Parents Online Reveal 30+ Little Lies: Is It a Lie or a Parenting Hack? You Decide!

Parents Online Reveal 30+ Little Lies They Tell Their Kids That They Consider Parenting Hacks

Raising a child into a capable adult can be a difficult task that requires a great deal of effort. Along with navigating your own life, you also bear the responsibility of bringing up a child. At times, you may need to bend the truth slightly to accomplish tasks. Here are some honesty-stretching techniques employed by parents, which they consider clever solutions to parenting challenges. Some of these methods are ingenious, while others are humorous, but they all contain some valuable advice for any distressed parent.

Click It

It is crucial to prioritize safety, especially when operating a sizable vehicle in urban areas. If there are children riding in the rear seats, it is important to make sure they are properly fastened into their seats before leaving the premises.

It appears that this woman has discovered an effective method to achieve this goal. Since all the children were eager to enter the vehicle, it is evident that they desired to go somewhere. This clever technique could be a faster way to take everyone where they desire to go.

Allergies Suck

Many children, and some grown-ups, despise doing household duties. This is why parents often end up doing their children’s bedroom cleaning because kids have other things that they prefer to do, such as playing and getting themselves dirty.

“Do you have a technique for making your child tidy up their room? This mother has a clever solution that appears to be extremely effective! After all, which child would refuse a greater reward when they lose a tooth?”

Out of Stock

Many toys available in the market can be extremely bothersome. As a parent, you may feel inclined to eliminate them from your daily routine at almost any cost.

Thankfully, if those toys are powered by electricity and don’t require batteries, they can stay quiet with ease. Even though it’s not entirely true because she could probably locate some batteries, it’s still an excellent way to solve the problem.

Quality Control

As a child, you probably had little interest in spending time to brush your teeth and floss, preferring instead to indulge in more exciting activities like playing video games or reading. It might have felt like a chore and a less productive use of your time.

Dental hygiene is crucial, and finding a method to encourage your child to do it is necessary. In this case, the mother opted for the tooth fairy, and all that was required was providing some additional money the next time the child lost a tooth. The expense was reasonable in exchange for the benefits.

First Thing’s First

Children typically have a strong interest in participating in extracurricular activities, with dance classes being a popular option. However, there may be various difficulties that a young child may encounter when attempting to participate.

Using a child’s passion for dancing as motivation for them to learn how to use the toilet is quite clever. As ballet is centered around posture and appearance, having to wear a bulky tutu would be undesirable.

Just Close Your Eyes

Putting kids to bed can be one of the most difficult tasks of the day. Due to their high energy levels, it can sometimes take several hours to get them to settle down and fall asleep.

As a discerning parent, you endeavor to discover techniques that encourage your children to fall asleep. This mother ingeniously employed a combination of reverse psychology and a small falsehood to accomplish just that.

Good Food First

Parents must prioritize their child’s diet in order to promote healthy growth and wellbeing. However, similar to adults, children have a tendency to favor unhealthy junk food.

While it’s acceptable to offer junk food as a reward, it’s advisable to provide some healthy food before that. This mother has evidently learned a technique to motivate her children to consume nutritious meals.

Nap Time

It is common for parents to repeatedly watch the same TV shows and movies due to their children’s tendency to watch their favorite content repeatedly. However, parents can quickly become bored of this routine and may require a short break from it.

By taking advantage of the notion that children perceive these programs as authentic, this mother discovered a clever trick. If parents require some time off, the fictional figures in the show may also require a break. It must be tiring to perform the tasks they do constantly, and even imaginary beings may need some rest.

What Are They Doing?

All parents have important conversations that they plan to have with their children. These conversations usually happen at crucial points in their children’s lives. However, if you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you need to talk about a difficult topic that you were not prepared for, you must react quickly.

This mature individual handled a challenging situation with impressive speed and effectiveness. However, isn’t there a more honest way to explain the situation to the child regarding the behavior of the two dogs, rather than resorting to falsehoods?

How Not to Run With Scissors

Parents often encounter a common occurrence where they enter a room only to find that their children have chosen to trim their own hair. This situation can cause concern as it not only alters their appearance but also poses a risk of harm to them.

