How to Leverage Kingsley Ben-Adir Net Worth


Kingsley Ben-Adir, the British actor, has about $3 million in cash and stuff. He was born in Gospel Oak, London, and got famous in showbiz ’cause he’s awesome at acting and puts in the effort. You might have seen him in movies like King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), Trespass Against Us (2016), and World War Z (2013). Kingsley Ben-Adir is killing it in showbiz with his awesome acting and killer performances. He’s built a successful career by being dedicated and working his butt off. His bank account is getting bigger thanks to his growing popularity and all the praise he’s getting for his roles.

What is Kingsley Ben-Adir’s net worth in 2023?: $3 million (estimate)

In 2023, Kingsley Ben-Adir has around $3 million in his pocket, according to reliable sources like CA Knowledge. He was born on November 20, 1986, in Barnet, Herts, England. Started off at Rhyl Street Primary School and later went to William Ellis School. After finishing high school, he trained at the Guidall School of Music and Drama, and he wrapped up his studies in 2011.

Kingsley Ben-Adir in Barbie

Kingsley Ben-Adir was in the movie Barbie, playing one of the Kens. This movie made a whopping $1.4 billion, making it his most successful one. In Barbie, he acted with big Hollywood names like Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie, John Cena, Will Ferrell, and Simu Liu. Funny thing, though – Ben-Adir playfully complained about the outfits the Ken dolls had in the movie.

How much is Kingsley Ben-Adir’s Net Worth? 

Curious about Kingsley Ben-Adir’s cash stash? Our investigation says it’s about $1 million. He raked in that dough by being a successful British actor.

NameKingsley Ben-Adir
Net Worth( 2023)USD $1 Million Dollars
ProfessionBritish Actor
Date of Birth28 February 1986
Age37 years old
Height180 cm (5 Feet 11 Inches)
Weight(128 lbs) 58 kg

4 Unknown Facts That You Shouldn’t Know Regarding Kingsley Ben-Adir

1.Kingsley was Dr. Marcus Summer in the British show Vera for a bunch of seasons. He was in 16 out of 40 episodes over four years. The show is a hit on ITV and more people are tuning in.

2.Ben-Adir, the actor from England with Moroccan roots, really digs his Moroccan background. He makes regular trips to visit his family who are still living it up in Morocco.

3.Kingsley is going to act as Barack Obama in a show called A Higher Loyalty. Even though he’s younger than Obama, he focused on getting the former president’s voice spot on. He’s super excited about playing him again, but this time in his late forties.

4.Ben-Adir started off in the theater world and hit it big early on with a role that got great reviews and sold-out shows. This win gave him the freedom to pick and choose his next acting gigs.


if you want to make the most of Kingsley Ben-Adir’s success, it’s not just about the money. Take a cue from his journey – work hard, follow your passion, and keep improving yourself. Connect with people in the industry, team up on projects, and use his success as inspiration for your own path. Remember, it’s not just about the cash; it’s about making a mark and having an impact in whatever you love doing.

FAQs About Kingsley Ben-Adir Net Worth

1. Are there opportunities for collaboration with Kingsley Ben-Adir in the industry?

If you want to break into the entertainment scene, try making connections in the industry. Going to events and working on projects can help you team up with someone like Kingsley Ben-Adir and boost your career.

2.How can fans leverage Kingsley Ben-Adir’s net worth for inspiration?

Kingsley Ben-Adir worked super hard and really cared about his job. It can inspire you to go for your dreams too! If you’re aiming for something, use his story to stay determined and committed to your goals.

3. What are Kingsley Ben-Adir’s notable works that contributed to his net worth?

Kingsley Ben-Adir got famous for acting in cool stuff like “One Night in Miami,” where he played Malcolm X. His awesome acting in movies and TV shows helped him make a lot of money.

4. What does Kingsley Ben-Adir’s net worth reflect beyond monetary value?

More than just money, Kingsley Ben-Adir’s net worth shows how much he’s rocked the entertainment world. Fans and folks trying to make it can see the overall impact he’s had. It’s a reminder that making a positive mark in your chosen field is super important.

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