30+ Texts From Parents Who Can’t Seem to Understand Technology Yet

30+ Texts From Parents Who Can’t Seem to Understand Technology Yet

The compatibility between parents and technology, particularly smartphones and texting, is often questionable. They struggle to grasp the rules of texting, and their attempts frequently lead to amusing outcomes. We have gathered a collection of such comical instances for you to relish. At times, parents can be quite peculiar.

Send Me the Link

It’s not entirely fair to criticize Boomers for their lack of proficiency in using or comprehending technology, as during their formative years, items like televisions and refrigerators were still a relatively new and unfamiliar concept.

About half a century or sixty years after, people of this generation are struggling to catch up with the latest technology that young ones today have easily learned. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they may not be familiar with the skill of copying and sending links, but at least they can crop a screenshot.

Siri Accidents

It’s unclear what exactly happened, but it seems that this mother faced some challenges while trying to communicate with Siri, a virtual assistant developed by Apple. Based on the exchanged messages, it appears that the mother simply wanted either her son or husband to buy carrots from Costco.

Although the outcome was chaotic, it is unclear how Siri comprehended the request of having Zuckerberg alongside a carrot made by this woman. It is absolutely undesirable for us to witness such a sight.

Driving and Dictating

While operating a vehicle, it is prohibited to send text messages. However, there is an alternative solution where you can utilize a voice to text application to transcribe your message. It appears like this was the method used in this scenario.

While driving, this mom utilized this feature to reach her destination, resulting in a string of comical messages. This serves as evidence that moms possess extraordinary abilities; they are accomplished multitaskers, as demonstrated by this mother’s ability to manage numerous tasks simultaneously.

Failed Voice Texting

Mothers and cell phones should be classified separately as a distinct category. The interactions between mothers and their cell phones frequently elicit laughter from us. It is a common trait of mothers to make comical blunders with their phones.

The woman discovered that her android phone has a feature known as voice-to-text recognition. Unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory as the text appeared to be nonsensical. Consequently, there was difficulty in understanding her last text message. Fortunately, she also realized this issue.

Burned By Dad

It appears that this father has become skilled in the act of making witty and cutting remarks, which is commonly referred to as “savage” by those on the internet platform 9gag. He discovered that he could send stickers through iMessenger and decided to test it out on his daughter.

The sticker was undeniably charming, and his daughter was delighted. But he ruined her happiness by revealing that it was sent unintentionally, which was a disappointment. Poor dad!

Too Many Emojis

One common trait among Baby Boomers who use instant messaging apps is their frequent use of emojis, which often appears to be overdone or not used correctly.

This dad used around 24 emojis to convey his message, and it seems like he wanted to express his frustration about waiting for their child to join them for dinner. This serves as an illustrative instance of the use of emojis to communicate serious matters.

Autocorrect Is Off

The reason why this feature exists is because mistakes are bound to happen when typing quickly on a small cellphone keyboard, making it difficult to accurately press the intended letter.

It appears that a comparable incident occurred in this situation. The lady made errors in her wording and is evidently in urgent need of activating her autocorrection feature. We assume that she meant to inquire about the whereabouts of her child, whether it is the son or daughter who is en route.

Bear in Mind

This father showcased impressive ability in creating memes which is unusual for someone of their age, yet it’s also a type of humor typically associated with dads.

We expect that nobody misunderstood it to be an insult towards their body. Engaging in activities like consuming tacos and practicing yoga is acceptable. Every physique is beautiful, and no one is inferior to another.

Gibberish for Beginners

Why do parents struggle with autocorrect? Are they typing with only one finger? Despite their intention to convey an important message, the outcome is messy.

We imagine this conversation to be like attempting to speak while having food in your mouth. It seems that even their own child eventually gave up on comprehending their message, and we were also unable to understand it. We hope that whatever it was they wanted to convey was not of great importance.


Mother and father have not gone insane yet – it is possible that they are engaged in an unusual activity. This is a joke, as we cannot comprehend their behavior.

It looks like their son or daughter is playing some tricks on them and they are simply going with it. They probably sent the first three “okays” by accident. Then, their offspring picked it up and started posing these clever questions — which one can answer with, well, saying ok.

Hey, Jackie

It’s probably the funniest thing that a parent can do these days. Can you guess what it is? Learning to text for the first time. Remember — smartphones are a pretty new invention.

This means they didn’t exist some 15 or 20 years ago. This mom texted her daughter for the first time. Indeed, her texting efforts merit a proper reaction. We believe that a simple “lol” is the right response to these hilarious attempts.

Like Totally

Looks like mom here discovered how to draw on pictures. She clearly couldn’t contain her excitement and she had to share it with her son. We were a bit thrown off by the explicit use of ‘lol.’

No one spells it out fully. ‘Lol’ is meant to be written as an acronym. She committed a terrible crime and the internet will not forget that. Contractions are sacred. But, it’s still funny.

