Beyonce’s Mom Tina Knowles Gets Emotional, Opens Up About Beyonce’s Shy Childhood

Beyonce's Mom Tina Knowles Gets Emotional- dailyjugarr

Beyonce’s mom Tina Knowles shared that Beyonce was shy and got bullied when she was young. But Tina felt proud when Beyonce stood up for others.

Tina shared these memories in interviews with Vogue and on Instagram. She also talked about her other daughters Solange and Kelly Rowland whom she sees as family too.

Despite facing challenges Beyonce’s mom admires how she stood up for others showing her bravery and kindness.

Tina also spoke about her younger daughter Solange noting that she has always been an activist. Additionally, she mentioned Kelly Rowland a member of Destiny’s Child, who lived with the Knowles family when she was 11 as one of her daughters too. She described Kelly as a peacemaker who protected everyone.

On Instagram, Tina emphasized that every child is unique and special. She advised parents to learn and respect their children’s personalities, always praising their positive traits to encourage good behavior.

In the interview, Tina remembered how Beyonce used to be shy but would stand up for others when they needed help. Solange even in fifth grade, showed her activist spirit by signing petitions.

Although Tina has two biological daughters, she sees Kelly as her own, remembering how Kelly always protected others.

In her caption, Tina emphasized that every child is special and unique, and parents should celebrate those differences. She also mentioned being a proud grandma to Blue Ivy and twins Rumi and Sir.

Tina is not afraid to defend her family, whether it is praising Blue Ivy’s performance or standing up to critics of Beyonce. Beyonce will always be her little girl who she will fiercely protect.

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