, while others struggle with keeping track of time. Then there are those who are simply late because they don’t prioritize punctuality and prefer arriving when it’s convenient for them. The sign humorously captures the varied attitudes towards timeliness, adding a light-hearted touch to the concept of being fashionably late.

When You Have the Mouth of a Sailor

The sentiment you’ve described is indeed relatable. People often underestimate how much they need or are accustomed to something until they find themselves without it. The example you gave about swearing is a perfect illustration. People may think they don’t curse much, but when in a situation where they can’t, they realize just how accustomed they are to expressing themselves in that way. It’s a humorous revelation about our habits and reactions in different circumstances.

Listen to Your Body

El Arroyo seems to have nailed the art of humor-infused marketing with this sign. By advising people to “Listen to your body” in a casual and relatable manner, they not only inject humor but also cleverly tie it to the idea of enjoying their restaurant offerings. It’s a prime example of how humor can be an effective and engaging marketing tool when blended seamlessly with the product or service being promoted. The sign encourages a lighthearted approach while subtly luring people into their restaurant.

The Description of Personal Style

The term “they did not expect to get out of the car” humorously captures the style of those who prefer comfort over dressing up. It highlights a casual and laid-back approach to attire, suggesting that these individuals are always ready for comfort, even if they unexpectedly need to step out. It’s a playful way of acknowledging the different attitudes people have towards dressing up, emphasizing the comfort-first mindset in a humorous manner.

The Battle of the Worst Numbers

It sounds like you’re building up to a suspenseful revelation about a potentially worse number than 13 or 666. The notion of a “battle of numbers” is intriguing, and it would be interesting to know which number you have in mind as the ultimate contender for being the absolute worst. The anticipation adds an engaging element to the concept you’re presenting. If you’d like, feel free to share the number you have in mind!

The Saga of the Avocado

The struggle with avocados and their narrow window of perfect ripeness is a sentiment many can relate to. The anticipation of waiting for them to be just right, only to find that the optimal time passed in a matter of hours, adds a humorous twist. The idea that avocados might be conspiring to avoid being eaten plays on the frustration of trying to catch them at their peak. It’s a light-hearted take on the love-hate relationship many people have with this beloved fruit.

Can’t We All Just Be Cool?

The notion of refreshing the classic refrain “can’t we all just get along?” with a Tex-Mex restaurant’s perspective is a unique and amusing idea. The suggestion to be more chill as a way to promote peace adds a casual and lighthearted touch to the concept of harmony. It emphasizes the idea that a more relaxed and easygoing approach could contribute to making the world a more pleasant place. It’s a playful take on a timeless message.

Was It Batman or Covid?

The comparison between the COVID-19 pandemic and superheroes, particularly with the commonality of mask-wearing, is an interesting and somewhat ironic observation. The shared experience of mask-wearing connects the two worlds, with superheroes donning masks as part of their identity, and everyone in 2020 wearing masks for safety. The idea of compiling quotes from both superheroes and people in 2020 to highlight their similarities adds a humorous twist, showcasing unexpected parallels between fictional and real-life narratives. It’s a clever way to draw connections between two seemingly unrelated contexts.

A Different Type of Dancing Queen

The unexpected twist in the sign’s adaptation of the ABBA song lyrics adds a humorous touch, capturing the vibe of 2020. Instead of the upbeat and carefree sentiment of the original “Dancing Queen” lyrics, it takes a turn to reflect the global experience of quarantine. The clever play on the words, changing the age to “in quarantine,” adds a contemporary and relatable element, turning a classic song into a reflection of the unique challenges faced in the year 2020. It’s a creative way to blend pop culture with the shared experiences of the time.

Is That a New Scent of Hand Sanitizer?

The observation about the impact of excessive soap washing and hand sanitizing during the pandemic is both relatable and amusing. The idea that people were too preoccupied with covering themselves in hand sanitizer to notice the scents of others, and the most exciting olfactory experience was finding a new scent for oneself, humorously captures the heightened focus on hygiene during the challenging times of 2020. It reflects the shift in priorities and the small joys found in personal experiences amid the larger context of the pandemic.