By the Way

Tact is important. However, it seems like Boomers — especially Boomer women who are moms — lose it at some point in their lives. Telling their son or daughter that their uncle passed away over a text message is an example of this, especially when the previous message they wrote pertained to a game of Scrabble.

Someone should show this woman the definition of “sensitivity,” clearly she lacks it or something. Oh, mothers!

Spacing Is Important

This is another example of what happens when Boomers discover the magic smartphone and all it can do. The result isn’t always pretty, but very hilarious.

This Boomer dad thought, for some reason, that you need to put extra spaces between the letters. At least their son or daughter was able to understand what they wanted from them. We want lamb for Christmas by the way, thanks for asking.

Using Emojis

Finding out how to use emojis is pretty much exciting, no matter how old you are. However, it seems that for the older generation, this is 10 times more exciting than for any other age group.

Mom and dad here discovered that they can send emojis via text messages to their son or daughter. While this is all fun at the beginning, after a few messages, they still can’t get enough of it.

Who’s Mawr?

By the looks of it, dad has an imaginary friend. Or, maybe he just misspelled the word “mom.” In that case, don’t you find it a little odd that she would have to get into the house via the garage?

Unless she has the key to the garage, of course. In any case, someone needs to teach dad how to use auto-correct. We’d be so confused if we were this OP.


What may be obvious to some may not be so obvious to others. This is especially true of Boomers who try to learn the internet’s lingo. In this case, this woman thought that ‘lol’ means lots of love.

She couldn’t have been more wrong in her life. She decided to inform everyone about the death of their relative via text message, except that she added ‘lol’ to it, thinking it meant something else.

Messaging Gone Wrong

Pocket-dial is when your phone suddenly decided to make a random call without you even being aware that’s happening. This is a similar case. Here, it seems that this dad forgot to lock his phone screen.

The result is hilarious. We guess you could call it pocket-typing. Boomers and cell phones are just a recipe for disaster. But, we will always be there to take pictures and share them with the internet.

Dinner Time

When a 70-year-old woman texts, it’s no minor feat. However, that doesn’t mean she’s well-versed in the world of texting. One such thing is spacing. It seems like she lost her way there.

You’re not supposed to send long litanies over a text message. But, we guess that when you reach a certain age, you don’t really care anymore. We hope that the juicy steak and matzah balls are tasty!

Upside Down

We feel like mom jokes deserve a separate category, since they’re just as bad. But, that’s not the only funny thing about this picture. While texting her son or daughter a silly joke, Mum suddenly became curious about a particular emoji.

They were surprised to know that you can actually send an upside-down smiley face. This is such a mom-moment. Moms always start talking about one thing and then get distracted by something else.

Who Is She Talking To

This is something we haven’t seen before. We know that Boomers can be a little bit weird with technology, as they don’t always fully understand it. However, this is something else entirely.

This mom texted her son or daughter to know how their day was. When she didn’t get a reply she…eh…well… we’re not entirely sure. Did she proceed by texting them about her daughter? Sounds like she’s being passive-aggressive.

Voice-to-Text Strikes Again

Our heart goes out to Boomers who try hard to understand how to use technology, but nonetheless fail. This dad simply tried to send a happy birthday message to a person named Judy. However, he didn’t just type it.

He used the voice-to-text option. The result? We get to see his entire monologue on how he couldn’t understand why there’s a weird ‘bubble’ that pops up.

No More Emoticons

It’s lovely to see how parents adapt to new technology. This mother here learned how to use emoticons — the wrong way. While her son or daughter were encouraging her at first, the moment they saw her emoticon they dropped out of it.

We believe we know why, but we would rather not say. It’s embarrassing as it is. We hope, however, that they privately explained later what was wrong with this emoticon.

In a Meeting

This is one of those annoying moments when your phone decides to mess with its owner and just start sending random text messages. This also could be just pocket-typing.

Dad here probably forgot to lock the screen and the result is in front of you. His son or daughter went for a passive-aggressive response. What’s even more hilarious is his reaction. He wasn’t even aware that there was anything wrong with his phone.

Running Google

Boomers are so clueless sometimes — well, when it comes to technology. This picture will help us illustrate what we mean. Perhaps you’ve noticed that the world’s favorite search engine changes its logo now and then.

We mean, it’s still Google but it’s just dressed differently. They do it in honor of some important persona, or a memorable historical event. This mom thought that it was her son who changes the Google logo. We hope his answer cleared things up.

Logic Has Left the House

What’s a better way of informing someone that they left their phone at home if not by sending them a text message? Yes — to the same exact phone they left at home.

Are we the only ones who see the logical fallacy here? This is something that’s so typical of Boomers, since it was his wife who texted on his phone. We guess not everyone is good with technology.

How to Space

You can give them a phone, and even teach them how to type — but if you forget to show them how to use the space bar, chances are that they won’t figure it out by themselves.

We’re talking about Boomers, of course. Mum got herself a brand new smartphone. But, alas! She doesn’t know how to use the space bar. At least she knew how to text for help.


