Forget Boring Hair! Top Braid Hacks for This Year

Braids are back and bolder than ever in 2024! Get ready to rock protective styles that are both stunning and versatile.

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Are you ready to rock the latest hair trends? Look no further because we’ve got you covered with the top Astapushkina hair styles for 2023! Get ready to turn heads with these stunning looks that will make you feel like a true trendsetter. Whether you’re looking for a chic updo or a playful everyday style, Astapushkina has got something for everyone. Let’s dive in and discover the hottest hair trends of the year

Shishko Braids

Shishko braids: is love
Cost: 40$ including material
Weaving Time: 2 hours
Overnight Stay: 2 weeks

Braids in Loose Tail

Braids in Loose Tail
Cost 40$ including material
Weaving Time 2 hours
Wear Time 2-3 weeks

Braids with Gradual

Braids with gradual
Cost: 40$ addition of material
Weaving time 2-3 hours
Wear time approx 2 weeks

Afro Braids

Afro braids for a child
Cost: 90$ including material
Weaving time 4 hours in 4 hands
Wear time 1-2 months

Dreadlockry & De-braids

Dreadlockry and de braids
100$ including material
Working time 2 hours in 4 hands
Wear time 1-2 months
Re-weaving 50$

Braids in the Tail

Braids in the tail
45$ including material
Working time 2-3 hours
Wear time 3 weeks

Decos with a Free End

Decos with a free end
Cost 100$ including material
Weaving time 2 hours in 4 hands
Wear time 1-2 months
Re-weaving 45$

Loose end Dreadlocks

Loose end dreadlocks
100$ including material
Weaving time 2 hours in 4 hands
Wear time 1-2 months
Re-weaving 40$

Senegalese Braids Woven Dotted

Senegalese braids woven dotted
Cost 70$
Weaving time 3-4 hours
Wear time 1-2 months


Cost 10000 including material
Working time 2 hours in 4 hands
Wear time 1-2 months
Re-weaving 4500

Braids in Loose Tail

Braids in loose tail
40$ including material
Weaving time 2 hours
Wear time 2 weeks

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