40+ Terrifying Stories of Pets Who Turned on Their Owners

40+ Terrifying Stories of Pets Who Turned on Their Owners

Even with intensive training and domestication, pets remain wild animals, and in unpredictable situations, they may turn against their owners. While exotic animals are more likely to do this, it is not uncommon for domesticated animals such as cats or dogs to also turn on their owners. There are several frightening stories of pet attacks that illustrate this point.

Chimp Gone Wild

Many of us are accustomed to observing primates in confinement, especially in zoological parks, yet some individuals keep them as domestic companions. For example, there is Travis, a chimpanzee who was featured multiple times on TV alongside his proprietor.

Unfortunately, in 2009, a tragic event occurred which caused Travis to become aggressive and hostile. He not only attacked a friend of his owner but also caused damage to some police cars. This ultimately led to his demise by being shot and killed. The victim who was attacked had to undergo extensive reconstructive surgeries due to the severity of the injuries.

Not Wearing That

Many individuals worldwide enjoy dressing up their pets, which is commonly perceived as adorable. Nonetheless, although it can be charming if your four-legged companion appreciates such attire, a few pets do not appreciate this human tendency.

Regrettably, a woman in Florida experienced a tragic incident when her pitbull, who disliked being dressed up, attacked and killed her. When someone attempted to assist her, the dog also turned against them. Ultimately, the dog was euthanized as a result.

My Personal Space

If someone invites you to meet their pet, you would typically think of a cat, dog, or other small pet. It is unlikely that you would imagine a very large black bear waiting for you.

The Walz family had a black bear that they had nurtured from a young age, and sadly, the bear attacked its owner while she was tidying up its enclosure.

Hoarding Pets

While many individuals attempt to eliminate insects or snakes from their home if found, an individual residing in Germany chose to transform these creatures into his pets.

Regrettably, among those pets was a Black Widow. As anticipated, the spider bit its owner, who subsequently died. His body was discovered weeks later, surrounded by his assemblage of creatures.

Penned Up

Numerous states possess regulations prohibiting the possession of wildlife or unconventional animals as companions. Texas is among them and enforces a statute that forbids keeping red stag deer as pets.

Nonetheless, a man from Texas held a different opinion and as a result, he ultimately paid the price for his act of disobedience through his death. As a consequence of this event, wildlife officials eventually arrived and were required to euthanize the deer.


It’s fairly common for individuals to own snakes as pets, and the species of snake kept can vary widely. While some prefer smaller snakes, others may opt for larger varieties such as pythons. However, choosing a larger snake could potentially result in significant consequences.

A python was selected by a Florida-based young couple as their pet, but tragically, they lost their child’s life due to this decision. The snake was undernourished for a month and eventually escaped, seeking food.

Reaching Through

In the same way that certain states prohibit keeping exotic or wild animals as pets, others permit the ownership of some animals as long as they receive proper vaccinations and are kept in suitable habitats.

Despite living in Texas, this lady failed to comply with the stated guidelines. Unfortunately, as the young boy walked past the enclosed portion of the lawn, the mountain lion attacked him.


It might be assumed that a military individual with some level of training and expertise would comprehend that owning a hippopotamus as a domestic animal could be an unwise decision. Nevertheless, a major in the South African army empathized with the animal’s plight and decided to become its caregiver when it was still very young, following a catastrophic flood that the hippopotamus managed to survive.

In due time, Humphrey, the hippopotamus owned by someone, would not only cause harm to lifeless things but would also attack and wound the mayor.

Getting Frisky

As you age, it can be challenging for others to decide on a suitable birthday present for you. Consequently, you may start receiving exclusive and unusual gifts like a camel, just as Australian citizen Pam Weaver did for her 60th birthday.

Without a doubt, the camel remained an untamed creature and due to being solitary among the animals on the premises, he started considering other creatures as possible partners. Later on, this even encompassed his owner, whom he suffocated until death.