Who said that only Millennials can play jokes on their Boomer parents? Apparently, both sides can play this game. This mom decided to play a trick on her son. Students today are strictly forbidden from using their cell phones during class.

So, what’s a better way of causing trouble if not by making your son text you back after you send them a message? We find it brilliant. Boomers are real trolls.


We said it before and we’re going to say it again — Boomers who try to learn the internet’s lingo is always something we welcome. However, they don’t always get it right the first time.

And the results can be quite funny. Actually, whatever — since you only live once anyway, who cares how silly one sounds? If you don’t try, you won’t succeed, right? We’re proud of them.

Always Answer Mom’s Text

This is just savage. But, we kinda get them, even though they were quite annoying. So, imagine getting four texts in a row from your mother, each with a different chore that she asks you to do — would you bother answering them?

In case you don’t, you’re in for a surprise. Looks like this is one Boomer mom you don’t want to mess with. Keep dreaming about getting that car.


It seems like there’s no end to this. Our parent’s generation has a lot to catch up on in terms of internet culture. This mom just discovered what a hashtag means and how you can do it.

Actually, we’re not certain about that last bit. Someone should have told mama bear here that you actually need to use the hashtag symbol — better known as the pound/number sign to Boomers. But, at least she tried!

Please Don’t Text

Have you ever heard the term, “Mom logic”? That’s exactly what it is. Mom tells you something you didn’t plan on doing, to begin with, but then accuses you of doing just that. There’s no way to get this right.

This would be your fault anyway. She texted her son about her not being able to see texts for the next hour, but then gets annoyed about the fact that he just texted her.

Got it Wrong

There’s nothing like a mother’s concern. You can be sure that it’s always genuine, albeit sometimes a little unjustified. In this case, though, it’s definitely understandable — since an icy road can be a real problem for drivers.

However, she really got us with the YOLO. This is definitely not how you’re supposed to use it, unless you mean to say that you should be careful because you actually live only once.

That’s Not What it Means

Sometimes, our parents’ generation completely gets it wrong. We get it — we use acronyms, weird words, and basically, a cryptic language that changes all the time.

So, no wonder accidents like these are simply prone to happen. Oh, the innocence! If only she knew what it actually means. We’re pretty certain that she would never use it again, assuming her son or daughter bothered to tell her the truth.

Little Chocolate Kisses

We guess that some emojis can be confusing to people who never used a cell phone previously in their lives. We get it — Boomers didn’t grow up with all this technology as most of us did.

So, it’s no wonder why this OP received a text like this from their ‘Mumma Bear.’ You have to admit that this emoji does look like a “little chocolate kiss,” except that it’s not.

Left at Walmart

This conversation left us quite confused. How could a mother leave their child alone at Walmart and just drive home like they didn’t come with her in the first place?

This is parenting done wrong, if you ask us. We honestly can’t wrap our heads around it. At least their mother was only halfway home when they got the message. Imagine the horror she would have experienced if she got home and only then realized that her son is missing.

Well That’s Fantastic

Or maybe, not exactly. Someone here completely got it wrong. Well, she certainly had good intentions — we’ll give her that. Someone should tell that woman that, unfortunately, it doesn’t mean what she thinks it means because the internet has cynical, cruel, and sometimes even dark humor.

It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the joke, even if it’s at someone else’s expense. But yeah, kudos on the A in chemistry! We barely passed.

Awesome Prank

Who said that parents can’t troll their kids? This dad exploited an opportunity to troll and scare his daughter (possibly, out of her wits).

At least she survived to tell the tale. We don’t find moths that scary — unless these are giant flesh-eating moths. Now, that’s certainly the stuff of nightmares. In this case, we’re certain that this was a small moth. The funny thing is her father’s hilarious reaction.

The Answer Is No

We seriously hope that this is all one big typo or that her auto-correct is out of order. Why would she possibly want to know if her son or daughter left their excrements in a bunch of random places?

That just doesn’t make any sense to us. It looks like ultimately she wanted to know whether or not they just pooped in the shower, which is very weird nonetheless.

If Darth Vader Had a Phone

Parents with a great sense of humor are the best, especially when they decide to pull a prank on their children. This also required some ingenuity on behalf of the father.

He took his son’s phone and changed his contact name from “Dad” to “Darth Vader.” Then, he texted his son — whose name is conveniently Luke — the famous phrase from Star Wars.

Mothery Love

We didn’t know that mothers can also meme. Looks like this mom taught her son or daughter a lesson about Boomers’ meme skills.

After no less than four consecutive messages, which solicited no reaction, the answer finally came. However, it was an answer that they were certainly not expecting. We, however, had a hard time containing our enjoyment. This is quite the response. We bet that they didn’t see that one coming.

Coming Out

It’s always a relief to know that your parents will love you no matter what happens or who you are. In this case, however, it was just an innocent typo that created a hilarious misunderstanding.

This guy just wanted to let his mother know that he’s coming home for a visit, not coming out. His mom’s reaction is priceless nonetheless. We wish all parents were like that. Children should be loved no matter who they are.

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