A Space That Makes Quite a Difference

The play on words in the sign highlighting the difference between a “boyfriend” and a “boy friend” with the little space representing the friendzone is clever and humorous. It adds a lighthearted twist to the idea of being in the friendzone, a situation that can be challenging for those involved. While the sign is amusing, it’s important to recognize the feelings of those who may find themselves in the friendzone, as it can be a sensitive topic for some individuals. Comedy often finds its roots in relatable experiences, but empathy is crucial in acknowledging diverse perspectives and emotions.

The New Suggested Category for Netflix

The suggestion to call it “easy watches” instead of the more explicit “easy to watch while on my phone the whole time” adds a touch of humor and self-awareness. It acknowledges the changing dynamics of how people consume content, emphasizing the need for easily digestible and accessible entertainment options in the age of constant connectivity. The term “easy watches” might indeed be a more marketable and friendly way to describe this type of content.

8 Years of Forgetting to Go to the Gym

El Arroyo’s humorous take on the excuse “I forgot to go to the gym” adds a playful twist to the common struggle many people face when it comes to maintaining a regular gym routine. The idea that some might conveniently forget to go for an extended period, like 8 years straight, is a light-hearted exaggeration that pokes fun at the challenges of staying motivated for regular exercise. It resonates with the love-hate relationship many individuals have with the gym, showcasing a relatable and amusing perspective on fitness excuses.

Introducing Your Pet to Himself

The humor in the sign about pet owners introducing their pets to themselves captures a playful aspect of the unique and often quirky behaviors that pet owners engage in. While it might seem odd to those who aren’t pet owners, the idea of showing a pet their own reflection in the mirror is a funny and endearing way to anthropomorphize the pet’s understanding of the world. It’s a lighthearted take on the special and sometimes amusing interactions between humans and their beloved pets.

The Crazy Life of the Trash

The humor in the sign from El Arroyo, suggesting that your trash may go out more than you do, plays on the idea of a person’s social habits and the potential impact of events like the COVID-19 pandemic on individual behavior. The mention of “going out” in the context of trash humorously highlights the notion of staying indoors for extended periods, whether due to introverted tendencies or pandemic-related restrictions. It’s a clever play on words that adds a light-hearted touch to the concept of social activities and staying home.

A Private Jet Is the Solution to Everything

The ability to navigate restrictions more freely, whether through private travel options or having amenities like a pool and tennis court, underscores the privileges that some individuals had during challenging times. It’s a commentary on how socioeconomic factors influenced the impact of public health measures, with those who were more affluent having a different set of possibilities and comforts compared to those with fewer resources. This reality highlights the importance of addressing inequality and ensuring that measures are equitable for all members of society.

Being Tempted by the Clowns

If you’ve watched a scary movie, you’d know not to trust clowns. The big lesson here is that even though clowns might seem funny, they’re not fun and can be risky. Surprisingly, this person is so bored and desperate that they’re actually considering following a clown into the woods without thinking twice.

Extending the Lives of People Around You

For some folks, life without morning coffee is tough. Without it, their day goes downhill—anger, misery, and grumpiness abound. That’s why many coffee lovers claim that having their cup in the morning is a secret to a longer life, even if it’s not the healthiest choice.

Such a Beautiful Thought

Sean Connery and Alex Trebek are universally adored celebrities, with hardly anyone having a negative word to say about them. That’s why a sign imagining them playing Jeopardy together in the sky after their passing is so heartwarming. It suggests that the afterlife might not be so bad after all.

A Leaf Blower for People

It seems like a common theme in these funny signs is people wanting their space and not wanting others around. An amusing solution to achieve this is by getting a leaf blower for people – a humorous way to keep strangers at bay by literally blowing them away.

The Pro Version of a Crastinator

While a “crastinator” might not be a real term, the professional version, the procrastinator, is something most people are familiar with. Being a procrastinator pro isn’t as cool as it might sound; it often leads to uncomfortable and stressful situations.

Don’t Use the Toilet in Your Dream… It’s a Trap

Here’s a valuable warning for everyone: if you encounter a toilet in your dream, resist the temptation to use it! It’s likely a signal that you really need to go to the bathroom in reality. To avoid waking up to an unpleasant surprise, make an effort to get up and use the actual bathroom instead of relying on the dream toilet.

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