Is Banksy Paint a New Tree Mural on a London Street?


Found the Is Green Tree Appeared on the Wall, Painted by the Artist Banksy.

A cool new tree mural showed up on a building in Finsbury Park this weekend! It’s painted green and looks super real, like someone gave a bare tree a fresh coat of leaves. Some people think it might be by the famous street artist Banksy, because of the style.

Who is Banksy? Is Mystery Solved.

There’s a picture of a girl with a power washer next to the tree, which might mean something about taking care of nature. The only catch? Banksy hasn’t said if it’s theirs yet, which is how they usually do things.

Banksy Green Tree Girl

So, is it a real Banksy or just someone who paints really well? Nobody knows for sure yet, but that’s part of the fun! The mural is already getting a lot of buzz online, and everyone’s waiting to see what happens next.

Even art experts are unsure! A famous Banksy expert named James Peak raced to see the mural after someone told him about it. He thinks it’s definitely a Banksy, but says with Banksy you can never be 100% sure until they claim it themselves online.

The mystery surrounding the Finsbury Park tree mural deepens. While the artwork’s style has many convinced it’s a Banksy, the elusive artist hasn’t yet confirmed it on their website or social media, their usual way of claiming ownership. However, Banksy expert Mr. Peak believes it has all the hallmarks of a genuine Banksy piece. He even suggests the mural might be a message about the importance of helping nature flourish. With Banksy keeping quiet, the excitement and speculation continue. Will they claim it? Is it a clever imposter? Only time will tell!

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