Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

Forget rectangular or round shape nails nowadays when it comes to nail structure we are definitely spliolt for choice. nail types...

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

Forget rectangular or round shape nails nowadays when it comes to nail structure we are definitely spliolt for choice. Before you go for the design you just have to decide about what nail shape do you have which is a complex task. We will hello you what nail types shape is best for you and what will look naturally good for you hand.

U shape Nail

If you have stubby nails, short hand and fingers go for the oval shape it will look good and give your fingers a longer look.

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

Square Nail Shape

It needs low maintenance , clean cut , It will be the best for you if you have long fingers and narrow nail beds.

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

Squoval Nail Shape

This shape look good on both short and long fingers and if you have nail beds are  wider and long go for it.

You can check your nail types by the pictures given below

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

1. Oval shape

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

2. Almond shape

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

3. Ballerina Shape

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

4. Stiletto Shape

Nail Types And Which One You Should Go For

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