Time-Saving Deodorant Hacks We Never Knew Before Today

Time-Saving Deodorant Hacks We Never Knew Before Today

At some stage, we have all accumulated numerous cans and sticks of deodorant after purchasing a surplus supply. However, deodorant has a plethora of applications beyond just masking body odor. With the ability to fix hinges and treat insect bites, there are countless ways to utilize deodorant in your daily routine. Continue reading to discover how deodorant can help simplify your life.

Razor Burn No More

The sensation of having smooth and wonderful skin after shaving might be present, but that can only be achieved after experiencing a period of skin irritation. In order to alleviate the irritation, simply apply some deodorant.

Using deodorant can assist in decreasing redness and irritation caused by shaving. It is important to make sure that the deodorant being used does not contain any substances that may cause additional irritation. Using organic deodorants would be a safer option. Additionally, this method can help in hiding ingrown hair on arms or legs and provide a silky-smooth appearance to the skin.

Prevent Chafing

This is for those who have thick thighs and are tired of experiencing discomfort from chafing. Wearing skirts, mini-dresses, or shorts can result in irritation and redness of the skin in the inner thigh area.

To prevent chafing, put a small amount of deodorant on the affected area. But if you have sensitive or irritated skin, it’s wise to choose a calming lotion. Remember that this is simply a preventative solution.

Keep Your Wardrobe Fresh

If you leave your clothes in a confined area for an extended period, they may emit a musty odor. It’s typical for closets to become a little unpleasant after being sealed for a while.

To eliminate the stale smell emanating from your wardrobe, simply place an open deodorant container in your cupboard and witness the transformation. Additionally, you can opt for a scent of your preference to impart a pleasing aroma to your apparel. How about a hint of lavender?

Relief From Chafed Feet

Don’t worry if you’re someone who wore a new pair of shoes and found out that they were causing chafing on your feet, as you’re not alone.

To alleviate foot chafing caused by shoes, simply apply a stick of clear deodorant directly on the affected areas. This creates a barrier between the shoes and the sole of your feet, resulting in smoother and more effortless movement. Note that it’s important to use clear deodorant as colored ones may stain your shoes.

No More Clammy Hands

Don’t overlook the significance of a proper handshake because it can greatly influence how individuals perceive you. Exuding confidence is possible through a robust and unwavering handshake, but an unsteady, moist grip may cause others to scrutinize you disapprovingly.

In order to prevent sweaty palms, you can put a small amount of deodorant on your hands prior to going anywhere. This will help keep your hands dry and give the impression that you are a self-assured individual prepared to take on responsibility!

DIY Matte Foundation

To achieve a matte finish on your makeup quickly and easily, you can use deodorant as your ally. Simply apply a small amount to your fingertip and gently pat it onto the t-zone area (consisting of the forehead, nose, and chin) and below your eyes!

Many people, including famous actors, commonly use this technique! Therefore, consider including a deodorant stick in your makeup collection and prepare to shine brightly like a superstar!

Cure the Itch

Getting bitten by mosquitoes can be extremely bothersome. Their bites often result in itchiness, redness and irritation in the affected area. However, using a deodorant can effectively relieve these symptoms.

To alleviate the itchiness and redness on the affected areas, simply apply deodorant. Keep a deodorant stick in your bag and you will be prepared for any environments that have many flies.

Remove Permanent Marker

While having children playing inside can fill your home with laughter, they can also pose a threat to your spotless white walls. However, if your little ones are utilizing your walls as a canvas with permanent markers, there is no need to fret!

Apply a potent deodorant to the affected zones and use a paper towel to wipe them clean. This way you can relax without worries, even if your children are playing around with a destructive marker.

Use as a Nail Polish Remover

We enjoy wearing attractive nail polish, but it becomes less appealing once it starts to chip. However, when we urgently need to remove old polish and don’t have any remover, deodorant can be quite useful.

Apply some deodorant on your nails and gently wipe them using a cotton swab. The deodorant has a strong concentration of active ingredients that is comparable to that of nail polish, making it effective in removing polish from your nails. You don’t have to worry about getting your nails ready for the next party as deodorant can easily do the job.