Circle of Life

Many people enjoy the chance to observe exotic creatures directly, which is why there are numerous zoos around the world. Some are privately owned, such as the one owned by this man in Illinois. Among his collection was a lion which was named Simba.

Operating a place like this requires adherence to many regulations, including the critical protocol of securely locking the enclosure of an exotic animal. Al carelessly neglected this practice and met his tragic demise as a result of being attacked by the creature.

Quick Bite

Being an enthusiastic follower of reptiles can lead to a desire to possess benign snakes. However, the situation changes entirely when one decides to keep poisonous snakes that may inflict harm on people. Despite that, a woman in Cincinnati with a passion for reptiles did not let this deter her.

She owned a urutu pit viper, one of the reptiles she kept, which later bit her with its venom. Despite reaching the hospital, she could not survive and passed away approximately seven days later.

Hybrid Love

A lot of people love dogs. Because of this, there’s a wide range of purebreds and mixed breeds that have become very popular. One of the mixed breeds that you may come across is that of a wolf and a common domesticated dog.

A Pennsylvania woman owned several of these mixed breed pups — that is, until they attacked her. Her body was found in the dogs’ enclosure, and because of this, they were put down.


When people raise cattle, it’s usually with the goal of using the animals for meat or selling them. Very few cattle farmers consider their bulls to be pets, except for this Pennsylvania man who ended up on the wrong side of his pet bull.

With a history of injuring his owner, this bull eventually crossed the line and trampled his owner to death — a day before his 53rd birthday nonetheless. Sadly, it took a little bit of time for people to find this poor man’s body.

More Than a Pack

Some people love animals so much that it almost becomes an obsession. These people often wind up collecting more animals than they can possibly handle. For instance, this woman had 50 dogs, and she just couldn’t take care of them properly.

Because of this, when she passed away unexpectedly, the dogs did what they had to in order to survive. Unfortunately, these survival instincts ended up costing them their lives.

Missing Person

You may not know this, but pigs will eat almost anything, so keeping them as pets will mean you have to be careful. Unfortunately for this Oregon farmer, he wasn’t very cautious, and that ended up leading to a very disturbing story.

Not sure of where he was, members of the farmer’s family began looking for him and eventually found his dentures and pieces of him in the pigsty. No one is sure if he passed away or if the pigs actually killed him.

Apartment Pet Guidelines

Most apartment complexes have rules when it comes to the pets tenants can have — if they can have any at all. Oftentimes, even when they do allow certain pets, there are weight limits that are imposed due to the size of the building.

Clearly, Antoine, who had a full-grown tiger and alligator as pets, didn’t have that problem. The tiger must have been agitated to the point that he bit his owner, but when he went to the hospital to treat the injury, he just claimed it was his pitbull. This just didn’t sit well with the staff, though. Eventually, authorities were called in, and both animals were taken away.

No Monitor

Exotic animals can be very beautiful, and that’s why many people love having them as pets. This even goes for exotic lizards, but when you have these types of pets, you have to understand that they are wild animals no matter how much you love them.

That means if you happen to pass away, their instincts will kick in, and they will do what they have to do to survive. Unfortunately, that’s what happened to this gentleman, and when he was finally found, many reptiles had taken a bite out of him.

Tripped Up

When you’re looking to have an exotic animal as a pet, you should probably stay away from ones that have monikers like “world’s most dangerous bird.” However, this person was brave enough to invest in a cassowary as a pet.

This would turn fatal one day when the old man tripped and fell to the ground. The bird then leaped and began attacking, and the man was unable to protect himself.

Merry the Crocodile

Crocodiles seem like something that you would try to stay as far away from as possible, but some people don’t see it this way. Instead, they opt to keep them as pets.

An Indonesian woman, Deasy Tuwo, was head of the laboratory at the pearl farm and was feeding Merry when she was killed. Acting on its instincts, the crocodile lunged at her and attacked.

