Stray Dog Watches Over Fellow Pregnant Stray Who Was Seriously Injured Near The Highway

Stray Dog Watches Over Fellow Pregnant Stray Who Was Seriously Injured Near The Highway
Stray Dog Watches Over Fellow Pregnant Stray Who Was Seriously Injured Near The Highway

People love having dogs as pets, and this touching story shows that they treat each other with love.

Love Leads for Dogs

In Muscoy, California, a German shepherd called Marley was probably hit by a car. Murphy, her dog friend, wouldn’t leave her alone. There were cars going by for a long time, but no one stopped to help them. Someone finally stopped after a long time and called Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue for help.

Help Came when Needed

A member of the group named Faith Easdale said, “We got a message that she was on the side of the road.” Marley was in a lot of pain and couldn’t breathe. We weren’t sure if she would make it.

Murphy stayed close while Easdale and someone else helped Marley get into the car. Murphy sat next to her in the back seat and laid his head on her.

“She was so heavy, but we got it done,” Easdale said. Murphy walked with her on the street.

Expectant and Injured

He kept Marley company as they sped to the hospital. Marley had a lot of broken bones, as seen on the X-rays. They also learned that she was going to have eleven pups.

At first, Murphy was there for Marley and only calmed down when he was sure she was safe. Easdale said it’s possible for him to stay at the hospital with her. However, she was very sick. In the end, she helped Murphy find a stable place to live.

Uneasy Ride but Worthwhile

It wasn’t easy for Marley to give birth, but she did have 11 healthy pups. Even though her legs were in casts, she took good care of them.

Lucky with Forever Homes

After two years and many trips to the vet, Marley is better, and her pups have also found homes. She is still as nice and sweet as the day she was given to her new home. “She acts like she’s never been hurt.”

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