Secret Hiding Spot

A unique and innovative way to utilize deodorant is to use it as a hidden storage compartment during travels. By placing some additional cash inside an empty deodorant container, you can create a hidden spot that will remain undetected by others.

Nonetheless, this trick can only be accomplished once you have finished using up your deodorant stick. Also, it can serve as a convenient spot to conceal any chocolates you may have from your brother or sister!

Sweaty Chest

During the extremely hot summer weather or prior to exercising, applying deodorant to the area of your chest that tends to sweat the most can help you manage the condition, particularly if you have a larger chest.

Spraying the area with a deodorant will not only prevent the accumulation of unpleasant odors of sweaty perspiration, but also discourage the formation of unsightly sweat marks on the shirt’s front. Therefore, spraying the deodorant will effectively keep sweat at bay.

The Bee’s Knees

An additional region highly susceptible to gathering sweat is at the back of your knees. When perspiration accumulates behind your knees, it can effortlessly result in streams of sweat trickling down your calves.

To control perspiration during workouts and eliminate unpleasant odors, it’s advisable to apply deodorant before beginning your exercise routine. This way, the focus can be solely on carrying out the leg day exercises without any distractions caused by excessive sweating or unpleasant smells.

Bikini Bottom

Your bikini area is a delicate part of your body that is susceptible to irritation and inflammation. Due to the possible friction, perspiration, and gentle skin, it is particularly susceptible to such difficulties.

To avoid ingrown hair and razor-burn and to provide itch relief, use an unscented deodorant on the line area. However, it’s important to keep the armpit and inner thigh deodorant sticks separate for hygiene purposes.

Prevent Neck Sweat

Frequently, you experience sweat trickling down your neck, causing your hair to become frizzy and your body to emit an unpleasant odor, resulting in stickiness and irritability.

Use some antiperspirant deodorant on your neck to avoid sweat running down your neck. This will keep you fresh and sweat-free for a longer period of time and you’ll enjoy your outdoor a lot more.


It seems that deodorant not only removes markers, it also helps in giving DIY tattoos. Using a stick of deodorant, a sharpie, and some antiseptic, you can now make a temporary tattoo on your body.

Start with shaving the area you want to tattoo, and then apply the design using the marker. Spray the entire area with your deodorant, and voila! You have a temporary tattoo that you made right at your house.

Prevent Ingrown Hair

It seems that deodorant not only rids of sweat and smell but it can also help in removing ingrown hair in your armpit. Just apply a little deodorant on the affected area for this hack to work and behold the wonder.

Ensure that whenever you’re applying the deodorant, you target only the affected area because if you apply around it, the chemicals might irritate the skin causing more trouble.

Make a DIY Spray Bottle

The number of things you can make with a deodorant doesn’t end! With an empty aerosol deodorant bottle, you can make a spray bottle that you can use to spray water at your plants!

All you need is a water bottle, some scissors, and an empty deodorant bottle. With a little cut and paste, you can add the spray nozzle to the water bottle, and just like that, you have a spray bottle for any and all of your spraying needs.

Keep Your Hairline Sweat-Free

Not only do summer seasons cause sweat to absolutely wreck your stylish hair, but it also has sweat dripping down your face slowly all through the day. A deodorant can help you with this!

Take a stick of deodorant and rub it on your hairline. The antiperspirant properties will reduce sweating and you’ll no longer have sweat beads running down your face when you step out in the sun.

Use it as Room Air-Freshener

The most obvious alternative use of an aerosol deodorant spray is using it as a room freshener for when you don’t have a freshener on hand!

With so many varieties, you can have your room smelling amazing within seconds during stinky emergencies. Just spray some throughout the room and switch on the fan. You’ll have a great smelling room within minutes.

Skincare Fun

There are many uses for a roll-on deodorant bottle. You can easily fashion a roll-on face applicator and use it to apply many varieties of face liquids, from masks to moisturizers.

The beauty of a deodorant stick or roll-on is that they can easily be used as containers for almost any other kind of liquid you can possibly think of, making them the perfect homemade spa companions.

Clean Electronic Cases

Deodorants can be used to clean cases like your phone covers or your iPad covers. This is because the presence of solvents in it makes it a good cleaning agent for your electronic cases.

