The Sad Dog Couldn’t Understand Why His “Only Family” Abandoned Him After 8 Years

The Sad Dog Couldn’t Understand Why His “Only Family” Abandoned Him After 8 Years

There is no greater joy for our canine companions than being in a warm home with a caring family.

Unfortunately, today’s canines who can enjoy such a life are truly blessed, as many of their canine brothers and sisters are forced to spend their lives on the streets or within the four walls of their kennels.
One dog named Max lived a happy life in a loving environment for over eight years. However, the worst thing happened in his life: his parents unexpectedly relinquished him to a shelter in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

sad dog

Max felt broken…

His World Turned Upside Down

dog walking

Sarah Brown recorded Max in his kennel shortly after he was surrendered to the Pennsylvania SPCA facility in Philadelphia.

A tragic scene of Max, puzzled and nestled to the side of his kennel, can be seen in the TikTok video she released on July 6, 2024, via her account @sarahbrown701.
The dog’s vacant face and dejected body stance best reflect his current state. This is hardly surprising given that he had spent so many years in the arms of those he loved the most and then found himself in this frigid location all alone.

The video states, “The only family you’ve ever known returns you to the shelter after adopting you as a puppy 8 years ago.”
This same video received a lot of attention and elicited a variety of emotions from the many viewers.

“This should be a crime, said one person.

“I just can’t imagine loving a baby for 8 years and discarding them as if it were nothing, leaving them confused and scared,” a different person said.

And the third remarked, “How can people do this? Ugh, I know he’ll find a new family who will love him forever.

Good News Thanks To Good People

dog watching

According to the ASPCA, around 3.1 million dogs are among the 6.3 million companion animals who enter U.S. shelters each year. Although the number has decreased since 2011, it is still significant.

There are numerous reasons why people abandon their pets in shelters, including the birth of a child, a new job, relocating, financial difficulties, divorce, and many more.
Sarah told Newsweek that the owners gave up Max due to “unexpected housing changes.” Whatever the cause, divorce is an incredibly difficult decision, especially after eight years together.

Despite this, a group of caring individuals at the shelter were willing to do whatever it took to make this dog happy. We don’t even have to tell you that they were extremely successful.

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