Woman Discovers A Motionless Pup Hopelessly Lying In A Canal And Ends Up Changing His Life

Woman Discovers A Motionless Pup Hopelessly Lying In A Canal And Ends Up Changing His Life

That was Maria Harrington’s dogs barking while they were out for a walk on the berm above a canal in California. The dogs were trying to let her know that someone was lying below.

Harrington looked down right away and was shocked to see a dog curled up in the canal, obviously alone and not moving.

He didn’t answer when the big-hearted woman called him, though.

The kind person wasn’t sure if the dog was still alive, so she threw a rock close to try to get his attention.

The dog raised his head and looked in Harrington’s direction, which made her feel better. He looked worn out and like he had given up on himself.

A Rescue Mission

pup lying in canal

The nice woman knew she had to help the dog.

After she got her puppies home, Harrington wrote on Facebook about the stray dog, whom she later named Fritz. She wished someone could help her save him.

motionless pup

When Harrington went back to the canal, she met a couple who loved dogs and came to help her save the dog.
The three people worked together to get the dog out of the river.

When the good people saw that Fritz had a collar pressed into his skin, they were sad.

Even though she already had four dogs, Harrington took Fritz home to take care of him. She comforted the scared dog and told him everything would be okay.
The good person bathed him and made him a nice bed. Fritz trusted his leader and felt safe.

pup sitting indoors

He was twelve years old and moved more slowly than the other dogs, but he still went for walks with Maria and the pack.

Fritz meant a lot to Harrington, but she knew she couldn’t give him what he really wanted: a forever home.

She called the San Francisco, California-based Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and asked them to help Fritz find a loving home.

Getting His Happy Ending

dog named fritz

The rescuing group took care of the dog.

People on staff felt bad that Fritz had been ignored, and they wanted to give him another chance to be happy.
People from Muttville Senior Dog Rescue told Newsweek that the dog’s rough elbows and slow movement showed that he had been kept on a hard surface before he was rescued.
The good people wanted to make Fritz’s life better.

fritz the dog in his new home

They took him to the vet, who did a full medical checkup on him. Fritz was told he had pain and a problem with his teeth.

The dog got teeth work done and was given medicine for his arthritis.

After hearing Fritz’s story, a wonderful woman called Kristin was so sad. She offered to take him in and help him get better.
Kristin was set on giving him new adventures and making him happy.

woman and a dog

She brought him home and showered him with love.

Fritz got along well with his foster mom right away and liked spending time with her. He felt very happy inside. The dog was grinning all the time.
The kind woman quickly fell in love with Fritz’s loving attitude and decided to adopt him.

The older dog loved his mom very much and was very thankful that she gave him a second chance.

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