The Most Epic And Hilarious Sports Bloopers Of All Time

Unforgettable sports mishaps, blending epic moments with uproarious humor in this timeless compilation of sporting blunders.

  1. 6 Beautiful Fabio

    This isn't a movie scene, we want to emphasize that. Usually, you'd see a scene like this with a stunning woman in movies. However, this hockey player stole the internet's heart with his spontaneous hair modeling moment, which will surely be remembered as one of the sport's greatest moments.

  2. 7 Leg Chair Support

    Alright, check this out. In the pic, one person's leg is playing the role of a chair for the super skilled synchronized swimmer. And the other gals? They're all grinning while keeping her feet in place! Cool, right?

  3. 8 Playing Volleyball With Legs

    This game is Sepak Takraw, a sport from Southeast Asia. In this game, you defy gravity, which is what makes it so cool. The pros in this sport understand that not only do you need strong muscles, but you also need to stretch them.

  4. 9 "I'm Gonna Eat You"

    Gotta admit, at first, we thought this person was about to let one loose without a care, but it's pretty obvious he's a serious powerlifter.

  5. 10 "Hey Judge, Watch This!"

    When it comes to synchronized swimming, athletes have to be super flexible and strong all over. When swimmers do duets or team routines, they gotta nail every move. One slip-up can wreck all those months of hustle. Plus, judges are scoring everything, from their grins to their routines.

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