This parent opted to turn their household scissors into an object that instills fear and respect in order to prevent their children from cutting their own hair without supervision. It is unclear whether the grandfather enjoys serving as a warning example.

Hold My Hand

Responsible and caring parents always keep an eye out for potential hazards that could affect the safety of their children. They often have to be innovative and use various techniques to ensure that their kids stay close to them, particularly while traversing through parking lots. Although holding hands while crossing streets is customary, ensuring their child’s safety in parking lots can be challenging.

The mother cleverly convinced her children to hold her hand while in a parking lot by framing it as them helping her rather than her helping them. It is also possible that the children may have been concerned for her safety when they saw her entering a store alone.

Eat Your Crust

For some unknown reason, a lot of children prefer to have their sandwich crust removed. It’s uncertain whether it’s because of the texture or taste that they find unappealing, but it’s a very widespread preference.

However, the act is quite extravagant and to reduce this waste, a mother devised a clever falsehood. It shouldn’t cause any harm, isn’t it? It’s remarkable how the person who posted it was deceived by this untruth for such a lengthy period.

Secret Shortcuts

Parents crave tranquility after a tiresome day of chauffeuring their little ones around. Nevertheless, some kids tend to be hyperactive when exhausted and eager to reach home.

It implies that parents must be quite inventive to have some tranquility while driving, and this father discovered a brilliant strategy that his children will never know is false. Brilliant!

Pay Up

Almost all kids love chocolate. The truth is probably every human being loves chocolate, but kids tend to be especially excited around it. So, in order to make sure they share the wealth, this dad came up with a pretty good hack.

After all, the government has a lot of different taxes. There’s no way these kids will know that this isn’t true. We just wonder if this carried on into their adulthood…

Skip It!

There’re a ton of imaginary figures in a kid’s life, and, somehow, all of these tend to leave them something as a reward for doing good. So, in order to keep your kids in line, what better tool to use than these illustrious figures?

It sounds like this mom has got it under control, though. It seems that just the threat of nothing happening works wonders in getting these kids to bed.

Ice Cream!

One of the best things for kids on a hot summer day is to run out to the ice cream truck when they hear it and grab a nice, cool treat. But, if you’re trying to stop your kids from spending your money and eating too many sweets, this might not be the best outcome for you.

So, what do you do? You should ask this guy because he seems to have the right idea. After all, if you tell the kids the music actually signals the ice cream is done for the day, the kids will never catch the truck!

Bunk Bed Law

Bunk beds are a great way to save space when you have several kids sharing a room. They can be really fun for the kids but also somewhat dangerous for the smaller ones.

So, when it comes to letting your kids pick which bed is theirs, you have to be strategic. This parent figured out a way to ensure that the right person was at the top, and we can’t fault her for this little white lie.

Weird Kid

Some kids can be just a little strange. Whether it’s because of things they watch or simply because they have a curious mind, they could have some pretty weird questions that you might have to figure out how to answer.

We appreciate the fact that this girl’s dad didn’t squash her inquisitiveness. Instead, he just created a little lie so that he could move her away from such a strange topic while still calming and validating her feelings. A+ parenting!

Only on Trips

Kids today constantly want to be glued to their devices, and with how common tablets and smartphones are these days, they can disconnect from the world anywhere. But, sometimes, you just want them to see what the world looks like outside of a screen.

We comprehend the reason behind children’s inclination to stare at the television persistently since it is fairly common for adults as well. Nonetheless, this mother desires her kids to become more perceptive, and she discovered an excellent approach to encourage them to engage more with the world.

Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is vitally important for everyone, especially kids. But sometimes, they’re a little too wound up and then find getting to sleep difficult. So, many parents have figured out little ways to kind of bribe them to get some rest.

This mother discovered an enchanting solution that resembles a Disney princess’s story. Who wouldn’t love waking up to a surprise present from their beloved animal companions? It’s a delightful thought!

Don’t Touch

One of the biggest safety things that kids have to learn is to put on that totally uncomfortable seatbelt. If only it was enough to just tell them that this belt saves lives, but that’s just not a sufficient reason for many of them.

So, this parent came up with a way to get the kids to believe that the seatbelt keeps them safe from a much more immediate threat — that of being ejected straight out of the car! Let’s just hope those kids never think of trying it out themselves.

