40 Moms Who Are Living in the Year 3021 While the Rest of Us Are Still Here

40 Moms Who Are Living in the Year 3021 While the Rest of Us Are Still Here

Becoming a mother causes a transformative effect that makes you extremely flexible. Aside from attending to your own needs, you now have to cater to the needs of a young human, which amplifies your creativity and resourcefulness. Consequently, mothers tend to repurpose items in unprecedented ways to solve daily challenges. Some moms have employed their skills to a futuristic level that surpasses our current capabilities.

Wiped Clean

After an exhausting day, moms desire to freshen up and hit the bed in order to relax. However, for several mothers, this involves adhering to their tedious nightly ritual of taking off their makeup, which can be quite dreadful in the absence of proper equipment.

Although we didn’t consider utilizing a new panty liner as a makeup remover pad initially, it appears to be quite efficient.

Hiding in Plain Sight

Regrettably, when you assume the role of a mother or a parent, your possessions tend to become accessible to everyone else. Thus, if you wish to retain something exclusively for yourself, you must employ ingenious tactics to conceal it.

This is a clever idea because it is unlikely that anyone would check a box of tampons belonging to mom for a hidden snack. Furthermore, it’s understandable that nobody would want their Girl Scouts cookies tampered with.

Cushioning the Blow

If you’re moving an object that has a pointed tip to a different location, it’s crucial to handle its packaging with great caution. Negligence in this regard can lead to possible harm or injuries.

Having comprehended the situation, the woman devised a clever plan by utilizing her baby’s diapers for a different purpose than their intended use. Essentially, she made the most of what she had available.

Delicious and Healthy

Mothers worldwide face a significant obstacle of persuading their children to consume foods they dislike, which are usually healthy. Consequently, when they succeed in convincing them, it is a noteworthy accomplishment.

Every child loves ice cream. Given this thought, the mother devised a brilliant plan. However, the only question that remains is – will other fruits make a good substitute? It appears that the texture and flavor of strawberries make it an ideal choice, whereas cantaloupe may not be suitable for this purpose.

Keeping Dry

As a mother who is breastfeeding, it is crucial to remember your bra pads to avoid uncomfortable situations. Forgetting them can result in embarrassing moments, which may require using imaginative solutions. Unfortunately, this particular woman learned this lesson through a difficult experience.

However, she managed the situation elegantly and promptly. Considering that diapers have the ability to absorb any substance, her quick thinking was quite impressive. She displayed excellent foresight!

Staying Fresh

As a cat owner, you’re likely aware that opening a can of cat food often results in discarding approximately half of it. This is not just wasteful but can also become cumbersome and unpleasantly odorous.

This woman found a clever solution to the problem by using used coffee cup lids to keep the cat food from going stale.

Repurposing Old Toys

As your children mature, they might abandon or ruin a toy beyond repair. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to discard them.

You can repurpose unused items instead of wasting them, as illustrated by a clever woman who turned a toboggan into a plant bed.

Tapping Into Resources

As a mother, you soon realize that your children will develop interests and trends that quickly come and go. However, this can be a costly exercise, as they need to purchase new equipment and gear with each new passion.

Therefore, rather than purchasing a new pair of tap shoes, the mother opted to insert coins into the soles of her child’s shoes and allowed them to tap and run as they please. If they show a continued interest in tap, the mother may consider investing in authentic tap shoes.

This Rules

In recent times, most children have televisions and other electronic gadgets in their rooms that necessitate the usage of remote controls. However, similar to their toys and socks, it is probable that locating the remote control may consume more time than actively operating the device.

The mother grew weary of the whole ordeal and discovered a solution by fastening it onto the ruler her child always utilizes, which appears to be a viable solution.

Thinking Outside the Box

Engaging in fun art projects with your children is a wonderful way to spend quality time with them. However, if you lack artistic skills and are unable to accomplish complex tasks such as designing a gingerbread house up to par, there is no need to worry.

Simply observe this mother’s actions and consider unconventional ideas. It is evident that she possesses a great deal of creativity, as demonstrated by her suggestion to incorporate a dinosaur in order to create a Jurassic Park atmosphere.

Stay Cool

It can be quite frustrating when you have a cold beverage but nowhere to place it because you end up holding it and your hands become uncomfortably cold.

However, instead of addressing the issue at hand, the woman opted for a different approach. She went towards the back and pulled out her baby’s diaper, using it to wrap around the cup. This clever method serves as a cup holder, providing protection for your fingers and absorbing any moisture from the cup.