Just spray some on a cloth and wipe down your phone cover with it. So, the next time you’re ready to head out but you’ve got a dirty cover, just pick up your nearest deodorant and clean away.

Work Those Buns!

Workout can cause sweat to pool in various areas of your body, and one of the areas that are most affected by this is your buttocks.

Collection of sweat in your buttock areas can lead to acne, and cause darkening and itching of the area, too. To avoid this, spray or apply some deodorant before your workout to avoid sweat in that area.

Create a Sunscreen Applicator

One of the best inventions in the field of cosmetology is the sunscreen applicator. It allows you to apply your sunscreen while on the go without making a mess and having to deal with all that dribbling cream.

Now, you can make your own applicator at home with an empty roll-on deodorant. Fill the empty stick with your sunscreen and you have a convenient applicator for your daily outings.

Bleach Cleaning Stick

Getting stains from clothing is difficult, you have to really scrub the area where the stain is to stop it from setting. With a roll-on applicator, targeting the stain is simpler.

You can DIY your own applicator with an empty roll-on bottle. Just fill the bottle with bleach and then use it to rub specifically on the stained area. It’ll help with cleaning and keep your clothes stain-free and mess-free.

Try it on Your Scalp

How many times have you experienced days when you’re running late and just don’t have the time to wash your hair? Too many, right? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Here’s a solution you can try. Roll on just a little deodorant on your scalp.

This will help you get rid of sticky and oily scalp. The trick might just save you from missing that important meeting with a client while looking great and refreshed, too.

Oh, the Humidity!

Some people are known to wake up in a puddle of sweat. Those hot summer nights can do that to you. This is where an antiperspirant deodorant can come to your rescue. Just apply some on your back and it will help a great deal.

This trick can also help you avoid sweat stains when you wear a pretty summer dress. However, if you sweat a lot and regularly then you should go see a doctor. There could be other causes for nocturnal sweating that you should consider with a professional.

Freshen Up Your Wardrobe

One of the places in your house that should really always smell great is probably your underwear drawer. Nobody wants to pick their undergarments for the day from a stinky drawer, right? The drawer where you keep your briefs and undergarments can also smell great with a little deodorant.

You don’t need any fancy perfumes to make your underwear drawer smell great. Simply store a stick deodorant in a mesh bag, open it, and place it in your drawer! We guarantee that’s one drawer you’re always going to enjoy opening thanks to that great scent.

(Spec)tacular Hack

Heat can bring about all sorts of issues, like causing sweat to roll down your body. And that sweat, running down your face, can cause your glasses to slip off your nose again and again!

Applying a small amount of deodorant to your most can help your sunglasses stick to your nose, so you can show off your summer look in style without having to look like a dork as you push your glasses up your nose the entire time.

Say Goodbye to Squeaky Hinges

Squeaky hinges giving you a headache and you don’t have the time or energy to rush to the hardware store? It seems you have a solution right at home!

Your aerosol deodorant spray can get those squeaky hinges to glide smoothly. So, no more irritating sounds while you open and close the door. You can also use it on window hinges and any other squeaky doors in the house.

Help With Skinny Fits

Wearing skinny jeans comes with its own set of problems. The first is wearing them! Pulling up a pair of skinny jeans can be a task unto itself. If you need some help getting them up your legs, we have a solution!

Just spray some deodorant on your legs beforehand and viola! Your pants will not only come up easily, but they’ll also stick to your body a little less when you bust those moves on the dance floor.

DIY Candle

This is another creative use for an empty deodorant container. It might not be the best candle that you’ve ever seen, but it’ll definitely get the job done in a pinch.

Remove the empty deodorant cartridge and fill the stick with a wax candle refill. It’ll create an aromatic, scented candle. Add a small cotton wick on the top and you’ve got yourself a homemade candle! This hack is sure to make you the DIY queen/king.

Get Rid of Foot Odor

Are you one of those people who simply detest stinky feet due to having them stuffed in shoes and socks all day? Worry not, your deodorant can rescue you.

Apply a little deodorant before heading to sleep every night on the soles of your feet. This will keep the smell away the next day. But, be careful not to do this in the morning as it will make you slip and slide right on the floor!

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