Danger Signs

There’s no denying that elephants are one of the cutest creatures on the planet and so, it may be very tempting to bring one home. This could be even truer for someone that views this animal as a symbol of something that they hold dear.

In the end, though, these animals grow up to be rather large and can easily turn on their owners. Take, for instance, Former Uttar Pradesh minister Ram Lakhan Verma — a senior leader of the Samajwadi Party who was trampled to death by his pet elephant Lal Bahadur.

Wild Beast

Unless you live somewhere in which a wildebeest is a common animal, you might not consider ever having this type of pet. If you do have them roaming around, though, domesticating one might cross your mind.

This gentleman chose to have a wildebeest as a pet and thought that sawing its horns down would help make it less dangerous. In the end, though, that safety procedure didn’t help him much — as the wildebeest turned on him, causing severe damage to his head and chest.


It might be cool to have exotic pets, but you should probably pay attention to whether or not they’re deadly. For instance, owning a snake sounds fun, but choosing to have one of the deadliest snakes in the world might be a mistake.

This couple invested in a black mamba that they would keep in a glass aquarium along with their 74 other snakes. It’s no wonder that this venomous snake eventually wound up biting its owner. She passed quickly without even a call for help.

Going for a Walk

Domestication has made kanines one of the most common pets in the world. When you choose your pup, you would never consider the fact that they might turn on you at some point.

We’re sure that this young lady never expected it when she took her two pitbulls for a walk one day. Unfortunately, she never returned and was found dead after having been attacked by her dogs.

You Shouldn’t Come Over

There’s a reason that dogs are called a man’s best friend. That’s because they are often loyal and protective. They would never think of injuring you because you are their human and they love you.

However, not all dogs are like that, and sometimes, there can be things that cause them to snap. Australia native Tania Klemke had a fatal encounter with her dog one fateful day in 2017 — all because she refused to let go of him since he had saved her life during a robbery.

Act of Kindness

Most of us have walked down the street only to spot a stray dog or animal that we just wanted to help. That’s exactly what happened to 63-year-old Linda Oliver and her husband when they saw a pup roaming the streets.

Only wanting to help, the couple took the dog in. Little did they know that this would be a huge mistake. The older woman would later find the dog attacking their smaller dog, and when she tried to separate them, the rottweiler turned on her.

Altered State

Just like with human beings, when animals are exposed to mind-altering substances, it will alter their personalities. When dealing with animals, this could mean that they become more aggressive.

That’s what happened to this gentleman when he was dealing with his Staffordshire bull terrier. Affected by the illegal substances that he had gotten a hold of, the dog turned on his owner and attacked viciously. The attack was broken up when the police entered the apartment.

No Entry

When there’s an emergency in the house, the pressure of the situation could cause some stress to the pet. However, that stress should not result in the dog attacking its owner.

The fact that these first responders couldn’t get to Della Riley because her dog was attacking her makes this situation even worse. Eventually, the officers had to take extreme measures.

Too Aggressive

Sometimes, as you age, investing in a pet can not only save you from being lonely but also give you a sense of security, especially when that pet is a dog. We’re sure that’s what this elderly lady thought when she chose her pups.

Unfortunately, that may have been a big mistake because, at some point, one of the dogs turned on her to the point that it killed her. Because the authorities were unsure of which one did it, both dogs were euthanized.

Woke Up

Coming home to find that your spouse has been killed is shocking in and of itself, but when you realize that it was your loving pets that had done the horrible deed, that horror completely intensifies.

That’s what happened to this young man, Jason, who came home to find that his wife had been mauled to death by their two pitbulls. Because no one was home, there was no account of what actually happened, but it looked like the young woman had tried to fight them off.

Break it Up

Sometimes, we forget that domesticated dogs still have a bit of a wild streak. This may mean that they often fight with other household pets. When this fighting gets too aggressive, the owners often try to step in.

