Nicki Minaj Glamorous Arrival at the ‘Barbie’ Premiere in Los Angeles!”


Nicki Minaj showcased her A-game at the world premiere of “Barbie” in Los Angeles on July 9, leaving a lasting impression. With her fierce and fabulous style, she effortlessly dominated the red carpet. Renowned for her daring fashion statements, Nicki once again delivered an unforgettable look, surpassing all expectations at this event.

Minaj made a stunning appearance on the pink carpet, where she graciously posed with Robbie in anticipation of the film screening. As the esteemed leader of the Barbz fandom. She now reveals her initial reaction to the Greta Gerwig-directed masterpiece and showers praise upon the talented cast.

In a tweet, Nicki Minaj expressed her admiration for the entire cast of the film, applauding their exceptional performances. She praised the visual appeal of the movie and commended the actors’ genuine acting skills and spot-on comedic timing. Impressed by their talent, she declared her intention to watch the film again . She promised to share her final analysis around the 21st. She also gave a special shout-out to Will Ferrell, expressing her love for him.

Minaj is adding her vibrant touch to the Barbie movie’s soundtrack with her song “Barbie World,” featuring Ice Spice. The track cleverly samples Aqua’s popular 1997 hit, “Barbie Girl.” Showing her appreciation, the rapper gave a shoutout to the talented artists. And producers involved in creating the captivating BarbieMovie soundtrack.

While walking the red carpet, Minaj joyfully expressed that being part of Barbie is “a dream come true” and described it as a “full circle moment . Clearly, she feels a deep sense of fulfillment and excitement for this incredible opportunity.

In an interview with Access Hollywood, Minaj revealed that as a child, she couldn’t afford many Barbies and only had one. She reflected on her journey and enthusiastically expressed her involvement in a complete Barbie movie. She regarded it as a remarkable milestone that will permanently engrave in history.

Minaj described the experience as “dope,” emphasizing her gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of something so significant.

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