No More Mess

It is a common phenomenon that despite the well-prepared and organized food of your child, they often end up messing it up. However, if you provide them with a food item like a burrito that is inherently messy, you must be willing to take responsibility for cleaning up after them.

Perhaps you don’t want to make any changes to the delicious meal, but are looking for a smart solution to avoid any mess. Mama bear appears to have mastered the art of parenting!

New Car Scent

As a mother, it can be difficult to squeeze in meal times amidst all the errands and household tasks. Consequently, you might find yourself having to stop by a fast food chain on occasion for a quick bite.

It could also imply that there is a delay in accessing your food. This mother came up with a technique to warm up her son’s fries after he expressed dissatisfaction with their cold and mushy texture. Although it is unclear if they will be enjoyable, it is still a fairly smart solution.

Keeping Them Occupied

In modern times, a large number of parents opt for car travel. Whether it’s for running errands or going on a long drive, mothers and fathers everywhere take advantage of the technological advancements available to keep their young children engaged. More often than not, playing a cartoon or movie is the go-to option to keep the kids entertained while the parents tend to their tasks.

Yet, the mother had the challenge of finding a solution to accomplish the task with her baby’s car seat facing backwards for safety measures. Nevertheless, with her resourcefulness and ability to adjust to the situation, she devised a clever method to succeed. Ultimately, a freezer bag was the hero that saved the day!

Super Idea

When it comes to kids’ toys, frequently, there are a lot of little pieces that go with them. The smaller the piece, the more likely your child will lose it — and you may find it in a very unpleasant way.

It seems that this mom was getting tired of stepping on teeny-tiny shoes and so, she glued them to the dolls’ feet using liquid super glue.

In a Pinch

As a mom, you quickly learn that you’re going to inevitably deal with unplanned or unexpected situations. Perhaps you didn’t bring enough diapers, or you forgot them altogether? These things happen!

This mom did a great job not panicking and instead, thought quickly on her feet. It may not be Huggies-level, but it certainly gets the job done!

Hauling It In

When you have a large family, it means going to a grocery store will result in large amounts of food at home. If no one is willing to help you, that means sometimes you’re gonna have to make several trips.

This mom really thought ahead and opted to utilize a little help so she doesn’t have to worry about doing it all on her own.

Wrapping it Up

Every year, when the holiday season rolls around, most moms go out and buy a ton of wrapping paper — though half of it doesn’t get used, and then you end up with a closet full of paper to plow through the following year.

We bet that this woman’s closet doesn’t look like a paper massacre — considering that she’s smart enough to use a spare sock instead of Scotch tape.

What M&M’s?

There’s nothing wrong with giving kids treats, snacks, and chocolates — though it’s not something that should happen all the time. Still, moms and adults are not kids, and sometimes they just want to snack on some sweet treats without having to share.

How do you do that without letting your kids see what you’re doing? This mom thought of a brilliant way and just simply made it look like she was having her everyday cup of coffee.

Clipping It

Creativity can seriously go a long way. While there are plenty of fancy clips and bands that you can purchase to seal your snacks and chip bags, why spend money when you can repurpose something at home?

We would have never thought about using these plastic hangers to seal our bag of potato chips — but we’re definitely taking some pointers now. Some people are just so innovative!

Stay Hydrated

It’s essential to stay hydrated no matter what age you are. But, if you’re dealing with a few small children, having to grab the cups or glasses for them can be quite time-consuming and perhaps even a bit frustrating.

So, this OP figured a way out to solve that problem. With the use of command strips, her kids just got that much more independent! Thanks, Mom!

Rolling on In

Sometimes, things have to get done. Mothers have a lot on their plate and so, there isn’t always enough time to wait for other people to help. As a result, many parents have to turn to their creativity and instincts to solve their problems.

Choosing to use your child’s toy roller skates to help move furniture around is genius! Not only will this reduce the risk of scratches, but it’s also just more efficient all-around.

Stay Fresh

The last thing you want to do is pop a few Goldfish into your mouth only to realize that they’ve gone stale. This means that, much like chips, you have to find a way to ensure the bag stays sealed.

Thinking fast on her feet, this woman reached over and took that label off her kid’s brand new shirt to seal the bag shut.

Stand Up

Oftentimes, as a parent, you have to multitask. Perhaps you want to take care of chores around the house and keep your kids entertained at the same time. Maybe you’re at a restaurant and you’re trying to calm your rowdy child so you can have a few moments to eat your food and chat with your spouse.