That’s what this elderly woman did in Florida, which ended with her getting bitten to death in her own home. This is why people shouldn’t attempt to break up dog fights by themselves.

None of That

It must have been terrifying for this man’s neighbors to come across him bleeding in his own backyard. We’re sure that they had no idea what was going on or who the culprit of the attack was.

It was eventually figured out that the two mastiffs the gentleman owned were the culprits. It seems that he may have interrupted them and they didn’t like that, so they turned on him.

Stopping By

It’s horrible to be killed by a pet that you love and trust, but being killed by them and not having that incident known makes the situation worse. That’s what happened in this particular situation. One random day, a woman went over to her neighbor’s house to say a quick hello but upon arriving, she noticed two bodies lying inside the house.

After the emergency services arrived, it was discovered that both the mother and son were killed by their own Staffordshire terrier.

Who Done It?

It would be tragic for a mother to walk in and find that her son had passed away. This mother probably wanted to have some sort of immediate explanation of why her young son lay dead in front of her, but the answer would be hard to find.

Walking in to find her son’s room filled with tarantulas and snakes had to have been unnerving. Eventually, she figured out that the young man had been turned on by his pet python.

No Petting

Sometimes, when you’re playing with your pet, they’ll become a tad aggressive and bite you. They may also be trying to tell you that they don’t want to be touched at that particular moment.

Something like this would rarely end in the death of a pet owner, but it can happen. Take this guy, for instance, who ended up with a bacterial infection from his loving kitty. We’re sure this cat was very sad when its owner didn’t return from the hospital.

Butt Out

Sometimes, when people choose to have wild animals as pets, they think that the only way to train them properly is to beat the animal into submission. However, this abuse can leave some big scars.

That’s probably what caused the aggression in this goat, which eventually ended with him headbutting his elderly owner to death. This is just sad on both accounts!


A lot of young kids want to have pets so that they can show their parents they are responsible. Plus, they may just also want a new friend. The type of pet this young man wanted was a rat.

Unfortunately, that rat came with a bit of an infection, and once the rat had bitten him, the infection was passed on to the young boy. Tragically, he passed away from this infection.

A Parent’s Worst Nightmare

Many people love ferrets. They are cute and have big personalities, but like all other exotic pets, they are innately wild. One of the biggest things people don’t seem to realize is that these cute, little, furry beasts have extremely sharp teeth.

One of a parent’s worst nightmares is that someone will get in and hurt their child, but this family never thought that that culprit would be their ferret. When they walked in on this scene from a horror film, we’re sure they were terrified.

Push It

Dealing with pets and babies at the same time can be a very stressful situation. As parents, most people are never sure of how the animal is going to react to the new baby. Some take to it really well, but others might get a little more aggressive.

We’re sure that’s what this woman thought when the dog charged towards the baby and the pacifier. By sticking her foot out, which is what she should have done, the OP angered her dog and so, he turned on her.

Turning on the Man

Like humans, pets sometimes get into arguments. The only difference is that when dogs get into arguments, it tends to turn into an aggressive fight, which could then lead to injuries. That’s why this gentleman stepped in.

Just like most of us, this gentleman tried to break up a fight and eventually wound up being attacked by the dog. This act sent him to the ER and emotionally scarred him for the rest of his life.

What Is That?

Animals still have some of their wild instincts, so sometimes, when they’re unsure of what something is, they turn to fight or flight mode. This cat decided to react in fight mode.

It doesn’t seem that this cat meant to hurt its owner, but because it was spooked, it reacted and turned on the OP pretty quickly. This had to be a terrifying situation for that cat owner.


Cats have a mind of their own and a distinct personality. They are often portrayed as being loners and only wanting affection when they choose it, and some can even be quite aggressive.

This pet owner had to fend off their cat on more than one occasion because they were very aggressive and would begin biting them for no reason. We’re surprised that they put up with this for so long!

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