Let it Cool

Kids get really excited when there’s a sweet treat in the oven. All they want to do is dive into it once it gets out, but they have to wait so they don’t get burned. So, how do you keep your kid’s grubby little hands off of those fresh-out-of-the-oven cakes?

You come up with a harmless little lie. This poster’s mom had a perfect strategy, and though she was lying, it was definitely a good trick to keep her cake safe from those fingers.

You Have a Tell

When kids are scared that they’ll get in trouble, they often tell a little lie themselves. It can be a pretty bad trait to have, so many parents try to figure out how to teach their kids not to do it. This parent just clearly thought that one good lie will cure another.

Many people turn red when they’re not telling the truth, so this mom isn’t completely making this tell up. But, if you’re trying to teach your kid not to lie, maybe you shouldn’t add to that with your own fib.

No Park

There are times when you’re so exhausted as a parent that you just don’t have the energy to take your kids out to play. But, those insistent little hooligans will do their best to get you to change you down. In order to keep your sanity, sometimes you have to come up with a few little hacks.

The problem with this is that her kids were smart enough to figure out something was off about her explanation when the park really did get shut down. Otherwise, this could have been a great method of making sure she didn’t have to go out again. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!

GPS Setting

A lot of kids like to watch TV in the car. Many parents like to let them do it so that they can remain entertained and calm while on the ride. But, when it’s a short car ride, no one wants to go through all the trouble of putting in the DVD and getting it started.

So this mom found a way to solve that problem. We think that’s pretty smart — saves her time and effort, and gets her kids to disconnect from a screen at least for a little bit.


We’re sure that most of us out there whose parents like to bake probably heard this lie at some point. This seems like maybe it was just a carryover from her parents, and though it’s not true, it’s definitely a good one.

After all, what parent doesn’t want the house to be quiet and relaxed while trying to get stuff done. We also think that this person will tell their children the same thing!

He Knows When You Are Sleeping

Kids are getting smarter and smarter, so you have to become a little more inventive when you come up with these harmless lies to get them to do what you want.

Honestly, motion sensors, cameras, and similar devices would make keeping your kid out of trouble a little easier. This mom clearly figured it out, and now her kids will be acting nice all year long. Otherwise, no presents under the tree!

Lighting Up

Kids can be impatient, so when you’re waiting for things to happen, they get a little frustrated that they have to wait alongside you. It’s essential to warm up a car when you set out on your excursions.

This dad figured out a great trick to curb this kid’s impatience. After all, they don’t know that these lights only turn off when you turn them off, so it’s a great little hack and a pretty harmless lie.

I See You!

Kids sometimes will take unsupervised little trips during the evening to venture out into the house. This can be quite dangerous, so many parents figure out ways to keep their children safe, even from the kids themselves.

Scaring them isn’t really a great option, but it seems to have worked. We only hope that they never ask to see the footage from those cameras! After all, the parents would have to do some pretty fancy movie magic to produce that.

Pit Stop

Every kid has foods that they just can’t stand eating. Most of the time, these are vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts, which can turn into great tools to divert questions that you’re just not ready to answer.

One of those may be why people are begging on the side of the road. Not only does telling them this little lie keep them safe from potential harm, but it also stops her from having to explain just then why there are people who have to beg for a living.

Pick Them Up

Getting your kids to pick up their toys can be challenging. This is especially true if you’re dealing with younger kids. But, one thing you can utilize to get them to do this is their unwillingness to share.

No matter how much you teach your kids not to be selfish, they’re going to be a little protective of their stuff. This mom has got this parenting thing down — she figured out a great way to get them to do what she wants.


Like many of us, the best form of entertainment for kids, or at least what they think is the best for them, is TV. But, if you’re trying to get your kid to read more, you have to figure out a way to make that more enticing than turning on the TV.

This mom was actually pretty smart, and we think more people should utilize this little parenting hack. Sure it’s not quite right, and when they get older and figure it out, they might be upset, but she did the right thing in the end.

Don’t Make Me Use This

Using threats is not always a great way to parent. But, sometimes, you get pushed to the point where that’s all you have. So, figuring out a way to do this in a fun way, as this mother did, is one way to get things done.