Whatever the case may be, you may have to find a hands-free solution in order to stand your phone up on its own. This mom simply reached over and used what she had on hand — her kid’s Lego set. There’s probably a market for something like this!

Cheese Stopper

Sometimes, when you’re cooking for your family or even hosting, you might want to have a few drinks. But, just because you open a bottle doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to finish it in that sitting.

If you didn’t keep the cork, then you could very well be wasting the rest of that bottle — unless you decide to get a little resourceful. This woman looked around in her fridge and found something that could replace the cork, a string-cheese stick.

Elf in a Hammock

Originally a book, Elf on a Shelf has become somewhat of a holiday tradition. Basically, parents move the toy elf around the house to trick their kids into thinking that the elf is somehow alive. Though that might sound creepy, it’s actually quite entertaining.

This mom thought it would be humorous to utilize a spare mask by transforming it into a makeshift hammock of sorts. In all honesty, we had a good laugh at this one…

Warm it Up

When you’ve just had a baby and you’re breastfeeding, there are a lot of extra steps needed to ensure that you always have enough ready for the child. One of those steps happens to be pumping, so that you can store your milk for later.

But, no one wants to place a pair of cold pumps near their most delicate areas. So, this woman figured out a way to avoid this — and all it took was a mini heater!

Pairing Up

No matter how old you are, there’s always that chance you could lose or misplace a sock. It just so happens that kids tend to do it more, which means moms have to be on their game.

This mom took a little extra time to ensure that her kid’s socks would always remain together. She did this by sewing in a button for easy clipping! Innovative and cute — what more can you ask for?!


As a parent, one of the biggest things you’re in charge of is your child’s safety. This is why so many expecting mothers and fathers alike go through the house and kid-proof anything and everything that could be harmful.

One of the ways to childproof is to put caps over the electrical sockets. Rather than breaking the bank by spending a bunch of money on new sockets, though, this woman looked no further than her bathroom. Who knew that an old packet of wipes could be transformed into an electrical socket?!

Rev it Up

If you’re out on the road and don’t have a way to warm up your baby’s bottle, don’t fret. If you’re anything like this mom, you’re more skilled than you think. After a few moments of panic, she realized that she could up her kid’s milk right in the palm of her hands.

We’re not sure many moms would think to do this. Still, it’s quite a brilliant solution — especially if you’re out on the road.

Caffeine Fix

Moms have a lot to do and so, they need quite a bit of energy. Many choose coffee, or caffeine. Though too much of anything is bad, a hefty dose of caffeine can help you get through the day. From the looks of it, this mommy would agree.

Instead of dirtying new dishes, she can just slip a straw in the little hole on the top of the coffee pot, and she’s got herself a large makeshift cup of joe.

Let There Be Light!

Imagine — you’re in the middle of an important chore or serious phone call when your kid begins calling for you. Frustrating, right? Even more so when they’re calling you for the simplest things.

This mom got tired of always having to run to the other room and turn the light switch on for her kid. So, she got resourceful with a plastic straw and some tape.

Reimagining Breakfast

Kids can be pretty picky. On top of this, they go through all kinds of different phases where they may like something one day and despite it the next. This is especially true when it comes to food.

We think this mom is pretty clever, simply because she had her kids reimagine their French toast with jam as French fries with ketchup.

No More Dishes

There are so many chores in a mother’s everyday life that finding ways to eliminate some of them is always a great idea. One of the biggest could very well be dishes, especially when you have little ones.

This mom is pretty ingenious not only because she’s eliminated having to wash another dish, but she’s also helped with keeping hands clean. After all, isn’t it hard when you reach down into the popcorn bag only for your hand to rub against the sides and absorb all the grease?

Reducing the Sparkle

To keep their kids busy, many moms love to do a little arts and crafts. When kids are young, this typically means markers, paints, and even glitter. But, as we all know, glitter gets everywhere, so looking for a way to reduce the mess is recommended.

How clever is this mom? She realized that she could use salt and pepper shakers — not only as a place to house the glitter but also as a tool to actually use the glitter in art projects. So smart!

Able to Travel

If you love to travel, then you know it’s challenging right now, thanks to all the new regulations. These regulations go for everybody, including people like Santa Claus and his elves — or at least, that’s what this mom thinks!

We think this is a really innovative idea as it allows her to teach her kids about all these new guidelines in a fun and interactive way!

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