How One Puppy’s Story Can Change Your Child’s Behavior

Used like a toy
dog in the box

Yesterday, something strange happened to me. I went for a walk in the park with my neighbor friends to enjoy the cool morning breeze. We walked around and enjoyed our morning. Suddenly, my sight fell on a box and I thought, Who would foolishly throw trash in the park where everyone comes for healthy air?

Source: youtube

Then, I went near what I saw in the box, a puppy who tried to get out but failed. The park guard came and told me about the whole situation that had happened to the dog. The situation was very critical and emotional. Apparently, some street children had played with the dog like a toy. When the dog was tired and injured, they put him in the box and ran away. The guard said he had stopped them many times but they couldn’t stop and even told that the dog belonged to them. I wonder how some parents teach their children to treat animals like this.

Now, the dog was in a very bad condition. His one eye was injured. After I heard all that, I felt extremely sad and at the same time, I had anger for those children who did this to the dog.

I took the dog out of the box and laid him on the grass, hoping he would feel a sense of freedom. But what I saw was heartbreaking, the dog couldn’t walk or stand properly on his legs, one of his eyes was extremely  injured, and he might have had impaired vision. He also had trouble holding his head steady, unable to keep it in one place.

Source: youtube

So, I decided to take the dog with me and have him properly checked. I also thought about finding those children and asking them why they did that to him and teaching them a lesson. I took the dog home but after reaching home, I realized he needed attention. I offered him food but he couldn’t lower his head properly due to his neck injury. So, I quickly decided to take him to the hospital.

The doctor thoroughly examined the dog and told me that his skull bone was fractured, which explained why he couldn’t stabilize his neck properly. Additionally, one of his eyes was severely injured, causing impaired vision. The doctor said that surgery on his eye might be possible, but neck surgery was highly risky, as it was a critical injury that could cause complications in future.

They admitted the dog to the hospital and provided him with proper care, gave proper medication at the proper times and tried to comfort him. The main aim was to stabilize his condition in the hospital, allowing him to spend time there without any further discomfort. I also spent a lot of time with him, ensuring he didn’t feel alone in the hospital and wanting him to know that someone was there for him who loved and cared for him.

Source: youtube

Firstly, the doctor spent two to three weeks stabilizing his health because when he arrived, he was too weak for surgery. After a week, the doctor decided to proceed with surgery to stabilize his neck. Additionally, the dog had impaired vision in one eye which was affecting the sight in his other eye. I requested the doctor to do everything possible to help him and I stayed with him throughout the process because I had grown to love him.

Source: youtube

The doctor understood my feelings and assured me that they had done their best to save the dog’s life. Now, it was time to teach the children about kindness towards animals. I went to the park daily and observed many children playing there. One day, I took the puppy with me to the park for some fresh air and called all the children over. I told them the story of what had happened to him and taught them how to treat animals with compassion and respect.

One to three children started crying and I wondered why they were upset. I asked them what was wrong and why they were crying. One of the children confessed that they had been involved in hurting the puppy and felt extremely ashamed. I realized that they were still young and didn’t fully understand the difference between right and wrong. I explained that we should treat animals with love and care, just as we would want others to treat us if we were in their place. The children understood the lesson and gently petted the puppy apologizing to him what they did with him.

Source: youtube

The next day was the day of the puppy’s neck surgery and I was worried about what would happen next, my heart in my hands wondering what would happen next  whether he would survive or not. These thoughts were running in  my mind because, over the past two to three weeks we had become deeply attached to him both physically and emotionally. Just then, an unknown girl approached me and said, ‘Everything will be alright.’ I wondered how she knew about the situation and the puppy’s condition.

The doctor emerged from the ICU, and our hearts were beating very fastly. The doctor then came with some news. ‘It’s a miracle that happened today.’ The surgery was a success.The dog looked refreshed and he was slowly regaining stability in his neck.

Source: youtube

Now it was time for the surgery on his eyes, so he could enjoy life with both eyes. The surgery was also a success. He went from a life of struggle. The girl I mentioned earlier came to me and asked if she could adopt the dog. I thought maybe she could provide an even better life for him than I could, so I decided to let her adopt him. I kept in touch with her through phone calls to check on his health, and she told me he was enjoying his new home, happy and enjoying life with his new family and friends.

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