After all, what kid wants to have their Roblox taken away. You have to know what’s essential to your kid to make this type of parenting hack work, though.

Low Battery

One of the ways parents spend time with their kids is by doing things that the kids enjoy. For most kids, as they grow up, this includes video games.

Although we’re not sure what this lie really does to help the kid out, we bet the parent gets a lot more enjoyment out of the game this way. We just hope the kids don’t get too frustrated this way.

Spit it Out!

Sometimes you have to stick with the oldies. In fact, most of us probably heard when we were kids that if you ate the watermelon seeds, they would grow inside your stomach.

Now that we’re adults, we really don’t understand why this was even a thing. It isn’t harmful to eat watermelon seeds. So, why would parents even think they have to tell their kids this? Guess we’ll never know.


It’s part of a parent’s job to teach kids the priority and meaning of hard work. So, although this is kind of a lie because nothing really stops you from switching up the order, it does have some truth to it. This parent is just trying to set their kid up for success.

As the child matures, they will likely establish distinct limits and goals which will lead to success in all areas of their life.

No Passport

There are quite a few steps when it comes to transporting pets overseas. There are shots and paperwork and tons of bureaucracy, and the whole process can get kind of pricey. So, we can understand why this parent didn’t really want to go through all that.

Of course, taking the kids away from their treasured pet was probably pretty traumatic. But, lessened a little by this harmless parent hack and the fact that they found the kitty a good replacement home.

Let’s Play a Game

If you tell a kid that you want to play a game, they’ll jump at the chance, whether they know how to play the game or not. That’s because games are like candy to kids. So why not make up your own game that benefits you?

This dad was just trying to get a little shuteye and wanted to make it a fun experience for both parties. So, though it’s a little bit of a lie, it’s not really a harmful one, now is it?

Go Get It

Parents are on 24/7. That means that sometimes they just need a couple of minutes to themselves to re-collect and reset so they can go about their day productively. But, kids don’t understand that, so sometimes they don’t allow their parents that space.

But, this mom figured out a way to get the kid out of the room for a minute. This is an excellent way to utilize a little trickery to get a little for yourself while still entertaining your kids.

Marketing Is Everything

It’s been known for years in marketing that sometimes all that’s necessary is a little readjustment of the point of view. Sometimes, that means new commercials and colors, and sometimes it simply means changing the product’s name.

Brussels sprouts are one of those things kids don’t like, so this parent thought outside of the box and figured out a way to lie their way into their kid eating healthy.

Pushing Off Responsibilities

Parenting should be a 50/50 job. That means that both parents take equal responsibility. But, this dad seems to be trying to get out of at least some of that work. Though in quite a clever way, we have to say.

We think this guy should have known that once the little lie he told had gotten out, he would be in quite a bit of hot water with his significant other.

Try It

Most kids are not adventurous eaters. That means if something’s a little foreign to them, it might be challenging to get them to even try it. Sometimes, you have to get a little inventive when it comes to feeding them something new, like hummus.

The father came up with an effective strategy – as every child aspires to be a princess, he suggested that they should consume food only fit for royalty.

So Good!

Finding ways to shave time off a few daily tasks can be very beneficial for a parent. How long does it take to make some toast? It takes a few minutes, but those few minutes add up after a while, so this guy was just trying to help himself out.

Naturally, we are curious about the reactions of the other students when they hear that this child’s favorite breakfast item is cold toast. After all, isn’t that just plain bread?

Daylight Savings

Daylight Saving Time can be very upsetting to many people’s sleep cycles unless you’re smart enough to utilize it for your own gain. This is what this mother did when she figured out how to hack herself into a little bit of extra sleep.

It’s hard enough to get kids to go to bed on time. Trying to get them to go to bed a little early is even more difficult. But, this just might do the trick!

Can’t Hear You

Kids will repeatedly scream the same thing to get your attention. But, sometimes parents just want to tune them out — and so in order to get them to be quiet, you have to figure out new ways to shush them up.

This is a classic and popular tale that may be familiar to some, but it doesn’t take long for someone with a basic understanding of biology to realize it is not possible.

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